intro to guild work pt 2

Amira was given a bunch of odd looking papers and something to write with, I guess any world you go to there's no escaping paperwork, damn.

she started filling it out while I flicked my tentacles boredly back and forth, swishing them in dance like movements until finally doing a mini puppet show for myself and using voices in my head, not my proudest moment but we had been there for so long that I felt like I was losing it.

of course people had started to notice, eventually leaving a coin after I finished an event I was doing, I stopped only using the voices in my thoughts and just full on no shame outloud did weird ass voices for random strangers using my own appendages as puppets to cure my own boredom, just what the hell is going on here?

I swear at one point I killed off a character and people legit started crying, was I a good actor or were these people entertainment starved?

over an hour! had gone by of me doing this and the pile of gold coins that had oiled up was impressive, I'm pretty sure a few more additions would topple the barely stable pile, and of course Amira had blocked out everyone a while ago, she's still writing away like nothings happening and I just didn't make us a bunch of money.

the puppet shows had ended abruptly after I got the idea to play dragon, using all of my limbs to maneuver the gold pile under the table and placing myself defensively on top spewing a tiny barely auditable practice roar, I sounded more like a wounded cat, this was getting sad and fast.

"finally!"(Amira) shouted full volume while springing upward.

"hey! you almost knocked me off my hoard."(fog)

"what are you?...."(Amira) started to ask while bending lower to look under the table at me.

"how'd you get all this coin?!"(Amira)

"I earned it."(fog) I told her proudly.


I moves my eye away and tried to neutral my expression, I couldn't tell her.


"just trust that I didn't steal it and let's not talk about it."(fog)

"somethins up here."(Amira)

"so whatd you finish?"(fog) I asked, desperately trying to divert her attention from what was honestly really weird, like yes person I met not too long ago I put on puppet shows without the puppets while only using slime covered appendages and people liked it, no sane person would ever belive that story, at least I hoped no sane person would belive that story.

"alright keep your secrets. I was working on some paperwork that registered us for quests if you so badly want to know."(Amira)

"let's pick one right now."(fog)

"but we..!!.....!.."(Amira)

I never gave her a chance, hopping from under the table off my hoard of gold and past her crouched body, using two of my tentacles to latch onto and drag her after me as I beelined for a massive wall with papers tacked onto it.

the longer we stayed the more chances she had of finding out I'm a massive loser, for someone I just met thats something I really wanted to avoid.

"aren't you forgetting your money?"(Amira)

"who cares well make double in no time."(fog)

it seems she didn't belive me on that one which would make sense because I didn't know how money worked here, I turned and watched Amira shamelessly scoop the gold into her bag before sealing it and coming back over to me.

"you seem to be more enthusiastic for this than I am."(Amira)

"yeah sure."(fog)

"weird little creature you are."(Amira)

"alright alright, just pick a job."(fog)

"don't get your tentacles in a twist."(Amira)


I rolled my one large eye obviously and shifted side to side a bit before looking back and seeing Amira still lost in the massive sea of tacked up papers.

I didn't look long before the doors swung open violently and a heavily armored man accompanied by a large and odd ass looking tiger came through the door, arrogance almost visibly radiated off the dude and the poor tiger thingy looked so defeated.

"who the fuck is that?"(fog)

"keep your voice down!"(Amira) spoke in a forced hushed voice.

"so that air of arrogance is something you notice as well?"(fog)

"are you trying to get me killed?!"(Amira) asked in another forced whisper.

I didn't really have an answer, leaving her behind I deftly maneuvered myself and all my tentacles to where the dude had sat, before she had a chance to stop me, weaving through foot traffic and floor debris.

once I made it to him I just straight up asked the dude," why do you look so arrogant and entitled?"(fog)

"excuse me?!"(arrogant shit)

I swear I heard Amira face palm.

the dude jumped to his feet faster than I'd ever see anybody jump to their feet I'd be impressed if I wasn't as anxious as I was about this situation, man I'm an idiot.

"so sorry about him! he mimics I swear!"(Amira)

"he mimics I swear!"(fog) I immediately followed with, not a bad idea.

the veins were still visible on the dudes forehead but he seemed to collect himself a small bit.

"don't let it happen again!"(arrogant shit) grunted out.

"happen again."(fog)

"cmon fog let's go."(Amira)

"let's go."(fog)

as soon as we had made it far enough away the hushed voices came out of both of us.

"the hell were you thinking?!"(Amira)

"don't remind me!"(fog)

"that was the dumbest thing anyone had ever done!"(Amira)


"he's connected to the crown prince!"(Amira)

"the whoda wada now?"(fog)


apparently I won that argument? was it an argument? what just happened?