Chapter 104

Lilly attempted to fight off Jamie but she couldn't move being strapped down in the seatbelt,

The neighbour said came running out with a gun, as they had ran over to the house where Jack and Rose were, Jamie look back in the rearview mirror, she had exit of the town, Lily was crying Hysterically, as Jamie tried to pacifier, Jamie never had words of what to say to Lily at the time she sat there in silence, looking over at the back of her. Are you hungry? Lily had to stop crying she sat there with the arms crossed, I am not hungry she said, why did you kill my parents? Jamie was taken by her advanced intellect at such a young age.

They, Jamie paused, they had left me

Dinner is ready, baby girl call and wash your hands. Jack Entered the room, Jamie would you like to come join us? Jamie looked up at him sitting on the bed, I don't think I'll be joining you tonight. Why not Jamie?