I hate dreams

I shot forward panting and sweating, in a bed, a bed I'd never seen before.

next to me was a normal human lookinggirl with white hair, of course she was anything but normal with the whole blood drinking and mostly immortal part but there weren't any animal body parts.

[I love messing with your dreams]

*you're an asshole*

I didn't get a response, which delighted me to a surprising degree.

speaking of surprises I rushed to pull up the blankets and check and like normal I don't have anything down there, I don't know why but I almost let out a sigh of relief, I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

I held my head in my hands as I sat there trying not to fall down the rabbit gold of thoughts that was calling my name.

"how long have you been up?"(Marie)

"not long?"(Syn)

"don't act that surprised that I ask, and remember I'm doing this for my father after all."(Marie)

"I'm doing this for your father too."(Syn)

"you must have been special for him to ask this of you."(Marie)

"I wouldn't say special, he just wants an army."(Syn)

"and how do you provide that?"(Marie)

"how old are you?"(Syn)

"I'm 126 to have you know."(Marie) said proudly.

how old was I? does my last life age count here?

[your last life age does count you are 30 years old here]

*for once I'm glad for something you say ya pervert*

[if you'd fuck more I wouldn't be complaining about lack of material]


I was shaken hard on my shoulder, it was threatening to pop out of its socket with the force used.

"how do you give my father an army? and what did you get out of the deal?"(Marie)

"he gets his army the same time I get what he told me I could have."(Syn)

"be specific I expect cryptic answers from my fathers servants not the person I married."(Marie)

"fair, he told me I could rebuild my species and he'd get an army from that."(Syn)

"how does he get an army and you?...(pause of realization)...that old man!"(Marie)

"and you agreed?!"(Marie)

"it was agree or spend 1000 years in jail."(Syn)


"look we kinda sorta just met here so let's set some ground rules."(Syn)

"I agree to that."(Marie)

"ok 1 nothing remotely 'intimate' until I get to know you more."(Syn)


"no pet names."(Syn)

"I hate those."(Marie)

"good, and we're free to see other people."(Syn)

"can't do that."(Marie)

"look I'm not saying we actually do that I'm just saying we did this for a goal not cause ya know..."(Syn)

"I do but the ritual used in the ceremony makes it impossible for us to be with anyone else."(Marie)

"and this happened while I was unconcious?!"(Syn)

all I got was a nod.

"he knew you wouldn't agree to that term so he made sure you couldn't resist that part."(Marie)

I started to get out of the bed but she pulled me back down to it.

"you may be strong but you won't beat him at anything, he's too high above you."(Marie)

[her level is 32 if you're wondering]

*I'm not*

"why can't I beat him?"(Syn)

she didn't really give me an answer, a vague shrug and a diverting of eye Co tact told me it was a lost subject here and we shouldn't go looking.

"so what now?"(Syn)

"we feed."(Marie)


we both shuffled from out of the covers, she was dressed in satin like pajamas while I was nude in entirety.

one simple thought for clothing and that was solved.


black velvet shoes, basic white dress like shirt and a red vest donned my body while simple leather shoes were on my feet.

"what the?!"(Marie)

I turned and saw that she had chosen a small dress that stopped below the knee that had similar color schemes to my choice, was that a coincidence?

it better be.

"how's you do that?!"(Marie)

"you can't?"(Syn)

"no one can."(Marie)

"all I did was use my blood to cover my body and shape it into the look and feel of clothing, but as soon as I lose concentration it falls into a puddle on the floor."(Syn)

"how incredible."(Marie)

I can't believe that I based an outfit off a movie cliche and got it right through sheer dumb luck.

once Marie deemed herself and I ready I was led out of the room and into a grand hall of a castle lined with extravagant decorations of gold and silver.

the windows had actual glass in them and the chandeliers were made from diamonds and human skulls, how.....festive?....creepy?.....I don't know here.

I was tugged at lightly as if saying 'stop staring' so I did, Co tinting following the only person I've met here in this castle, around.

it took 5 minutes of winding halls and a busy line of suit dressed servants along with us passing numerous rooms and spaces that I lost track of where I was, which happens way too often at this point.

after all of that fun we reached what looked like a dungeon, yay, more dungeons.

like I already hadn't seen so fucking many already, seriously how are dungeons this common here? is dungeon owning a hobby?

20 in the last year alone I've come across, the hell?