new quest

"dude you pass out or are unreachable more out of everyone I know here!"(cellmate)

groaning as I sat up from the cells floor, still covered in my own blood I just gave a slow nod to the girl before I sat on my bed and heaved out a weighted sigh.

"look if it makes you feel better I was trying to help."(fog)


"you, something was starting that wouldn't end well."(fog)

"well aren't we mister tall dark and cryptic today."(cellmate)

"I'm pretty sure you saw."(fog)

"you mean you losing it after being in a trance?"(cellmate)

"yeah that's it."(fog)

"dude you're so getting 100 more years to your already loooong sentence."(cellmate)

"how long is it?"(fog) I asked her as I sat up higher on my right elbow that was on the bed, as I was half laying on it.

"last time I heard it's 1,000 years, you'll be dead before then."(cellmate)

"then again, I did watch you tesr out guards throats and bathe in their blood so I'm guessing maybe not."(cellmate)

"that's uhhhh...."(fog)

"figured a wacko would come through once or twice."(cellmate)


"no prob bob."(cellmate)

"that's not my name."(fog)

"what is your name then?"(cellmate)

"let's just stick with Bob for now."(fog) I nervously told her.

"cool, you've got visitors."(cellmate) told me as she pointed to the bars.

"I see you tried to escape."(Amira)

"not escape, control."(fog)

"doesn't matter to the yard."(Amira)

my shirt was yanked as I got to my feet, making me lose balance for the sole purpose of them dragging me as they hummed merrily, the rough cobble floor sucked but I've been through worse.

how messed up is it to remember past torturing as fond memories?

I got to a highly, almost castle like, walled in area that had many people enclosed inside.

it felt as if I was screaming the words fresh meat to a group of sharks nearby with how everyone looked at me, women, men, a kid?

a thought of beat up the biggest one in the yard came to mind briefly before I decided against it, I wouldn't be anyone's bitch but I wouldn't give anyone an active reason to hate me, to them I should be a hero I killed some guards what's with this feeling I'm getting from everyone?


the newbie walked into the yard all calm, I didn't like that.

I pushed past the weaklings lined in front of me as I moved towards him, I ran the women's gang and who knows, maybe for once I can metaphorically shove my foot up the ass of the men here by beating this little fucker.

they all think a woman couldn't defeat a man, I'd like to show them one day before I rip their dicks off!

as I approached he looked at me with warning, as if saying loudly, 'don't fuck with me it won't end how you think it will'.

but I ignored that look and kept going, getting out my shiv and picking up my pace.

it didn't take me long to reach him, he didn't even stop, just twisted out of my way and kept going.

that motherfucker!

annoyed with this tool I ran up behind him and brought my shiv down on his back, it broke into pieces the second it hit skin.

what the?!

he spun around to face me quicker than I'd ever see anybody move, his look was one of pure annoyance and his expression lacked any hesitation, he grabbed my neck with one swift move of one hand and lifted me into the air, off my feet.

"look, I'm gonna say this once and once only, don' got it?"(newbie)

I desperately nodded as the lack of air was starting to burn my lungs and tear up my eyes.

he dropped me into a gasping heap on the floor before walking away calmly, a newfound rage burning inside me to get back at him.

"its not gonna happen."(newbies cellmate)

"whaddya mean?!" I snapped back.

"he's gone on a literal rampage and gained the attention of the arena sponsor, right now until he accepts his offer he's untouchable."(newbies cellmate)

"bullshit!" I spat at her.

she wiped herself dry with her hands and just gave me a look of 'you're pathetic' which only pissed me off further.

I was gonna end this dude and I knew when I could do it.


with my back leaning against the far wall of the yard I finally let myself drift into my thoughts and feelings, something I found helped me back a few years ago, something Luan told me was important.

I sighed due to the pain the memories brought, nothing felt quite the same anymore.

[new quest]

*oh come on!*

[quest-accept the vampires offer to marry his daughter, instant level up x8]

*you desperate and degenerate!*

[look I've been stuck masturbating to old memories of you and Luan I need new stuff]

I physically started coughing and gagging out of pure surprise and disgust, and all i could do was try to control myself.


[give me new material!]


[quest update, failure will result in death]