Jar Merchant: Opening Nami Out of the Eighth Level Chapter 58

Zeng Guo glanced at these high-ranking naval officers, and he asked them.

  "Marshal of the Warring States Period, this is a war between the countries of the world government. It is inappropriate for us to intervene?"

  Huang Yuan asked at the Warring States Period.

  The countries in the North Sea are all members of the world government, because the countries that did not agree to join have all been wiped out.

  The world government is responsible for wars and mediation between the participating countries, and the navy is responsible for maintaining the law and order of the sea. That's why Huang Yuan said that.

  "No, Germa has always wanted to rule the North Sea. They are the instability factor in the North Sea. For this kind of behavior that disrupts the world government structure, we must wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

  Akino's arms waved fiercely into the air.

  However, the blue pheasant's eyes were blindfolded and looked as if he was sleeping, while Karp was holding a pack of senbei in his arms, and he was fighting with senbei intently; Lieutenant Crane was looking down file.

  No one agreed with Akinu, which made Akinu feel very embarrassed.

  "Green Pheasant, tell me your opinion!"

  The Warring States also felt that the situation was a bit cold, and he coughed and asked Qing Pheasant.

  "I have no opinion, I will do what you say, the Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

  The green pheasant didn't even take off his blindfold, he responded to the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

  "Xiaohe, what do you think?"

  Zeng Guo looked at Lieutenant General Crane again.

  After He heard the words of the Warring States Period, she closed the file in front of her. She pondered for a moment and said, "Now Germa has disrupted the security of the entire Beihai. As the navy, only we have the opportunity to keep Beihai in time. Restore peace within."

  Although Lieutenant General Crane did not directly express her opinion, everyone heard her opinion, and she also agreed to send troops.

  Sengoku glanced at Karp who was still fighting with Senbei, and he skipped this link directly.

  "Well, now after a preliminary vote, we are going to send troops to the North Sea, so now we will discuss the second question, who should be responsible for this action?"

  Warring States asked these generals.

  "Jerma's strength is at best the level of an ordinary lieutenant general. Just let any elite lieutenant general lead the team, right?"

  Lieutenant General Crane said to the Warring States period.

  She didn't understand that a force like this was still so entangled with the Warring States period.

  "Xiaohe, do you know why Germa dared to fight the entire Beihai directly?"

  Warring States asked Lieutenant General Crane.

  "This dossier says that Gage has developed a new generation of combat uniforms, which greatly increased Germa's strength, so he launched a war against the North Sea."

  Lieutenant General Crane read out the contents of the dossier. Listening to the words of the Warring States Period, it seemed that there was something secret in this matter.

  "Before Jiazhi successfully developed a new combat uniform, he once went to Luoge Town in the East China Sea!"

  Looking at the people in front of him, the Warring States Period uttered the truth behind them word by word.

  "Li Wei again?"

  This is the first reaction in everyone's mind.

  Karp no longer eats senbei, even the three generals are no longer lazy, and everyone's expressions become solemn.

  Now no matter what it is, as long as there are three words Rogge Town in this incident, it is a major event worthy of everyone's attention! .

96.Chapter 96

  "Did Gage open the jar with Li Wei?"

  This is everyone's first reaction. No matter what it is, it will become very troublesome if you get involved with Li Wei.

  "According to our information, Jiazhi did go to Li Wei, and Jiazhi also had a fight with his daughter Lei Jiu in front of Li Wei's pot shop!"

  Looking at the dignified generals, the Warring States Period slowly revealed the information investigated by the CP agency.

  "Since Gachi opened a jar with Li Wei, it is indeed inappropriate to send an Elite 3 lieutenant general."

  Lieutenant General Crane let out a light sigh.

  That guy Li Wei's jar is too unreasonable. Before I don't know what jar Gage got, it is indeed very likely that the lieutenant will be sent to capsize.

  "Do you know that there are only a few people in Gaj's Germa Legion. How did he occupy nearly one-third of the North Sea?"

  While everyone was discussing the selection of soldiers to Beihai, the Warring States suddenly talked about something irrelevant.

  The eyes of the people looked to him, and they also wanted to know the meaning of the words of the Warring States Period.

  "That's because most of the clone soldiers are also wearing armors like Gage's. Those clones are the most conservative and have colonel-level combat power!"

  Looking at everyone in front of him, the Warring States once again released a bomb.

  "Do you mean that the armor energy produced by Jiazhi can be used by ordinary people?"

  Karp reacted immediately, and his face changed.

  There are two ways to become stronger in this ocean, one is to eat the fruit of the devil, and the other is to exercise your physical skills assiduously.

  If you eat the devil fruit, you will be restrained by the sea and the sea building stone, and if you want to rely on your own practice to become a colonel-level powerhouse, in addition to talent, you need to accumulate terrible time.

  But Kage's approach broke everything in front of him, and he blazed a new path between Devil Fruit and Body Art.

  There are all colonel-level combat powers. What kind of horror is that. It's no exaggeration to say that once all the Germa Legion in Gachi wears the steel armor, then the Germa Legion will The animal demon fruit legion that surpassed Kaido became the strongest force on the sea.

  "For this matter, Wu Lao Xing called me just now, and now the world government also wants the armor design in the hands of Gachi!"

  The voice of the Warring States made them all understand that the armor design in Kage's hands really had the power to change the sea.

  When they obtain the design drawings of Jachi's armor in the future, when the 100,000 elite navy wears armor, what a terrible force is that?

  What is the Four Emperors? What is the era of the great pirates, these things are all scum in the face of combat power at the level of 100,000 colonels.

  "Now we are going to discuss two things. The first thing is which general will be sent to defeat Germa and get back the blueprints. The second thing is how do we deal with Li Wei?"

  Speaking of the second matter, the Warring States period also had a headache, because he didn't know how to solve Li Wei.

  "To solve Germa's matter, I'll leave it to you!"

  Warring States said to the green pheasant.

  "Ok, I understand!"

  The green pheasant responds to the Warring States period. For the general level of combat power, it is very easy to deal with the strong below the general.

  "Then the next thing to discuss is how to solve the problem of the pot businessman Li Wei!"

  Warring States said to everyone.

  When Karp first discovered Li Wei, they discussed this matter. Later, because Li Wei's jar was too helpful to the navy, the Warring States Period chose to hide Li Wei's existence from the sea.

  After all, the paper could not contain the fire. Now the jar merchant Li Wei has become the most frequently mentioned topic on the sea, and even the Pirate King Roger has been suppressed by his name.

  When the Warring States period raised this issue, the atmosphere in the entire office became heavy.

  They have all seen the magic of Li Wei's jar, and until now, the generals have not found out the information about the props out of Li Wei's jar.

  It stands to reason that such powerful props would definitely leave traces if they appeared on this sea.

  But regrettably, the Warring States period had gone through nearly 800 years of history, and he had no clue about the contents of Li Wei's jar.

  He even guessed that Li Wei's stuff was a product of a century or even longer. Now he has asked his former teacher, the Marshal of the Three Armies, to check the library of the Tianlongren, and there will be news in a while. .

  "I still said that Li Wei is an unstable factor in this ocean, and we must find a way to hold it in our hands!"

  The red dog's fist became red, and then his fist hit the table in front of him fiercely, and the table was suddenly blackened.

·········Find flowers 0 ·······

  "Master? How to master, even we can produce such artifacts, do you think Li Wei will be short of props? A general-level powerhouse with all kinds of magic props, we have no way to deal with it!"

  Huang Yuan is now reading the book from Li Wei's jar. He feels that there is this book in Li Wei's jar, which shows that Li Wei is just like him, the kind of person who has no ambitions.

  For such a person, if they are forced to control it, it will only have a counterproductive effect.

  "For this kind of person, we can't turn him into our enemy!"

  Lieutenant General Crane thought for a while, and she also found it difficult to deal with this matter.

  She was also the first time she met such a miraculous person. His existence was of great help to both the pirates and the navy.

.... ..... ...

  "Can't the world government allocate military expenses to buy all of Li Wei's cans?"

  The green pheasant proposed to the Warring States period.

  "No, if so much money flows into Li Wei's pocket, this sea will break out of a wealth crisis because of Pele's shortage. By this time, the world will be in chaos, and it may even perish!"

  The Warring States directly rejected the unreliable suggestion of the green pheasant.

  The things the Warring States said involved financial things, and the three generals didn't learn it, nor did they understand it.

  They also understood the meaning of the Warring States period. Not only they couldn't buy it, but even others bought as little as possible, otherwise the world would perish.

  Now the meeting is deadlocked again.

  "Well, I'll go to Rogge Town myself, I want to talk to this Li Wei!"

  The Warring States period only met this young man in the newspapers. He decided to meet Li Wei in person. Only in this way would he know what attitude the Navy used to deal with Li Wei.

  "Also, Sakaski, you go to the East China Sea with me. While I am going to see Li Wei, you must find a way to bring all those who have opened Li Wei's jars into the navy. These people will become us. The pillars of the navy, absolutely cannot let them become pirates!"

  Sengoku said to Akagu.

  Although Akadog is too radical in doing things, the Warring States also has to admit that in terms of dedication to his duties, Akadog does the best.

  The Warring States period is also very relieved to leave this kind of thing to him. seven.

Chapter 97:

  The turmoil that Gage caused in the North Sea was not over yet, and the sea was shocked by a piece of news.

  Someone in the Whitebeard Pirates has rebelled!

  Whitebeard Second Division player Blackbeard Marshall D Titch mysteriously disappeared. At the same time, Whitebeard Fourth Division captain Saatchi was killed!

  This is the first time since the Whitebeard Pirate Group was founded that someone has defected, so the people in this sea are waiting to eat big melons.

  Unlike other pirate groups that rely on the combination of interests, the members of the white beard pirate group rely on the bonds between their families.

  In the White Beard Pirates, all members are now white beard's godsons, so his members also call White Beard Dad.

  The brothers killed each other for the first time, and this was the first time in the Whitebeard Pirates, so the entire sea was also paying attention to this matter.

  "Since Whitebeard has defected, it means that this guy has obtained the dark fruit of the natural element, and then this world is about to stir up new waves!"

  When Li Wei saw the news, there was only one thought in his mind: The cruelest era has begun!

  It is precisely because Blackbeard killed Saatchi that Ace, as the captain, would hunt down Blackbeard. Originally, Ace thought it was a battle to clear the door, but he didn't expect it to be an act of giving someone a head.

  When Ace was captured by Blackbeard, Blackbeard exchanged Ace and the navy for a position in the Seven Martial Seas. At the same time, Ace was captured in Propulsion City, and after that, One Piece's largest war-the top war!

  "Do you want to move?"

  Such a thought appeared in Li Wei's mind.

  Although the town of Rogge is known as the town of beginning and end, it is still too remote relative to this world. In the future, the major events of the world's development will all be in the great sea route and the new world.

  After Luffy goes out to sea in a few months, Donghai will be almost completely out of play.

  When Li Wei was thinking about moving, the Whitebeard Pirates are now frying because of Blackbeard!

  "Could it be something wrong, Titch and we have been brothers for 20 years, so it is possible for him to do this kind of thing?"

  This is the sentimental view.

  "Could it be done by other pirate groups, or by the world government, whose purpose is to make us the Whitebeard Pirates mess themselves?"

  This is the point of view of conspiracy theory.

  But the conspiracy theory was instantly slapped by the white beard's theory: "How is it possible, no one can hide under the old man's knowledge!"