Chapter Ten

"Jamie is on the ground trying to pick Lilah up, "

"Jamie, wake up screaming."

"Mrs. Diah and Scott come rushing in. What is wrong, Jamie?" Says Scott

Jamie looks up and realizes it was all just a dream, "Sorry, I had a dream, I am sorry for waking you up."

"It is ok, honey," Diah sits by her beside her, and Scott stands in the doorway wearing his pajamas and glasses; "she is no more kid, honey, let us go to bed. "

Diah stands up, looking at Jamie. "You will be fine, honey."

She smiles and kisses her forehead as Scott stands there waiting for Diah.

She regrets leaving her place for this country because much has gone wrong already. What more could go wrong?

"Jamie looks at the clock," It is 3h23am; she goes downstairs to get a glass of water; as she reaches the tap turning around, Scott is standing behind her. So do you also get thirsty at this hour? he says.

Jamie shakes her head, feeling uncomfortable around him as she turns around to go back upstairs.

Scott now pulls her back by the top. "You like playing hard to get, I see." He then touches his index finger over the top of her hand, making her feel disgusted. "We could be nice to each other if you were nice to me, he says."

Jamie pulls away as he pulls her back, moving his lips to her ear soon. "You will be on your way to a shelter, a little girl where no one would want you."

"If you do not let me go, I will scream."

Is that how you want to play it? He says as he lets go of her. That is how we will play it, he grins. Jamie is disgusted and feels dirty even being close to him.

" I wish he were dead," she thinks to herself as she runs up the staircase to her room, locking the room door. Jamie now sips on her water, looking in the mirror.

Kill me already then to let me suffer, she whispers. "Jamie sits up."

I wonder if Lilah will help me get rid of my stepdad by getting him out of our lives, "I am here, a voice whispers."

Jamie looks around, but there is no one around her. She whispers, I am you, and you are me the voice whispers in her head.

"I cannot see you."

"yes, you can. I am you, and you are me. "Jamie now looks in the mirror and sees no one, Lilah is that you?

" I had a dream. She whispers," honey, who are you talking to at this hour? Says Diah Sorry, mom, I am just praying. Ok, dear; get some rest it late. Yes, mom, how can her mother be so blind to see the guy she comes here for just focused on one thing?

Jamie now lays on her bed facing the window; the curtain is open as she looks out onto the stars in the sky.

"I hope you will be ok whispers, Jamie to herself."

Honey, rise, and shine, get ready. It is Monday. You will be late for your bus.

Jamie feels a bit nauseous this morning as she runs to the bathroom and puke. Are you ok, Jamie?

Scott has left to work already his shift start at 5 am. Jamie now gets dressed as she picks up her phone and phones Tracy to hear if she is coming into school and how she is feeling.

There is no response. She then attempts to call Christopher, and his phone is off; that is odd; "his phone is never off."

Jamie heads downstairs to the kitchen, where she finds her mom preparing breakfast. "How are you feeling today, honey?"I am ok, thanks, "Jamie Replies."Mom?

There is something about Scott I need to tell you. Hold on, Honey. He is calling. Yes, Scott, I am glad you are calling, "Diah steps away, walking to the kitchen corner" ok, I will see you later, honey.

Jamie looks over at her mother and thinks to herself. Her mom is finally happy she should keep quiet.

Honey, you would not believe this, Scott could register my baking business, and he helped me promote it.

This not an excellent opportunity for us all? Men like him are rare. I finally found someone who can take care of us!

"Honey, you were about to tell me something about Scott. "What it is? Jamie smiles nothing, Mom, and It was to do with what a great person.

Suddenly Jamie feels a sharp pain shooting through her head as she goes down, holding her head.

What is wrong Jamie, her mother now hands her a glass of cold water. Look how you are shivering. Honey, what is wrong? Let me check your temperature.

No! I AM FINE! Do you want pain pills for your head? No, I want to get to school. Ok, Diah now packs her lunch as she takes off to school.

Tracy is not around as she becomes concerned and waits anxiously for the day to finish to check up on Tracy. She never skips school.