Chapter Three

Jamie now walked over to the window as she saw by the opposite house is a boy staring out the window to her room.

Jamie closed the curtains and started unpacking all her clothes and hanging them up at least "I have my own private space", she thought to herself as she changed to something more comfortable, her room was right beside the bathroom

Jamie now laid n her bed on her stomach feet in the air, hey said Scott I am glad you settling in shout if you need anything, why does he enter the room without knocking she thought to her.

After she was done with everything, she went downstairs, where her mom and Mr. Scott were sitting at the table; they were talking about things general in life.

She could see her mother is happy, and that is all that mattered she kept telling herself, So what's for dinner said Jamie, I made some macaroni says Scott,

"Can you cook?"

"yes "

"Scott smirks"

" I can cook and do a lot more"

Diah is blushing, shall I go dish the food for us says Scott, "I do not mind serving"says Diah, "Ok, then go for it says Scott."

Jamie now sits by the table as Scott starts a conversation about her clothing design and her ambition.

She felt uncomfortable being around Scott; it felt like he was not looking at her but looking through her and undressing her with his eyes.

"Yes" I can, "Jamie replies"

" So do you want to be a fashion designer when you grow up?"

"Not sure" Jamie replies,

Diah now comes with the plates as they say a prayer and start eating. "To new beginnings" says, Scott.

Jamie carried the dishes to the sink while her mother went upstairs to take a hot bath.

"Scott enters the kitchen"

"The schools around here is excellent"

"Jamie this is a great opportunity for you."

Jamie now looks over at him, and through his thick glass, she can see he is trying.

Yes Sir,

"Good, says Scott"

"The one hand washes the other hand"

Jamie heard of this expression before but did not know what it means.

Yes, sir. Great, we have an understanding, he now leaves the kitchen, and her mind is stuck on what he just said about one hand washes the other hand.

Was he hitting on her, or was it just a figure of speech?

"Jamie now heads upstairs"

Scott is sitting downstairs in the lounge stuffing his mouth watching football; there is something about this guy that is completely off.

Jamie removes her top, while she is in her bra changing clothes. Just then, Scott walks in, seeing her in the bra from the back; as she looked up, she saw a reflection behind her.

She quickly turns around, covering herself; Mr. Scott, are you not suppose to knock before entering the room? I knock in my own house?

"Yes, sir, "

What happened to the one hand washing the other hand? "Excuse me?"

I do not think I understand what you meant by that statement.

So it is now like that he says,

"Would you mind if I change please in private?"

"What is wrong with me standing here?"

"Let's hear if my mother will be ok with you standing here while I am dressing", "do not bother calling her I am leaving"

When you are done, clean the lounge.

I left the TV on switch it off. Sir, I am tired, and it is late, so you indirectly telling me no, you would not check.

I will do as you say, sir. Jamie is thinking of her mother's happiness. Days went by as Jamie got used to the weather and the surroundings.

She took regular walks around the block and had her eye on this one particular house she kept looking at it was open no fencing, there were rumors the place is haunted and that the previous owners that leashed the property were murdered in that house,

One evening, the lonesome Oak tree stood by the house swaying in the wind and as the windswept by the tree whispered to the air and its surroundings.

The moon shone bright white in the cloudless sky. It was the only source of light that could be seen for miles.

Owls occasionally fluttered by overhead, their silhouettes passing over the grass. The air was cold and numb, and with every breath, she drew a misty, chilly exhale followed.

As the house drew nearer, everything around her became quieter and more distant, and the cold iron gates were far, far back in the distance.

Owls couldn't be heard anymore, and there were no leaves on the ground, just some aged concrete steps and a doorway that stood in front of me.

The house was tall and thin from the outside, made from large dark grey stones that had a rough feel; all of this was sandwiched together by crumbling cement.

Climber Plants grew up the house, winding around the drainpipes, grabbing the little sunlight that reached this desolate place.

The windows rattled vigorously from the howling wind as though they were about to fall out of the frames, which were made from rotting wood being eaten away by woodworm.

A few potted plants lay next to the door, once there for neat presentation now wilted and brown, almost certainly dead. The door had been left ajar perhaps for many years, or maybe someone was already in there.

Jamie entered the hallway was dull and smelt of dust mixed with old age.

Paintings hung up of black leather, once soft and comfy, now thin and worn away from all the use.

Under the chairs and in front of the fireplace lay a red and dusty grey rug stained from the charcoal and shredded at the sides from mice living in the bottom of the sofa.

As she entered the kitchen, she could see the moonlight shining through the windows, casting a reflection on the wall opposite.

Mugs and plates lay on the surface cold and stained by tea.

The sink and taps made from brass eroded and layered in the dirt, still leaking water into the sink, and every time a drop of water fell, an echo passed around the house as though symbols were being smashed together.

Jamie could feel the coldness from the musty orange and black tiled floor.

Even though I was wearing shoes, it felt as though it had frozen over.

Jamie moved on to the dining room – a big table made from oak and six chairs filled the room. The table had been laid, the plates and silverware lay there untouched and unused like a forgotten date.

Above the table hung a beautiful chandelier twinkling in the moonlight. The walls plastered with cream wallpaper curling in at the corners, she found it strange that so many things were left behind in this place, her curiosity made her wonder about the real family who left this place and moved, as they really in a hurry or was they spooked.

Jamie headed back home; as she arrived by the house, everything was quiet and dark, and she walked up the staircase and heard her mother moan. She tried to ignore the obvious by closing her ears.