School Problem (II)

Jin Chen then started to look in the front to see the professor who was glaring at them.

He didn't know anything, then suddenly he heard little gossip in front of him which he didn't mind listening to. Too further his knowledge about the class he was entering.

"Did you know that Professor Fa, failed a whole class before.", Then another person added while their voices are getting lower. "Professor Fa is so scary, I heard from our senior that he was just late for one class then it highly affected his grade."

Once again added by his new acquaintance earlier. "This class will be so hard because we are under Professor Fa, I hope he will give us mercy even a little bit."

"Why is everyone silent? I don't like it." A deep voice was heard toward the hall, everyone was muted. The extreme pressure they felt from the professor was frightening.

"I'll be your Homeroom Teacher for the whole year… Please respect everyone including myself." That sharp voice was intense, Jin Chen was now getting worried about the situation he was in.

Now he realized that the professor will be his problem, he was in a Prestigious University after all.

Jin Chen thought that it would be easy for him to balance the schedule, this was more durable than the schedule that company workers have.

Professor He, who was now on his laptop that is connected to the huge projector. The loud speaker was now loud making people show their attention toward the projecting screen in front of them.

Jin Chen realized that he was a Technology Student, so it will be his choice on which stand he will choose in the future. He was curious on what to pick because he wanted to expand his horizon to learn more. Also that it was now early in the future, years later everything will go as it pace and grow even more.

The films had ended, everyone went for a hand of applause but stopped when the old man was coldly looking at them.

"Everyone please get a piece of paper, put your name and your ambition in life… One by one everyone will introduce themselves in the front." In the end, he shows a small smile but it doesn't feel like doting but more threatening.

Everyone was now murmuring in the room, they were not sure what was happening but they were not excited.

If they get judged by the professor, their career might be ruined. It was life and death, though they were still in their first year.

Everyone was now writing their name on a piece of paper, and they started to pass the paper to the representative in the class. Now they were waiting for their name to be called.

Jin Chen was now shivering from fear, then he realized that his friend was scolding him.

"Don't be scared, we are just here to introduce ourselves." He explained making Jin Chen calm from the presentation.

"Even though I don't want this to happen. We can't do anything but follow Professor Fa…" Xue Rao blurted, sighing while rolling her eyes.

One by one students were now getting called, presenting their name and their ambition in life. Some were surprised, while some were not. Then it was time for the Xue Rao, which made every guy in the room to agape their mouths.

"Wow she is so beautiful.", Another guy blurted in "I know right, she is one of the most beautiful people in our class."

While the girl on the other hand was now complimenting the guy who was sitting with Xue Rao. "Lee Chin is drop dead gorgeous." Added by another girl. "I know right, I want him to date me but I know I would fail."

Jin Chen was just confused… they were his friends, I mean they were just friends a while ago. He then started to look down not wanting to get noticed by the people.

"Jin Chen, be confident in yourself." Lee Chin remarked trying to take care of his insecure friend.

Jin Chen and Lee Chin were now looking in front, it was Xue Rao. Her aura was intimidating, but the two of them knew that she was not that type of person.

"I'm Xue Rao, my ambition in life is to live freely." After saying that in her cold tone, she bowed her head before coming back to her friend.

Xue Rao then sat down and felt her body shaking, then blurted. "That was so scary… I could feel Professor Fa glaring at me in my back." Lee Chin on the other hand was laughing at the girl, earning him a smack in the head which made Jin Chen sweatdropped.

"Lee Chin is now getting called, which means it's almost my turn." Jin Chen was distressed at the moment. Then Xue Rao started to pat him because this boy was a scaredy cat.

"Lee Chin, the son of the CEO of Lee Group." Professor Fa forewarned everyone, which made the boy in front of him chuckle.

"Hey y'all, I'm Lee Chin. My ambition is to play games everyday." Playfully boasting to everyone, while showing a peace sign in his hand before leaving the stage.

Everyone was now talking about the heir of the Lee Group. They thought that he would learn business but he was in the Technology Class, which astonished everyone.

Professor Fa announced. "Jin Chen please come in front." Everyone was curious who the guy was, that's why they started to search for him. Jin Chen on the other hand was now shaking his head not wanting to go in front. Then he was pushed by Lee Chin.

"Good luck!" He raised his hand for thumbs up, Jin Chen gave him a quick glare before going down to the stage.

Everyone was now looking at him weirdly, because they never noticed him entering the Hall. Nonetheless, they were curious as to what Professor Fa remarked to him.

Professor Fa and Jin Chen then bowed to each other before looking toward his classmate. He breathed in and out before speaking toward the class.

"Jin Chen, my ambition is to be happy." He then looks at them with no emotion before bowing down and moving up toward his place.

"Jin Chen… please don't be nervous. I could sense your uncomfortable feeling from miles away." Professor Fa tolerated before calling another person once again.

His face was now flushing red, not wanting more attention from the people around him.

"This is so embarrassing…" He murmured before looking at his friends who were now giggling at his face. Which made him flushed even more.

Professor Fa is his problem in his University Life…