Good morning, said Rose how are you feeling today Jamie, Jamie Walk over to the door, I am doing well thank you for asking she said, shall you be joining us for breakfast.
i'll be ready in a few minutes, Jamie prepared for the day ahead, walking out by the door she saw Jack.
he was tidying up the table preparing breakfast, Lily sat there, look up at Jamie.
she had this huge grin on her face, Jamie was wearing a white dress with frills in,Join us please, said Jack, thank you for your hospitality once again the breakfast smells divine. Well my wife is a great cook before moving here.
she was a head chef at a well-known restaurant, unfortunately they shut down, Jamie looked at Jack's eyes, it was bright blue but there was still something about them mysterious.
Rose has prepared toast and egg, so Jamie said Jack what is your plans for today, well I don't really have plans, this is however a beautiful place I was hoping to get to meet some new people,