MASSIVE jump in power

the primals all landed on the winged peoples planet, their auras dangerously clashing in the air as they began their "training".

the dragon and leviathan took the seas and air, the boar and ox, and the gorilla took the forests, and Syn, well Syn took the cities, the mass populated areas.

the others had experience with hunting forest animals, Syn had the most experience hunting a different kind of animal.

he didn't even try to justify it to himself, he knew what he was doing was wrong, but he didn't care, he wasn't aware of just how justifiable his actions were, he wasn't aware of their history, he wasn't aware of their mass genocide missions.

to him this was training, to the other planets this was karma, justice, payback, a good thing.

other planets would begin rooting for the primals, they began worshipping them like gods, building large shrines and temples as they turned to religion in these crazy times.

the existence of demons only further helped solidify thir religions, that nature had selected gods and sent them to deal with evil itself, people began to see nature in a different light, the belief that nature was alive became much more common.

but tl these primals they didn't care, they didn't know they would be worshipped, they just wanted power, all for various reasons.

the ox wanted power to defend her family, the brute wanted power to be respected amongst the primals, the serpent wanted power so that he would never be trapped or stuck, the leviathan and dragon wanted power to dominate and rule the races they came from.

but Syn, he wanted power for what most would call an evil cause, revenge, personal and excruciating for one.

but in these times this revenge would be seen as noble, heroic, hid actions deemed necessary and worthy by all who were oppressed by the demons reign.

little did they know what the primals truly were after, none of them were going to send the demons home, the only one here who wanted to do anything to the demons was Syn, and even he thought that keeping demons here wouldn't be terrible, but he wanted stronger opponents like the others, he didn't care for the people who would begin to worship him.


the first city fell quickly, my feathers destroying vital infrastructure as I directed them around me like a hailstorm, the projectiles boosted by my siphon, the life leaving the people below as every wing flap added to the growing storm of feathers, all at once they would rain down, explosions would shake the planet as I worked, my featehrs doing the damage of an entire army.

the next would fall just as fast, then the next, then the next, and then the next, like clockwork I moved, and like clockwork nothing stopped me from continuing.

their leaders would fall, their armies would fail, their generals would surrender, their castles would crumble.

their forests alight with the flames of my brethren, the seas answering the call of the leviathan as the skies raged along with the dragon, the planet shaking at the brutes wrath and the escapees temebling with fear at the warboar.

the cities would know only the fear of me, as the serpent worked alongside the boar, consuming the fear the boar created to grow.

large spanning cracks would run the plants surface, hot magma like stuff would ooze out like the planet itself was bleeding, our combined power only growing with each devastation we caused, my siphon even tapping into the weather as blood red rain began falling, it's victims withering away into dust as I felt even more power flow through me, my mind was slipping as all this destruction was toying with it, I was becoming more like that bitch Amira, I wouldn't let myself!

"ENOUGH!"(syn)[in primal]

all at once the planet stopped rumbling, its ooze slowing as the smoke of the flames began to die down, the weather calming as everyone began to regroup, the seas releasing their waves.

[hunt complete]

[calculating shared rewards]

[level up x2, +400 to all stats]

[all group members gain +15,000 to all stats]

[you have successfully caused the collapse of an entire planet, +10,000 to all stats(shared)]

[hidden quest: justice compelted]

[generating rewards]

[quest: justice- the universe has called for revenge itself, the winged people have earned its spot in your revenge, the universe itself seems tl thank you]

[rewards: +5,000 to all stats]


name: Syn Ev

lvl: 11

race: progenic winged evole

title: primal demigod

HP: 60,400/60,400

STA: 60,400/60,400

STR: 60,400

AGI: 61,400

DEX: 61,400

race abilities:

-(human form)[max]

-(evolving siphon)[9/10]

-(evole will)[9/10]

-(elder heal)[9/10]

-(elder siphon bomb)[9/10]


(evolving primal martial arts:stage 4/6)(authority:stage 3/5)

(winged combat)[7/10]

race passives:

-(anti aging)

-(regeneration quick)


-(evolving senses)

-(siphon boost)

[your group has surpassed stats of 50,000]

[group title demi gods has been unlocked]

[generating prophecies]

that doesn't sound good.

"we should probably head home now, let the planet heal, nature will reclaim it."(lya)

nods of agreement circulated the group.

"I take it all of you saw the messages?"(jyn)

"yeah, we did."(dyso)

a pause before the serpent would speak, his voice cautious.

"I was thinking....."(jyn)

the group grew quieter, curious at his idea.

"what if we made some sort of council? like making decisions for the world and stuff?"(jyn)

I truly began thinking about it, if we wanted to we could control everything by force but we wouldn't be any better than Amira, and if we did make some sort of council what power would we allow ourselves, would we go too far?

"I think it would corrupt us."(syn) I said, honestly.

"right now we got lucky, if we do what we did here again, we would be no better than demons."(syn)


I turned to the leviathan, he was the only one still quiet.

"you're both right, we need to stay united but uncorrupted."(ty)

he had a point, we would need to stay united in some way.

"we'll figure that out later, right now we're all strong enough to survive solo for a while, let's just get home for now."(lya)

the dragon and I grabbed the others as we took off, bounding for the skies as we passed the planets atmosphere.

stars as bright as when we arrived greeting us.

the flight back to Terryn was short, our landing quick as we crashed through trees and onto the ground, all of us fine.

the night time darkness seemed to welcome me as I dusted myself off and folded my wings.

the other primals beginning to leave before me.

I knew I'd seen them again, we all had our own ways to go, I had my own and they had theirs, I wonder how long it would be this time before I'd see them again?