The class hall was filled with silence, no one was speaking except the Professor Fa. Who is now discussing the list they will do for the whole year. It was just the second day, but it's getting harder and harder for the students because of the harsh teacher they acquired for the new semester.
Jin Chen was now looking at his notes, getting confused. The lesson they were having was extreme but what for sure was that it seemed easy for him to think about it.
As a person who works in Business Management, who always stays in the office and writes papers. He knew some coding and found some errors because of his distinct sense.
"I feel like I would drop out after this semester." Jin Chen then looked at his male friend in disgust.
Xue Rao then just rolled her eyes before looking at her tablet. "Do it now so that your annoying face will never see us ever again- Jin Chen, am I right?" Then she looked at me wanting her to confirm about the situation.
Jin Chen was now watching Lee Chin urging himself to hit the girl, but because it was class session he couldn't do anything but grunt from annoyance. Which made Jin Chen and Xue Rao laugh at him in silence.
As time went on, the session was getting boring. Jin Chen could feel his drowsiness taking over him. He then looks at the hall to see tons of people who are already sleeping and hiding their faces not wanting to get seen by the professor.
Everyone can understand why they were like that, wanting to do the same thing but refusing to do it because this was for the sake of their future. They need to be strong.
"Everyone who is sleeping in my class, please stand up- I know who you are…" A cold breeze of a voice was heard.
Everyone directly flinches and wakes up some people on their side. Not wanting another trouble from the professor, they started to whisper the antics of the professor's deeds.
Once again the deep voice was heard, and Jin Chen who was just touching his face from fear could feel his chills from the man. "Please stand up now… if you don't confess there will be bigger consequences." Then one by one, the majority of the students were now standing and confessing they were asleep.
The one who is not confessing were just hiding their head down below not wanting to get notice. Professor Fa knew about it, but because they were scared.
What surprised him on the other hand was that the majority of the class confessed that they were sleeping. He was supposed to be angry but because they were being honest to themselves, he was rather proud of his students.
His voice was now heard from the hall, but the student realized it was getting softer which made them weird out.
"As expected, the majority of all of you are asleep, but because of your honesty. I would ignore it for now, but in the near future please refrain from doing it." Then continued making the student attentive to him.
"You're in a prestigious university, if you don't learn anything by chance no one will know what will happen in the future or so on. From a student from the slum or a young master from the upper ground, everyone can enter but you need to have strength and determination to finish this." The professor breathed before continuing his words.
"I just wish you all to do your best, as your Homeroom Adviser. I would be here to help all of you, but if you can't help yourself then no one will." He chuckled before going back to his desk and exhausted from his speech.
Everyone was flabbergasted by Professor Fa, seeing him as a teacher that everyone will get failed at. However, they sense this warm feeling from the professor.
"Professor Fa is such a father figure." Heard by a student who was just speaking out of her mind.
Jin Chen was now looking at his friends, who were just as shocked as him. They never thought that the professor was soft hearted to his student. Now they realize that he was not a bad teacher after all.
The class had ended, Jin Chen and his friend were now saying farewell to each other. Then Lee Chin suddenly mentioned that the game will be released later on, which made the group of friends excited to play with each other soon.
Jin Chen, who was now looking at his phone that the release date will be later… he didn't know about this excitement for a while, but now that he could play the game soon made his heart rush.
Now arriving at their home, putting his stuff directly. No one was still at home, and no one will be home until later in the afternoon. He then opens his laptop, getting irritated by the loading screen and starting to press the game launcher waiting for the timer to end.
"Why is the time getting slower." He groaned looking at the timer which stated it was only 30 minutes left.
Before that he then started to stand up and do some task that could waste a little bit of his time. The calm Jin Chen was impatient, because of the game being released.
Now getting some snacks from the refrigerator, and putting it in a bowl before coming back to his room. "I need to get my username as quickly as possible before someone will steal it from me…"
The timer has started to less which made the Jin Chen count as it go down
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and…" Before closing its eyes before refreshing the game launcher. He hesitated opening the launcher because what if the timer was a hallucination, which made Jin Chen uneasy from his sudden feeling at the moment.
「Altersite Online is Online」
Opening his eyes to see the word that he wanted to see, he then started to open the launcher and waited for the game to load.
"The game is finally online!"