Chapter 64

"Keep calm, and we will be okay;."

Jamie looked over at Lily.

Lilly glanced at Jamie; "you had killed my parents; there is nothing okay about it. You do know that you will be caught out and the cops."

"What your parents did, honey was far worse than being caught out, so you got two options either you can stay here at my place, Or you can put yourself in foster care."

Lily frowned, Narrowing her eyebrows "so that he would throw me in a foster home?"

"No, I'm not that heartless. As I said, you can stay with me or go to the foster home. I won't force you to do anything;."

There was an incoming call from John, and Jamie switched off the phone. "Why won't you answer your calls," said Lilly;

"It is late, and I'm not taking calls."

"You are so much more talkative than I thought you would be;."

"Yeah, my Dad and mum were very secretive; they kept many things from me, constantly whispering around me, never giving me attention."