demons' fear

Amira pov.....

I sat there clenching the arms of my throne as the death demon in front of me began trmebling out of nowhere, collapsing to its knees as it had a revereing look in its eye.

my anger grew as my hand shot out and grabbed its throat, squeezing as it choked for breath.

"the only one you're allowed to be afraid of.......IS ME!"(Amira)

I threw the demon into the wall in front of me, its ornate decorations shattering as the demon blasted through the damn wall, useless.

I scoffed at its weakness as it stood amd hobbled back to me, kneeling low.

"my lady I apologize but.....a demi God of destruction has emerged, by right he is the true leader of the destruction clan of demons."(death demon)

my rage boiled over as I got close to the demon, my shadows threatening to kill it as it stayed kneeled low, avoiding eye contact with me.

"who is this so called demi god?"(Amira) I asked in a casual inquisitive tone, mocking the demon.

"he's a primal."(death demon)

my face paled as I immediately knew, a few weeks ago the primals went through a change, only one male left in their ranks..........Syn.

with a quick look at my court I could see several death demons avoiding eye contact, I knew what it meant, they were wanting to defect to serve a demi God, those useless fuckers!

"to anyone who wants to defect to that worthless animal, hear me. slow and painful deaths await you at the hands of weak humans."(Amira)

looks of disgust spread through the court as the looks of reverence vanished, replaced by anger.

I knew what I was doing, a demi God had much more right to control these demons than me, and I was not about to let some usurper take my forces, the largest part of my forces.

sex demons aren't helpful in combat, not often anyways, they're more useful in raids and subtle take overs, all out combat wasn't their strong suit.

but this was troubling, somehow, someway, Syn reached demigod hood, him and the other primals, that places them above me by a few thousand at least, this wasn't good.

"there is a way for you to become a demi god."(shadow monarch) claimed.

the shadow demon that jad been with me for a while now had finally decided to chime in and help.

"how?"(Amira) I growled at the voice.

"by training how he's training, pocket world."(shadow monarch)

"wouldn't he need to be in an environment that brings him weakness and has immensely strong enemies?"(Amira)

"yes, I've been watching for some time, he's currently at 80,000 but has been dragged to half so is fighting at 40,000."(shadow monarch)


my head seemed to spin at the number, he was 20,000 above me, how?!

"if you don't stop this then he'll clear 100,000 and enter god hood, he'll only grow from there."(shadow monarch)

my fear began rising, my forehead sweating as my court looked at me with concern, my shadows reaching into the void as I did my best to close down anything I could, one pocket world on particular locking at my whims.

"YOU IDIOT!"(shadow monarch)


I felt immense shame at this, the voice sighing heavily as it pondered for a moment.

"I will now be forced to enter this, you will give me a vessel or I will take the power I've given you."(shadow monarch)

with a respectful nod at the voice I began my search for a vessel, shouting commands at my forces of demons as they began fleeing the room to fulfill my wishes.


primal baby sitter pov...

oh no no no no no no no no, MY ACCESS TO THE PORTAL!

every wispy screen I had watching Syn vanished as I felt my connection to the world snap, the portal refusing to open for me.

this was bad, really really bad, if we don't get Syn back soon the balance of nature will vanish, nothing will die, nothing will break, nothing will rot or decompose.

his essence is one of the most vital in nature, and I've locked him away!!

Lya Is life, if she alone is here overpopulation is but a single issue, oh this is bad!


something is wrong here, I feel like I have too much energy, an odd problem to have, but this problem felt...........important.

[you and your essence have been cut from the universe you originate from, its now wreaking havoc on the pocket world, break of world in 5 mins]

[return to universe in 5 mins]

[boost for stats will be acquired after successfully eliminating an entire pocket world]

the world began shaking, the dark sky cracking wildly as beams of light seemed to crash down from the cracks as the landscape broke and shifted.

animals screaming in agnony as they died, a visible energy beelining into my body, pain accompanying the overwhelming amount flowing into me from all over the pocket world, the life force meter on my stat page glitching chaotically as I staggered on my feet.

then still, calm, nothing, an explosion of shattering noises before a white nothingness absolutely everywhere.

[pocket world successfully destroyed]

[stats boosted by 20,000]

[congratulations you have been promoted to minor god]

[title changed to minor primal god of calamity]

[opening portal to universe]

an explosion of energy before a colorful tear in the whiteness drawing my body in violently, dragging me through, landing on my ass after tumbling in the air, the other pirmals staring at me as they looked back at the woman who started this.

"what did you do?!"(woman)

"nothing, well not actively."(syn)

the woman started pacing, a confused expression and an angry expression taking turns showing on her face.

"you destroyed my personal pocket world! do you know how long that will take me to rebuild?!"(woman)

"yeah yeah, I wasn't the one who cut me from this world though, that's your fault."(syn) I accused.

"that wasn't me!"(woman)

a silence grew between us as I gave her a questioning look, if she didn't cause that? then........who did?