Chapter 113

Get them off my blood shoes, "stand up at once." said Mr. Charleston; Mr. Broadwing shook his head as if he was disgusted at Mr. Charleston; you should start preparing to go bankrupt said, Mr. Broadwing.

So will you send me a message with your number? Then I could write it down.

That made no sense to Jamie. The logic of sending a message to write it down; why was phone storage there?

Sure I can do that, I guess; Jamie took out her apple 13 "so what is your number?"

John had this dumbfounded look on his face, "my number?"

Who had chased Ms. Jamie out of the shop? The two assistants looked over at the blonde girl. Are you going to stand there with a mouth full of teeth, "do you know with who she is associated?"

The same bloody man who had grown this business, Mr. Charleston, was furious as he scolded the three women.