Jin Chen chose a staff, with this weapon he has an advantage for the future weapon that will come in the game.
"Nice weapon you got their traveler, You earned a Staff. Please equip your staff so that you can use your weapon accordingly." Instructor Jairo mentioned, which was directly followed by Nero.
The staff that Jin Chen received was a simple and simple one that is made with low class elemental bark, with a minimal design. Though he didn't care about it for now, because he was still at the lowest level but in the future. He will gather more materials and cash to get a superior weapon soon.
He finally equipped the staff, by going to his character inventory. Then the man once again talked, which made Jin Chen annoyed because he wanted to see more about his character settings.
Instructor Jairo was now teaching Nero to use his three skills, which were Aqua Shot, Assuage Pulse, and Recuperate. While the man was also explaining how the skills were all about and how it is used for the future battle.
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「Aqua Shot - 5 Mana - 2 Second Refresh」
is an offensive attack, using your mana to cast the skills to hit one target. Bestowing a poison effect toward the specified target.
Downside of this skill was that you can only use it for singular targets, which gives you a high disadvantage if you join a raid in the future.
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The man explains the first skill delicately, while the skill tab pops out in front of him.
Nero thought from ecstasy to earn overpowered skill. Though it has its own disadvantages it could leave a target poison, which could continue to damage the enemy even if he is not in the fight.
Then continued by Jairo. "The next skill you have is Assuage Pulse and offensive and supporting skills.
It made him curious what the mentioned skill will do, both being offensive and defensive skills is a virtuous skill to learn from tons of people. He could use it to join a fight with no hesitation while supporting himself to get out of the fight.
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「Assuage Pulse - 100 Mana - 30 Seconds Refresh」
using your mana to cast the skills that hit multiple targets. Striking a pulse toward the enemy that does damage while the character and it's party will gain healing for 50% of the damage it hits.
Downside of this skill will it's high time limits and it's high mana cost.
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Jin Chen, who was reading this skill, was just curious about the healing skill he got, that means he could be an offensive and support character that could help his party members in the future.
"Xiao Liang, I have an awesome skill!" He was thrilled, glancing at his brother who was dearly ignoring him.
"This will be your last skill- Though don't worry because you could learn more skills the more you explore the world of Alter, or you can buy a skill in the Skill Shop." The man who mentioned other necessities in the game which made Nero forgot about the Skill Shop that could give him better skills.
Though the skill he has now is better than what he thinks, he was already thinking of saving until a Skill Book that he could use will be on Auction or being sold in the shop.
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「Recuperate - 0 Mana - 1 Minutes Refresh」
Is a skill that could reproduce your mana at a fast rate, Refreshing the player's mana for about 100 Mana every 15 seconds.
Downside of this skill is its long time limits.
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Jin Chen was somehow relieved to have a skill that could refresh his mana as fast as possible. Though he was not a mage, but his usage of mana will be high which mean he will be needing more Mana Potion in the future,
Instructor Jairo explained all the skills that the traveler have, then which he added while the two characters were now moving to the training ground. "Now it's time for you to test the skills you have for the Training Dummies."
Nero was now excited about the situation he was in, finally fighting something even though it's not a moving entity.
He was now holding his staff, then he started to cast his skills toward the Training Dummy. The first skill he thought of was the 「Aqua Bullet」 which shows the Staff was now starting to light up and started to produce liquid substance before hitting it toward the target.
After that he started to see the dummy burning out of its existence and burning into its dark ashes. "That was so cool!" The traveler thought before using his second skill.
Now starting casting another skill 「Assuage Pulse」, the staff was now moving on it's own before hitting toward all the dummies in the ground.
Though he was expecting them to vanish into ashes, on the other hand he was healed by it. Nero thought that it was better than killing it, because maybe if he is now in his late game he could help people by using the skills so that they could kill the enemy with 50% HP.
Then after he started to use the 「Recuperate」 then his mana was now starting to go up.
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First Ability Usage
Completion Award:
50 Experience
100 Crystal
1 Gold
Achievement Unlocked:
Tri-Skill Charge.
100 Experience
50 Crystal
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"Congratulations, now that you have mastered your skills. It was now your time to attack some monster toward the village." Instructor Jairo announced adoringly. While Nero on the other hand was happy to get another reward and achievement.
Then he thought about it, now it was his time to kill some monster which alerted him. Jin Chen stood his body straightly then starting to hunch back because of excitement within him
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A couple of slimes were invading near the village, Which made other merchants and travelers have a hard time to enter. Please kill at least 20 slimes and 10 pieces of any slime drop rate.
200 Experiences
500 Crystal
4* Weapon of Your Liking
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Jin Chen was now shocked that he will received a 4* Weapon at this early stage in the game. Now he was feeling motivated to play this quest even though slime will be easy to kill because they were considered as the weak enemy in the game with the goblins.
The young adventurer then started to move his way toward the village before seeing a couple of slime who was now starting to chase him.
Nero was now excited to kill the slimes… It was like before when he learned to fight the game for the first time. Then he thought about before grinning viciously
"Those poor slime monsters…"