
Jin Chen, who was awakened from the sound, startled him, shivering his whole body.

"Where am I?" He asked himself before inspecting his surroundings before rushing to the conclusion.

The room was merely big, but was also small. It was a perfect size for a man like him, but his question is still not answered. He thought that he got killed earlier, but why is he awake, and full of energy?

"This is weird, where are the people here- Is someone even here, or am I just alone like before?" Questions were popping out from his head, not knowing what to do.

"Chen Ge, please wake up. You told me you want to go to school earlier?" A mysterious voice was heard in the door, wide open to see a young teenager who was scratching his head waiting for him to do something?

The man was now utterly confused about what was happening, why is a young boy here? Is he someone that he kidnap or someone he owned, he was an only child in the past now he suddenly earned a brother.

"U-Ummm… where am I again?" He murmured to himself, but he is doing it so that the young boy will tell him everything that was happening at the moment.

The young boy's face was now full of irritation, he then started to walk toward his brother then pull him down toward the bed and murmured to his ear.

"You have school, remember, also stop telling me to wake up every morning, it's getting annoying!" He then stopped before leaving the room, not closing the door for further reason.

Jin Chen, on the other hand, was so amused about the situation. He never had a sibling before, but now he has someone calling him brother. He is not sure if he is excited or not, but having some companions from a family is better than a friend. Then he noticed that he was now streaming tears while he was grinning from happiness.

Now for sure he knew where he was, he got reincarnated. He doesn't know why he got reincarnated, but his only hope was that God was pitying him from all that hard work, he worked hard from...

Then he started to inspect his surroundings to see his phone, he directly snatched it and started to look online about the time and period he was in.

What he saw from the browser was the game that made him die from sudden death, then he realized… It was the time where the game was about to get released.

After the game's release, it was not popular yet but because of people's curiosity they started to play until the game became a multi billionaire from across the whole world. Not just China itself which was super impressive.

At the moment, he needs to focus on school. However, the motivation from the past didn't happen but yearning to play games rather than working hard.

From all the terrible deeds he got from the past, he doesn't want that to happen again. Looking at the room, they were not rich or poor. However, he will promise to bring home the bacon.

Then suddenly a yell was heard from outside, making Jin Chen flinch. "Chen Er, you have a minute to go outside before I will let you eat this chili pepper in my hand!"

Jin Chen didn't hesitate but changed to his attire that was near the table, it was a simple plaid black shirt, with denim pants with a white sneakers.

Then starting to wear the backpack that was filled with necessities he needed, and a laptop so that he could pre-install the game at school which was not a bad idea. Downloading it at school might take it a while but it will be easier than waiting and getting bored at home.

Leaving the room, to see directly the kitchen and living room. "Wow the apartment is really small…" he murmured to himself before sitting down in the kitchen with simple food on the table.

"Chen Ge, you're already older but you're asking Xiao Liang to wake you up… You could ask me if you need someone to wake up because I'm always here?" The older woman sighs before drinking her tea, while the hot steam was making her glasses foggy.

Jin Chen wanted to know the memory at this moment, but he couldn't do it. He wanted to remember something that could help him to this day, but he doesn't know what to do. Should he even ask on what school he was going, or what course he was choosing. He was getting dizzy from the tons of questions in his mind.

Not noticing that his hand was held by the woman, "You don't feel well… Do you want to skip class or not? If you are maybe I will call the university staff-"

"Mama, you don't need to. I will go to school as you asked, Yes… I'm quite nervous but thanks for the comfort." Feeling doting from the mother's touch, he was received by the woman.

Shan Hua, who was now looking at his eldest son's being obedient. She couldn't believe it in her eyes, tears from her eyes were starting to fall.

The unemotional older son was now opening his heart… Who wouldn't be excited about that.

Jin Chen was now eating his breakfast, while responding to his mother every now and then talking about her work. That she could relate in the past, but now he is back as a university student.

From this day forward, he will try his best to work hard for the sake of his family. But for now he needs to gather some of his old memories from this body. A boy who looks exactly like him, nothing really changed from it. From black hair, brown eyes, and not too tall and not too short of a height.

He then started to look at the time, he still had time to not be late at school. He then stood up and put the dishes aside, then gathered his stuff before leaving the door.

"I'm going now, see you later." Feeling delighted, and starting his new life. Not just focusing on studies, but focusing on other parts that he never experienced in the past.

"New Life, New Me…"