grim change

I was about to return to Raya, who was only a few feet away, when something began to

something wasn't right here.

the night seemed to slow as everything around me began losing its color, Raya now at a standstill as the kids around her looked panicked, slowly becoming still as well, looks of fear frozen on their faces as they couldn't hold out amongst the effects.

worried I was next I raised and clenched my fists at full speed, nothing was wrong with me...why?

"it seems that I've caught you at a bad time."(voice)

"no shit!"(syn) I called back, ever the same idiot I always was.

"apologies, but I'm only here to deliver a message."(voice)

I looked at the shadows figure with distrust and aggression as it approached, its hands in the air where I could see them, it's vague shape shifting in the gray scale.

it bowed before reaching a piece of paper out to me, becoming as still as the world around us, hesitantly I reached for it, grabbing it slowly.

once in hand the shadow figure was gone and everything was back to normal, Raya and the kids around her were fine, moving at normal speed as they looked around in confusion, a questioning look on Rayas face as she eyed the paper in my hand.

no more gray scale, everything was In color again.

I shrugged at her and opened the paper,

on it read....

(dear Syn,

I have been searching for you for a while now, seemingly just out of reach every time, I would very much like to meet, I will be found at the place of your birth for an entirety of one year, please find me in that time frame.)

"the fuck?"(syn)

"what is it?"(Raya)

"some weirdo is waiting for me where I was born, will be for a year."(syn)

"wow, not even I know where you were born!"(Raya)

I eye rolled and gave a stiff laugh, unsure of what else to do, my eyes still focused on the paper and it's strange handwriting, a feeling of being drawn almost leaking from the paper, I was being drawn there...wasn't I?

"look, I'll find you, stay I a town and put out the word."(syn)

she tried to stammer out a response but my wings were open and flapping before she could, my body now soaring upwards as I climbed higher into the air, leveling off at around thirty thousand feet or so, the thin and frigid air having no effect on me whatsoever as I flew.

hours would pass and night would turn to morning, then to afternoon, my head ringing as the loud words "welcome back" deafened me as I held my head, my wings stalling and b plummeting to the ground below, my frantic free fall never righting as my head continued to ring in pain.

the ground was getting closer and closer, anxiety rising in me, just barely high enough for me to ignore the pain, my survival instincts kicking in, my wings desperately trying to save me.

it took several seconds before I was righted, hovering in the air as I sweat profusely, the ground mere feet away as I looked down upon it with blurry vision, my breath caught in my throat.

the fall wouldn't have killed me, tje danger I felt came from the voice, getting close sent my animalistic side into a frenzy as I tried to hold myself together, barely.

I dropped the rest of the way, collapsing to my knees as I braced myself with my arms, my eyes not leaving the ground.


my head lazily moved upwards, an odd dressed woman standing there, bright white light seemed to radiate from her.

"what do you want?"(syn) I asked bluntly.

she took a second to think about it before speaking.

"I'm here to give you a prophecy."(woman)

"no thanks."(syn)

with that I stood once more, barely stumbling, my wings spreading a bit before something knocked me back to the ground, a large limb holding me down.

I glared at the thing holding me down, the colossal dragon gulping loudly before it removed its arm, my eyes dimming as the rage glow vanished.

"I told you I wasn't interested."(syn) I said while turning to face the woman.

she stuttered for a sec before calming, forcing a composure upon herself.

"it has to deal with your death."(woman)

"don't care."(syn)

she was visibly stunned at my immediate response, most are when you tell them you don't care about dying.

"I'll spread it across the land!"(woman) said trying to force me.

"go ahead, like I said, I don't care."(syn)

she stood there in a stunned stupor as I walked away from the dragon, my eyes never leaving its as I stared it down, my aura threatening to unleash.

it bowed as I opened my wings.

with a small laugh at the dragon I took off into the sky, barely making it a few hundred feet before my body gave out on me.

crashing into the ground my right wing cracked loudly as it broke, my scream muffled as I held my mouth, damn they're sensitive!

"your power is eating you alive, how long do you think you can last?"(woman)

I scoffed in her face as I spit a tooth at her, it regrew as I stood.

"you gained too much too fast, it's tearing you apart inside out!"(woman)

"yeah right."(syn)

she seemed truly invested in this.....why?

"why do you care?"(syn)

she went quiet, avoiding eye contact as she fidgeting nervously.

"I can't let a primal die!"(woman)

can't let a primal die? what the?

what does me being a primal have to do with anything, why can't any of us be allowed to die? what the hell is going on here?

"why not?"(syn)

"because the life force of nature lies inside the primals, if you die a part of nature dies too, never to return!"(woman)



in anger she smacked my face, my eyes wide as I wasn't able to see it, actual pain stinging my face from a simple slap, true surprise adorning my face as I held my cheek.

[body compromised]

the message shocked me as a huge wave of weakness seemed to hit me, my body collapsing to its knees as breathing became very difficult, my eyes bleeding and glowing.

[condition: unstable]

I shakily looked up to the woman, barely breathing as I gave a pleading look, maybe I really did care about not dying.

"I can help, good to see you're taking this seriously."(woman)

dammit, help me already!

my knees themselves gave out, me collapsing into the dirt as the weakness only got more amd more overwhelming.

"there's only one way you'll survive this."(woman)


with speed equal to me she plunged her hand into my body, pain shaking me to my core as I coughed and writhed aggressievly on the ground, an intense burning engulfed me like an out of control wild fire before weightlessness.

compelte and total weightlessness.

[race change accepted, power stabilizing]

[updating stat screen]

a screen popped up, showing me what I now looked like.

I was horrified.

I was nothing but a large eye with bat wings, the same sick gray color as before.

the weakness remained, I barely stayed in the air.

"this body can handle your power, also make sure to feed on life-force, your system has given you an indicator to show your hunger."(woman)

then she just up and left, no words no nothing, my tiny wings flapping continously as I barely moved, if I could make am expression right now it would be one of annoyance.

the woman was lucky, she vanished before I could do anything.
