Chapter 91

"Good evening, young lady," Mr. Broadwing had pulled out a chair as John approached him, "Sir is there anything I could get for you?"

"Yes, bring that bottle of Brandy Mr. Richard kept aside."

The men at the other tables had stopped looking at Jamie," so young lady, John tells me you were asking for me." he lights his cigar and puffs it coughing.

Jamie found it disgusting and was the type of person who was determined and persuasive to complete any task she set her mind to.

Jamie leans forward, "Do I need an explanation for why I want to see you?"I mean, who knows, maybe I found you attractive.

Mr. Broadwing laughed loud; Jamie never realized how loud this guy could be. He carries a peal of fake laughter and maintains confidence that his wealth has defined his character.

"So, young Lady, do you have a name?"

"Don, t we all have a name?"Jamie answered as she smiled?

"You are most not one to mess around, are you?"