Jar Merchant: Opening Nami Out of the Eighth Level Chapter 41

There are a lot of wanted warrants circulating on this ocean, and her appearance has not changed much. It is not unusual to recognize her. Robin wants to see what the handsome shopkeeper in front of him knows.

  "For example, I know that the plan you are implementing is called [Ideal Township]. I also know that you are only temporarily cooperating with Sand Crocodile. Your goal is the piece of historical text stored in Alabastan. I also know this The exact location of the block history text..."

  As Li Wei said, Robin's expression gradually changed.

  "This is impossible. Only me and Mr0 know the Ideal Township Plan, and the other members are only responsible for the implementation. How did Li Wei know?"

  There was a huge wave in Nicole Robin's heart, and now she felt like she was standing in front of Li Wei with a naked body. In Li Wei's eyes, she had no secret at all-at all.

  "You really are a magical man!"

  Nicole Robin smiled at Li Wei.

  "The man who can sell so many magical items is not a simple person."

  Li Wei said to Nicole Robin.

  As Nicole Robin clapped her hands, Weiwei's arms disappeared in an instant.

  "I'm here to buy a jar, and now I have proven my sincerity."

  Nicole Robin spread her hands and smiled at Li Wei.

  "Okay, what level of jars are you going to buy?"

  Li Wei asked Robin.

  "Give me a platinum jar. I heard that Admiral Huang Yuan and Taotu are platinum jars."

  Nicole Robin said to Li Wei.

  As a knowledgeable student and intelligence officer, when Robin came here, she collected and analyzed the intelligence of Li Wei's jar shop.

  After her careful analysis and calculation, opening the most expensive jar is the most profitable!

  Nicole Robin's finger designated a jar, and Li Wei put it on the counter.

  "Now it's yours, open it, Miss Robin!"

  Li Wei handed Robin a small hammer, and he gestured to Robin.

  "I like what you called just now, Manager Robin!"

  Robin covered his mouth and chuckled.

  Robin's hand picked up the hammer and smashed it towards the jar. With a crisp cracking sound, a huge scroll appeared in front of Robin.

  "Can you explain to me what this is, Manager Li Wei?"

  Robin looked at the scroll in front of him and asked Li Wei.

  As a scholar, she was able to come out. The scroll is not a symbol, but a text. This text looks very similar to the historical text, but it is different.

  Even with Robin's knowledgeable mind, she did not recognize what period of writing it was.

  "This scroll goes well with you, Miss Robin."

  Looking at this scroll, Li Wei said to Robin.

  When the scroll information appeared in front of Li Wei, Li Wei had this feeling.

  Item: Scroll of Shadow Clone (Platinum) (Improved Version)

  Source: Naruto World

  Explanation: Shadow clone is about to clone into two or more ninjutsu. The clones behind the clones will evenly distribute the chakras of the main body. The shadow clone is a kind of ninjutsu that can quickly improve the practice, because the practice done by the clone will eventually be integrated into the body. The advantage of the shadow clone technique is that it can improve the combat power and practice of the body. The disadvantage is that the shadow clone will divide the chakra of the body equally, which will consume a lot of the chakra and fatigue accumulation of the body.

  (Because of the conflict in the world system, the system has automatically transformed Chakra into physical maintenance.)

  Usage: Put your hand on the handprint on the seal of the scroll.

  "Miss Robin, put your hand on this mudra and you will know everything you want to know."

  Li Wei said to Robin.

  Although Robin was puzzled by what Li Wei said, she still did.

  "this thing..."

  When the content of the shadow clone scroll appeared in Robin's mind, she automatically understood the meaning of the words on the scroll.

·········Find flowers 0 ·······

  "Is this a lost civilization? Or is this the text that was destroyed in a hundred years of blankness?"

  Compared to the Yakage clone, Nicole Robin is more concerned about the meaning behind the scroll.

  From this scroll, Robin sees a civilization with a huge system. Although the power system of this civilization is completely different from that of the pirates, there is no doubt that this civilization system is not inferior to this world.

  Robin remembered what Li Wei had said before. He said that the contents of his jar came from the heavens and all realms.

  Robin doesn't believe in the sayings of the heavens and the world. According to her guess, Li Wei's things should belong to this world. The reason why the people of this sea have not seen it is because this is a lost hundred years. Things before.

.... .... ...

  "Hey, are you okay, Robin?"

  Li Wei saw that Nicole Robin had been there in a daze, so he asked Robin.

  "It's okay, it's just that this thing is a little beyond my imagination, so I'm a little distracted."

  Nicole Robin said to Li Wei.

  In the eyes of Nicole Robin at this time, Li Wei looked even more mysterious.

  "Try my abilities first!"

  Nicole Robin was only concerned about shocking the civilization behind this scroll just now, and she only realized what was recorded in this scroll now.

  In front of the three of them, Robin's body opened a lot of petals, and then a new Nicole Robin appeared in front of them.

  This shadow clone uses Robin's abilities of flowers and fruits and her physical strength to release.

  "Is this an illusion? It's amazing!"

  Little stars appeared in Nami's eyes, and she saw this ability once again.

  "No, this is a real entity. Each of these two people is Nicole Robin."

  Li Wei explained to Nami.

  The most buggy thing about the shadow clones is that Robin can use these clones to do other things, and these memories will also enter her brain when she takes back the clones.

  The only pity is that the shadow clone consumes a lot of physical strength. If Robin is a strong monster like Kaido, then she can do it alone. seven.

Chapter 67:

  "What a convenient ability, if I had this ability, it would be great!"

  Nami was dreaming that if she had this ability, she could see that she didn't fit when she was buying clothes.

  It's a pity that now she has saved less than 20 million Baileys, and there is still a long way to go from 100 million.

  "These were originally mine!"

  Vivi looked at Nicole Robin sadly. This billion Bailey was originally given to her by her father Cobra, but now it has become Robin's thing.

  This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that now that the sand crocodile has blocked Alabastan, the money Vivi needs can't reach the town of Rogge.

  After Robin learned about her new abilities, she said goodbye to Li Wei.

  "Mr. Li Wei, I hope I can meet you again in Roger Town next time!"

  Nicole Robin said to Li Wei.

  In the thick night, Nicole Robin left Rogue Town.

  "Welcome back, Miss.allsunday!"

  At Whiskey Pass, Sand Crocodile's boat had already been there waiting for Nicole Robin.

  Because Hawkeye is now turning the mountain pass upside down, Sand Crocodile doesn't want to fight the madman unless it is necessary.

  "Well, is that jar merchant really as magical as the newspaper said?"

  Klockdal asked Nicole Robin.

  Krokdal has a big back, a long cross-cut scar on his face, an earring on his right ear, and he likes to smoke cigars.

  Although it is summer, this guy is still wearing a black fur coat and an orange plaid long-sleeved shirt underneath the fur coat.

  His left hand is a golden hook, and from the face of it, you know that he is not a good person.

  Looking at Klockdal in front of him, Nicole Robin thought for a moment and replied: "Li Wei, he is more magical than reported in the newspaper."

  Krockdale's brows raised, and it was the first time that Nicole Robin had such a high evaluation of people.

  "Compared to looking for Pluto, you can try to open a jar. Perhaps compared with your hard work planning Pluto, this plan is much faster than your ideal plan."

  Nicole Robin said to the sand crocodile.

  "You don't understand, Pluto is a legendary weapon. It can destroy an island in one shot. Although Li Wei's jar is amazing, I don't think it can be compared with Pluto."

  Sand Crocodile shook his head and said.

  After he heard the rumors of Pluto, Sand Crocodile went crazy, and he spent nearly ten years of hard work to capture Pluto.

  Because of the desire for revenge, Sand Crocodile has given up everything.

  "Li Wei knows about your dream home plan, and Cobra's daughter-Miss. Wednesday is also there now, and according to Li Wei, he seems to know where the historical text that records Pluto is placed.

  Seeing that Sand Crocodile was unmoved, Nicole Robin added another fire.

  "What you said is true?"

  The sand crocodile stood up abruptly, his body turned into a quicksand appeared in front of Robin in an instant.

  "I didn't believe it when I knew it, but in the end he seemed to really know it."

  Robin spread his hands and said to the sand crocodile.

  "Well, I will leave for Rogge Town tomorrow!"

  Sand Crocodile laughed in a low voice: "I hope what Li Wei said is true, otherwise I will feed him to Banana Crocodile."

  The next day, the sand crocodile's boat went along the upside-down mountain.

  When the sand crocodile's boat jumped to the upside-down mountain, an incandescent slash came towards the sand crocodile's boat.

  "Desert Knife!"

  Sand Crocodile didn't panic at all, his left arm turned into a meniscus knife entirely made of sand, and Sand Crocodile released three slashes to offset Hawkeye's slashes.

  "Is this guy Hawkeye already so strong?"

  Sand Crocodile frowned.

  Sand Crocodile also fought against Eagle Eye before. Although Eagle Eye's swordsmanship is very strong, it has not reached this level. This shows that after Eagle Eye was defeated by Taotu, his strength has improved a lot.

  "Why are you here, Sand Crocodile?"

  The eagle eye's figure appeared on the platform, and in his hand, Hei Dao Ye was still buzzing constantly.

  "I am going to Roggetown."

  Sand Crocodile said to Hawkeye.

  Hawkeye calmly glanced at Sand Crocodile: "Are you going to open the jar?"

  "Yes, after all, spending money can make you stronger, why not try?"

  The sand crocodile said indifferently...

  "Hawkeye, it seems that your kendo cultivation has made a lot of progress during your retreat during this period of time!"

  Sand Crocodile praised the eagle eye.

  "No, my progress is not as great as you imagined, but your own strength has regressed too fast, Sand Crocodile!"

  Hawkeye sighed at the sand crocodile.

  "How is this possible? Ever since I was defeated by Baibeard, I have been working hard every day to cultivate!"

  The sand crocodile was already a little uncomfortable in the gaze looking at the eagle eye. Is this guy deliberately looking for fault?