Hidden Zone

Now that the class has ended, the group of friends are now in a cafe to enjoy the rest of the day.

They were glad that the school schedule was short, which gave them more time to hang out for the whole afternoon. All of them were bringing their laptop and starting to sit down in the game and starting to play Altersite Online.

Xue Rao then started to ask the two boys for what they would order. Jin Chen then announced that he just wanted a latte, while Lee Chin on the other hand wanted a blueberry cheesecake with an ice coffee on the side.

While the girl was now ordering for the meal, Jin Chen then started to play the game logging on and to his surprise that he was now forgotten by the people.

"So what are you now Chen Er, do you need help because I already bought some passes so that I could become stronger early." Lee Chin was bragging about him spending money on the game which made Jin Chen irritated from the boastful act.

Jin Chen then smiles weakly before responding. "Don't mind about me Lee Chin, I'm just going to do what I'm supposed to do- Also I'm still in the beginner ground still, and maybe going to explore the area for a while." Explaining to him, what he was doing at the moment.

"What do you mean you will explore the beginner ground? It was only just a Village and path. There's nothing much more to explore the area." Lee Chin who shrugged off before starting to stare at his screen.

On the other hand, Jin Chen just grinned wickedly about what his friend told him.

He knew there was a hidden area in the game, which would give you special items and a hidden achievement. Which is hard to get if you are already out of the beginner ground.

Nero then started to explore the area, from what his memory gave to him in the past. While some slime were attacking him on the side, he started to attack to get some extra cash and experience.

He was now looking for a tree, from his speculation that the hidden area would be a door between a tree that had a cherry sapling on the side.

Xue Rao arrived at the table and gave all the orders to her friend. Then started to look at the two of them before asking for their account. "Tell me your account name, so that we could add each other." She announced before sitting down while drinking her mint green tea.

While Jin Chen was drinking his latte, he was getting furious looking for the hidden area.

"Where is that thing, last time I remember it was here but now it's gone?" He thought before smacking his keyboard.

The two pairs of friends were just looking at their angered friend before minding their own business. Because they knew that the boy was just angry at the game.

Now analyzing the area, he then started to look at a pinkish leaf. From side to side, and up and back roaming around the beginner ground. Almost getting exhausted looking at the same thing over and over again.

Then suddenly he found the unexpected pink sapling in the tree, though the plant was not big or small but tiny that he was having hard time looking for it.

He then started to press to see a button to enter, which he didn't hesitate to enter.

"Finally, I'm in the Hidden Zone in the Beginner Ground." He announced carelessly before looking at his parents who were shocked by what the boy had said to them. Which made them look at Jin Chen screen before asking questions about the area that he found.

"How did you find this area?" Lee Chin inquired with shock on his face, while Xue Rao was rest assured for more questions. "Why didn't you tell me that there was a hidden area, I just left the Beginner Ground a while ago!"

The girl then almost strangles Jin Chen but was stopped by Lee Chin who looked disappointed at him. Because he thought that friends should help each other and share information if they find something.

Nero was now exploring the area, which was filled with total darkness from what he remembered in the past. With some light every now and then it was flashy by some slime that was glowing in the dark which helped the place to get some light.

He then started to bring out his staff before hitting the slimes and dropping some new item, which was Glowing Slime Ball with a rarity of Epic.

Which made the two of the pairs envious, while Jin Chen on the inside was now grinning gruesomely.

While exploring the area, he then got startled by seeing a man's skeleton with a wooden chest on the side. Which made him grin widely at the chest that he found.

Nero then opens the chest to receive once again an item, which pops out on the side and reads the description it was given.

- - - - -

Hidden Achievement Unlocked:

Beginner Hidden Zone

500 Experience

1000 Crystal

Cherry Blossom Sapling 1*


Chest Award:

50 Experience

100 Crystal

Artifact. Oracle Grail 3*

- - - - -

Jin Chen was now delighted that he gathered equipment that he remembered in the past.

Now that he has received it, he is now planning to buy land when he has more currency in the future. Before planting the sapling that he received now which was considered a one star. Which means that people would just trade this off or delete it from their inventory.

Not knowing the secret that it will become a power upgrading item to make weapon and artifact stronger, that could even upgrade to its best of its ability but for now.

He needs to keep it quiet, because he is the first one who has it for now.

Xue Rao and Lee Chin, who was just glancing at the boy every while. Want to destroy Jin Chen's laptop because the boy's personality is changing because of greediness in the game.

"Next time let's ask Jin Chen, if he knew some hidden area so that we could earn that item that he received." Xue Rao mumbled to Lee Chin while the boy just nodded before agreeing to the plan.

"Hidden Zone was discovered today…"