

Although I should be relieved to hear something for the first time something other than my own voice since coming to this place, I couldn't help but shiver for some reason, as I watched in slow motion as the boy turned his gaze towards me.


The moment I saw his face, disbelief and a primordial fear flooded my mind, to such an extent that my body trembled heavily and I was forced to take a few steps back.

Even though the person in front of me is a child and has different hair, without a doubt that child...

It is me.

There is no doubt in my mind!

Crimson hair, crimson eyebrows, crimson eyelashes and piercing blue eyes that seemed to freeze me to the bone.

No doubt his features are very different from mine, but at the same time, his face is mine.

I can't understand my fear, much less comprehend what is happening right now, but for some reason, seeing myself this way, fills me with an incredibly overwhelming fear, feeling as if not only my life is being threatened by this child, but my entire existence.

Something I didn't experience even in hell.

"What do we have here~"

To the disgrace of my mental health, the boy grinned mischievously and spoke in a voice full of amusement, then suddenly floated into the air and gently stood up.

"W-who are you?" stuttering unintentionally, I tried to cautiously back away, but to my surprise, my body stopped responding, standing firmly frozen as I watched the boy approach me with a big smile.

"Who am I?" Suddenly arriving in front of me, the boy looked up at me and continued, "Isn't it obvious? I am you~"

'What am I doing here-?' Opening my eyes a little wider, my mind instantly despaired as I noticed that I couldn't speak either, while the boy smiled mischievously as if noticing my current state.

Bringing his hands behind his back, the boy calmly walked around me as he seemed to study me carefully, only to stand in front of me again and comment.

"I guess my time has come~" Smiling brightly, the boy suddenly reached out his hand and touched my chest, causing a terrible pain to envelop my body, while an even worse fear began to numb my mind.

I want to scream and writhe on the floor just hoping that this pain would be relieved even a little, a pain I never experienced and hope never to experience again, but unfortunately I didn't even have the option to scream and could only endure bitterly.

Slowly and slowly passing the worst situation of my life, I watched as the boy's hand embedded itself in my body, while an agonizing pain that far surpasses that of being wounded by bullets or knives, assaulted my body.



But when all seemed lost, a loud voice shook all the darkness, causing the boy in front of me to frown and look up.

"You know your time is up, you're no good for what's coming, he needs me" With an incredible coldness, the boy looked apathetically skyward and spoke.

"You are not what he wants!"

"But I am what he needs, your hypocrisy will end up killing him."

"That's not for you to decide!"

With another loud scream, a large crack appeared above me, while a bright white light began to consume all the darkness around me, causing relief and a strange sense of peace to flood my body.

"Don't overstep your boundaries!" Instantly the boy's eyes glowed brightly, as somehow the darkness began to swallow the light and consume it with ease, causing the crack to close quickly.

"He decides..."

But just as it seemed that the darkness was about to banish the light, a third voice entered the scene, causing the boy to turn his gaze to the ground with anger on his face.

"You'll meddle too!?"

"Don't overstep your boundaries"

As if his voice was an irrefutable command, the crack expanded all at once and light consumed the darkness, causing the boy to look up and click his tongue.

"His thinking has long since changed and aligned with mine, you're only locking him up and choking him, he will suffer for your stubbornness" Shaking his head, the boy gave me one last look and turned to the rest of the darkness, then walked into the distance and disappeared from my sight.

"""Now sleep"""

With the disappearance of the child, I heard the 3 voices sound at the same time, causing my consciousness to be dragged away and wake up in a curious place.

"It continues to hurt me every day...many times I feel overwhelmed and it really weighs me down..." Turning my gaze to my surroundings as I speak unconsciously, I notice with surprise the new place where I woke up.

Although where I woke up is an unfamiliar place, it is undoubtedly much more comforting than the previous place.

Furniture and books everywhere, a window in the distance that is just bright enough for the light to bathe me with its warmth, while on my back I feel the comfortable couch I'm currently sitting on.

"It weighs on me so much that I killed them... I really didn't mean to... we're not enemies, I didn't even know them... that family in the picture... they looked happy... every day it weighs on me more and more" Speaking as I adjust to the new place, I turn my gaze to my side and watch the old man writing silently.

Wearing a white coat and white pants while long hair similar to mine covers his face, the old man was patiently writing in his small notebook with his aged hands.

But most curious of all, my mouth moves without my consent and my true feelings and my great regrets never fail to come out.

"She was just a child...I killed her...I'm a fucking monster."


Startled by the sudden shout, I stop talking and look at the old man doubtfully.

"Stop whining over there for nothing, you have a mission down there and it's not completed!"

And with that shout, his hair fluttered and if only for a moment, I managed to see his face, noticing that although already old, it is my own face.

"You must remember in its entirety what I will tell you for I will not repeat the consequent. It is the secret of life and whenever you are born again, you will live under the following" Leaving his notebook aside, the old man focused his gaze on me and continued.

"You must sing as if no one is listening and you must dance as if no one is watching."

"You must love without fear of being betrayed, though without giving priority to the one who has not given you priority."

"You must laugh if something happens that embarrasses you, just as sooner or later everyone will forget the bad experience."

"You must close your eyes to a good smell and slowly enjoy every good taste"

"Happiness is not having everything, but no longer desiring anything."

"It is not worth taking revenge for something that is not worth it. Life is short and sorrow is long, when it comes."

"Look for solutions and not problems. Propose things to do, not everything is to criticize the failures of the system."

"Don't forget your neighbor if your bread is multiplied."

"Laugh in sadness, cry for joy, and do not forget that every day that passes your life is shortened."

"He cannot be happy who does not know what he wants".

"Start being yourself and stop being who you are not, imitations abound, originals are scarce and opportunities are like the tides, they come and go"

"Dare to love and stop crying for what you don't have."

"You should never let a comment complicate you, because even improving the world someone will criticize you".

"Helping others is helping yourself. By making others smile, you smile".

"Only the one who knows how to be small is great in life."

"Lust indulged becomes a habit, and the habit not resisted becomes necessity. Necessity makes you a slave"

"No matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop, you will reach your goal."

Sentence by sentence, the old man spoke again and again without stopping, but even though his words sounded appropriate and could certainly solve a lot of my current complications. The lack of reasoning behind everything he said and the fact that he just spoke sentences as if they were the damned heavenly commandments, for some reason infuriated me.

"Stop!" Sitting down quickly on the couch, I look at the old man with a frown and exclaim "I'm sick of this shit, please let me go back!"

"..." Instantly the old man fell silent, and although I couldn't see his face, I could feel his gaze on me easily.


"*Sigh*" Nodding silently, the old man snapped his fingers as he sighed, causing his hair to rise again and I managed to see a look that caused confusion in me.


No doubt the old man looked at me with pity.

Feeling my brain overloaded by all the strange experiences and feeling strangely complicated by that look, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, being on the verge of a mental breakdown because of so many surreal situations that happened to me in such a short time.

Opening my eyes again, I look around and frown again.

"Where the fuck am I?"

This time I did not wake up in the dark or in a quiet room, but I was surrounded by hundreds of people dressed in black. The sadness and tears were on each person's face, while the silence in the place felt unnatural considering that I could see them talking in front of me.

Walking without being able to understand anything, I approached the place where more people were gathered and made my way to the center, managing to see a beautiful white coffin with several people crying around it, something that caused my heart to stop for a moment.

My mother, my family, my friends, my acquaintances.

Everyone dear to me was surrounding the coffin with sadness on their faces, staring into the opening of the coffin.

Feeling a ringing in my ear, I clutch my head in a strange pain and walk unconsciously towards the coffin, then approach the opening and see the deceased.

"W-what!?" Opening my eyes wide, I take a few steps back and exclaim in disbelief, unable to believe my eyes.

Inside the coffin was me.

"H-how?" Staring at my smiling corpse, I stammered in confusion, as, for the third time, my mind collapsed at the inexplicable.

"Wake up" But as panic hit me, suddenly my corpse opened his eyes and spoke with a soft smile, causing me to startle and pull away abruptly.


Opening my eyes and feeling all wet all over my back, I quickly sit up and turn my gaze all around, turning to find myself back in my bed again.

"W-what the fuck...?" Bringing my hands to my face, I wipe the sweat from my forehead and take a shaky breath, while I could still feel the fear hovering in my mind.

"Honey, are you okay!?" hugging me suddenly, Elisa looked at me with concern and anxiety "You started shaking out of nowhere and you seemed to be in pain, I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't listen to me!"

"..." Breathing shakily, I turn my gaze to my surroundings and notice that Sarah was behind Elisa with the same worried look on her, then swallowing saliva and closing my eyes, trying to regain my calmness "I'm fine honey... it was just a nightmare."


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown

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