Sibling Fight (II)

Jin Liang is still trying to punch his brother with his little strength, and asking questions toward Jin Chen while screaming.

"Chen Ge, answer me and give me your explanation?" He pleaded while hugging his older brother.

Jin Chen, who was now caressing his brother's hair. He doesn't know how to answer his little brother's question. He was just reincarnated back again, he didn't know about the situation that the original Jin Chen was a troublesome person.

"Xiao Liang, look at me." He pleaded with the young boy, who was now looking at him eye to eye. In Jin Liang part was that he was now looking at his trouble maker brother who is now looking at him.

Jin Chen just sighed and just touched his little brother's hair, calming him so that nothing serious would happen. "Honestly, I wanted to apologize for my past behavior."

He continued with a little chuckle. "But it seems like Xiao Liang will not forgive me, so I will try my best to make you forgive me. So please trust Chen Ge okay?"

Jin Liang wanted to protest about the situation he was in and replied. "Did you even know that you are always playing games? Not caring about mama working hard for us." Then he added "You always take advantage of mama, by busying yourself with games."

The young boy wanted to tell this to his older brother. He was outraged because of it, like he only wanted a caring family because their father died from Kidney Failure.

Jin Liang then suddenly murmured, making Jin Chen hear him. "I wanted a brother to play with me, but you are always minding your own business… I just wish you to play with me and sometimes act like a true brothers"

Jin Chen wanted to hug his brother even more, now he knew why his brother was angry with him. Because they never have a proper family bonding, where the two of them were playing.

From what he remembered from his little memory was that all Jin Chen did was just going to eat then starting to go to his room and minding his own business. However, he is now the new Jin Chen so he will do his best to cherish his family and get rich together.

Jin Liang, who was just covering his face from his brother from anger. He wanted to talk more with his brother, but from his brother's reaction it felt like he wouldn't not talk to him anymore.

Then he heard a soft gentle voice that he hadn't heard for a while. "I recall what you said earlier, you can tell me more about your feelings okay."

Then he commented with a grin "I will promise that You, Mama, and I will be having some family bonding."

The young boy then started to look at his brother with tears in his eyes. He can't believe that his brother is talking to him in a softer tone, and feeling the brotherly love. However, he then started to ignore and yell once again.

"That's a big lie Chen Ge, I will tell mama about this later!" He was flustered before rushing out toward his big brother's room.

Jin Chen was now looking at his cute brother with care, his brother was indeed cute but now he was in his rebellious stage because he was a teenager.

Then he let go of what happened earlier then started to read some articles about the game. From different aspects from dungeons, fight scenes, and even little details from the bosses.

What made the game popular also was the interesting lore on each character or places. The details of the games where each character the player will meet or NPC was written with a personality rather than being bland.

Xiao Liang on the other hand was now looking at his brother on the corner, not wanting to be seen just watching his brother playing his games. He wanted to interfere, but he couldn't do it because of what happened earlier.

Jin Liang is now outside, waiting for his mother to come home before telling about what happened earlier.

The older male was now finished with what he was supposed to be doing, and checking his phone to see his friend were making a group chat on WeChat.

- - - - -

「Xue Rao: I've finished with my exercise earlier, what y'all doing at the moment?」

「Lee Chin: Same, I've finished grinding the games that I played? How about you Chen Er! :laughing_emote:」

Jin Chen was a little bit frustrated with his male friend, for calling him a child even though he was not.

「Jin Chen: I'm done reading some article about Altersite, the game released will be early than I thought?」

Xue Rao and Lee Chin were amused that their friend would legit read an article about the game that wasn't even released yet. It was funny for them to have a geeky friend, but they know that the boy is quite wholesome and they love to tease him.

「Xue Rao/Lee Chin: Wow! :laughing_emote:」

「Jin Chen: You know what, maybe let's talk tomorrow. :slight_smile:」

- - - - -

Both brothers heard that the door was open which meant that their mother had arrived at home.

"Mama, you know what happened earlier. Chen Ge is always playing games!" Jin Liang directly repeated what happened earlier while looking at his brother before pulling his tongue out to him.

Shan Hua couldn't do anything but sigh to his youngest son. He knew that he just wanted some attention to his brother but because of his older brother cold demeanor, he couldn't do anything but tell me everything what he did.

On the other hand, the woman knew that his son had changed. She just wished that this would be permanent, because she was still solemn when her husband got killed by Kidney Failure.

"Liang Er, let your brother be okay. He is now a university student, he will be more busy than playing games in his room." Then she looked at her son with a kind smile.

Jin Chen was now shivering, because he was thinking of playing games the whole time. Shan Hua just giggled at his older son's reaction, it was getting easier to read the boy than before.

The younger boy who was now looking at his brother then declared. "Then me and my brother will play games soon, because I'm already a teenager! Right…" then he stared at him with a pleading eye.

The older boy then directly went toward his little brother before touching his hand and looking at him in an eye contact. "Yes… Xiao Liang and I will be playing games soon, because I found a game that we will both love."

Jin Liang then directly rushed toward his room because he was utterly excited from what he heard from his brother. While Jin Chen was just giggling at his younger brother's quick gesture.

Shan Hua was just looking at his sons proudly, it may be too early but he knew that their progress as a family will bloom even more in the future. For now she was proud of them even though the dark mourning from their father's death. They still tried to enjoy life, even though he was not here with him anymore.

The woman then murmured to herself while tears were falling down from her eyes.. "Did you see this Jin Shaiming- both of your sons are now talking once again."

The sibling fight has now blossomed, to a more peaceful and accepting sibling rivalry.