Jar Merchant: Opening Nami hits the eighth level Chapter 96

"It would be great if it were that simple, Gion, Hawkeye has stayed in the East China Sea for three years, and there is information that Hawkeye has also been to Li Wei's pot shop, and coincidentally, the Upside Down Mountain was cut off again that day! "

  Lieutenant General Crane said to Taotu in a solemn manner.

  "You mean, Hawkeye also got something about swordsmanship or something from Li Wei?"

  Taotu grasped the point very keenly.

  "Although there is no 100% certainty in intelligence, it is at least 80% possible!"

  Lieutenant General Crane replied.

  Now Taotu's face is full of solemnity. As an opponent, she knows how terrifying the eagle eye is in kendo. If Lieutenant General Crane said it is true, then no one knows the strength of the eagle eye. Where did it go.

  "Then things are getting a little troublesome now!"

  The red dog frowned, and when he remembered that the author of all this was Li Wei's hateful pot trader, the red dog felt a faint pain all over his body.

  Had it not been for the magic of Koya's ton of instant Liuhua, the red dog would have died in the East China Sea that day.

  Although Keya healed all the injuries on his body, he had already left a shadow of Li Wei in his heart.

  "¨ This battle is very important for both Hawkeye and our navy, because the victory or defeat not only relates to the individual's victory or defeat, it also relates to the ownership of the swordsmen in the world."

  Warring States glanced at the people, and he slowly said to them.

  If Hawkeye wins this battle, Hawkeye can not only return to the top and become the world's largest swordsman, but he can also become the spiritual leader of swordsmen across the sea.

  As long as Hawkeye waved his arms, countless swordsmen would follow him.

  Fortunately, Hawkeye is a lone ranger. He only likes to fight alone. Otherwise, let him gather the swordsmen of the whole sea. Then there will be a force no less than the four emperors on this sea, and even Hawkeye's momentum will be straightforward. Chasing the dead Frost Moon Dragon Horse.

  If Taotu wins, then Taotu will become the swordsmanship leader of the whole sea, and the navy will receive a steady stream of swordsmen as a supplement to the navy.

  You know, in this sea, swordsmen are recognized as the most powerful profession. If the navy has a swordsman force, it will be able to fight against the four emperors after a battle.

  Therefore, this battle must not be defeated!

  "Gion, this battle of the world's number one swordsman will be your mission to be promoted to general. If you can defeat Hawkeye, then you will become the first female general in naval history, and also the first. The fourth general, and even the first female, the world's largest swordsman to buy!"

  Warring States talked to Taotu about the benefits of winning the battle. With the talk of Warring States period, Taotu's breathing became heavier and heavier.

  The cake the Warring States drew for her was too big and tempting. She had to eat this cake in her belly.

  "Warring States Marshal, don't worry, I will definitely become an admiral!"

  Taotu promised to the Warring States period, after which she went back to retreat.

  Now there is still half a year, and her strength still has room for improvement. .

Chapter 160:

  "Eagle Eye actually wants to challenge the swordsmen of the world, it is so bold!"

  Nami was looking at the newspaper in front of her, and her voice was full of praise.

  When Eagle Eye and Li Wei were separated in Bharati, Eagle Eye and Li Wei said that he wanted to take back the throne of once the world's largest swordsman. Nami didn't expect Eagle Eye to take this approach. .

  "This news must have caused a shock to the swordsmen across the sea, maybe the impatient swordsmen have already set off now!"

  Li Wei held the newspaper in his hand, and his eyes looked into the distance, as if he had also seen the swordsmen advancing towards the battlefield of the world's greatest swordsmen.

  New World, the Mobile

  Foil Bista held the newspaper in his hands, his face with a mustache full of longing.

  He is the captain of the fifth division of the White Beard Pirates and one of the best swordsmen in the world.

  He is a second-sword swordsman, because his sword will shine like a flower petal when it is swung, so he is also called the foil Bista.

  "Vista, go if you want, man, pursue your dreams, don't be ashamed!"

  Although Baibeard closed his eyes, he also knew what his son was thinking.

  After all, they have been father and son for twenty years, and Baibeard knows his son's character very well.

  "But now Ace is not there, and Saatchi has also passed away. Our Whitebeard Pirates are in their weakest moment."

  Bista looked a little hesitant. As a swordsman, he wanted to participate in this event, but he was still a member of the White Beard Pirates, so he couldn't just think about himself.

  "Bista, Lao Tzu is a white beard, not to mention that there are still so many captains. Now I am alone here, and that Lao Tzu is also the White Beard Pirate Group!"

  Baibeard's eyes opened, his eyes were full of domineering, this is the confidence of the world's strongest man, Baibeard.

  Although White Beard was defeated by Karp, his spirit seemed to be better than before.

  "I see, daddy!"

  Bista agreed to the white beard.

  "Eagle Eye has been in the East China Sea for three years. He might open some perverted jars at the jar merchant Li Wei, you have to be careful!"

  White Beard told Bista, now he is like an old father facing a wanderer about to travel.

  After White Beard's advice, Bista embarked on a journey to the great route alone.

  "Captain, would you like to participate in this kendo event hosted by Hawkeye?"

  Somewhere in the new world, the Red-haired Pirates is holding a banquet, and Jesus is holding the newspaper in his hands and asking the red-haired.

  Red-haired Shanks has always been a close friend of Eagle Eye Kendo. Their wonderful duels are also regarded as legends by the swordsmen on the sea. Now Eagle Eye has held such an all-sea kendo event. , I don't know if the red-haired Shanks will go to the place.

  "I am struggling to fight for a false name. How can we feel at ease when we have a banquet!"

  After Shanks finished speaking, he laughed, and then the whole group of red-haired pirates laughed.

  "As expected of you, Captain!"

  Jesus gave Shanks a thumbs up. They were all crew members for many years, and they naturally understood Shanks' temper.

  "After all, it's up to someone whose sword is sharper in this ocean. Those false names are unreliable!"

  Shanks' eyes flashed sharply, and now he looked like a real strong man.

  Afterwards, the banquet of the Red-haired Pirates also came to a climax amidst the noise of the rest of the Red-haired Pirates.

  "The battle for the world's largest swordsman, I can't imagine that Mihawk has such a spirit now."

  In the Chambord Islands, Raleigh was drinking wine like an ordinary down-and-out coater, when he looked at the newspaper in his hand and smiled.

  Hawkeye and Shanks are both opponents and friends, so Raleigh has also seen them fight each other.

 (cgah) At the time when Raleigh was at the peak, Hawkeye was just a rookie who just came out of the sea, and now, Hawkeye has finally ushered in his era!

  Now he is old, and there is nothing worth worrying about in this ocean. Regarding the grand gathering of swordsmen of the younger generation, Raleigh is very happy to watch, but if he wants to challenge him, he has no such thoughts.

  "Mihogg, I will kill you, kill everyone who participated in the swordsmanship this time, I am the strongest swordsman!"

  As he advanced into the city, Xiliu's eyes were red, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. His crime was very special. He was convicted for slaughtering prisoners, but he is the world's largest swordsman. There are not so many scruples on the Internet.

  He couldn't help shaking at the thought of his sword being able to drink so much blood from a powerful swordsman.

  "Are you going to fight?"

  In an ordinary kendo dojo in Donghai Shuangyue Village, a gentle woman asked Koushiro.

  Koshiro was silent for a moment, and then he showed a gentle smile at the woman in front of him: "Since Guina died, I have promised you that I will never step into the sea again. I will never set foot in the sword. Will participate, and Sauron inherited my mantle, I believe he will be famous in the sea!"

  Great route, small garden

  This is a huge island that still preserves the landscape of prehistoric times, but here is something more terrifying than dinosaurs, that is, the two giants "Blue Ghost" Dolly and "Red Ghost" Blo who have been fighting on the island for more than 100 years. base.

  It was also the first time that Sauron saw this kind of sight, which opened his eyes. Sauron was even more convinced that coming to the great route was the most correct thing he did.

  At this time, Sauron's hand was also holding the newspaper that Hawkeye was about to hold the world's largest swordsman. Looking at this newspaper, Sauron's eyes were full of yearning.

  Although he wanted to go, he knew that Hawkeye was right. Now he is a real frog at the bottom of the well. Only when he comes to the great route can he know how big this world is.

  Now Sauron hasn't even mastered the armed color domineering. In this sea, although not all great swordsmen have the strongest armed color domineering, but the strongest swordsman must have the strongest armed color domineering.

  Sauron was already trying to find ways to use arms and domineering for Hedao Yiwen. Now Sauron felt that his strength was improving every day. Looking at the date in half a year, he felt that his whole body was full of motivation.

  "Hurry up and become stronger, I also want to participate in the duel in half a year!"

  Sauron thought in his heart, and at the same time, his sword swing became more frequent!

  These people are just a microcosm, and the sword tyrants who have seen this news all over the world have already started to take action one after another. .

Chapter 161:

  When the eyes of the whole sea were looking at Eagle Eye's decision of the world's number one swordsman, no one noticed that a pirate group from the East China Sea had come to Balabastan. Their goal was to defeat the Qiwu Sea. Krokdal, thus freeing the people of Alabastan.

  No, it's not that no one noticed that Smogg, who originally guarded Rogue Town, took his subordinate Dasqi all the way to Alabastan. His goal was to send the Straw Hat Pirates into Advance City.

  After Luffy was rescued by the dragon, this further strengthened Smogg's desire to capture Luffy, so he followed the trail of the Straw Hat Pirates to the great route before he had no naval dispatch order. .

  Now Smogg has arrived in Alabastan on the ship of her colleague Tina. This is Tina's defense zone. Tina not only took the sand crocodile along the river to the capital of Alabastan, but she also took the initiative to borrow troops~ Give it to Smogg.

  Now that the navy enters the city, they are waiting for the Straw Hat Pirates to join the net.

  "Smogg, are you sure that the Straw Hat Pirates can defeat the blockade of the Baroque Studio and enter the royal capital-?"

  Tina asked Smogg.

  At this time their warship was anchored in Tamarisk. Tina didn't know where Smogg's confidence came. He actually believed that Luffy from the East China Sea could defeat the cadres of the Baroque studio. You know, these cadres. But they are all elites gathered from all over the sea by sand crocodiles.

  "They will definitely come. If they would be defeated by the Baroque studio so easily, then I wouldn't be chasing here from Rogue Town!"

  Looking at Albana in the distance, Smogg said to Tina.

  In the desert outside the royal capital, the cadres of the Baroque studio are constantly looking through their binoculars. Krokdal wants them to intercept Weiwei here, as long as they capture Weiwei before he enters the royal capital, then This battle in Alabastan is doomed to be a dead end.

  Suddenly, five super fast running ducks came towards the capital. On the five fast running ducks were five figures covered in white robes. From the outside, there was no idea who was Weiwei.

  Weiwei deserves to be the crown prince. She had anticipated that she would be Sand Crocodile's key interception target, so she came up with this method. As they approached Sand Crocodile's subordinates, they separated and fled in an instant. Distracted the people in the Baroque studio.

  "Follow it separately!"

  A squat, dark old lady who looked like a mole shouted at them, and then she took the lead and chased one of them all the way.

  As Klockdal's subordinates began to disperse, Luffy and others began to intercept one by one, and Weiwei ran towards the capital alone. These small characters in the Baroque studio were not opponents of the Straw Hat Pirates at all. Besides, they have all opened jars in Li Wei's place.

  Now the situation in the entire royal capital has been tense to the extreme. Under the leadership of some rebel leaders, the rebels are constantly gathering in Xiang Square from the alleys in all directions.

  Looking around, the square now is full of rebels holding weapons in silence.

  The guards on the city wall felt that there was something wrong with the form. The gate had already fallen down. With the blowing of the horn, the king's army of the entire Albana Palace continued to gather towards the city wall.

  But now King Cobra has not shown up, and they can only stalemate here with the rebels.

  Around the activities of these rebels, the low-level agents of the Baroque studio blended into these rebels silently.

  The entire situation in Alabastan is on the verge of tension, waiting for a spark to detonate them.

  The current rebels have gathered countless in the flat desert outside the entire capital. Under the leadership of Koza, the rebels are constantly approaching the capital. They all want King Cobra to give them an explanation. .

  But now King Cobra has not appeared, which makes the rebels even more angry.

  "Stop everyone!"

  At this moment, Weiwei had come to the front of the palace, but she was still far away from the king's capital, no one could hear her voice, no matter how she yelled, it was of no avail.

  "The great king looks down on us untouchables at all. Today, the superior king will see the power of our untouchables!"

  With the continuous agitation of the people in the Baroque studio in the crowd, the anger of all the rebels continued to burn, and then under the leadership of no one, the entire rebels launched a charge against the king.

·········Find flowers 0 ·······

  "Don't be impulsive!"

  Koza yelled. He felt that the situation was a little out of control. At this moment, there was a gunshot in the direction of the capital. Koza was hit in the arm, and the soldier who beat him was still tattooed on the arm. The baroque studio pattern.

  "Sorry, I thought I could kill the leader of the rebel army!"

  The soldier with the gun said nothing but promise.

  Seeing Koza was attacked, the entire rebel army was completely angry. They wrapped Koza and rushed towards the royal capital. At this moment, the fine sand in the desert flew, and neither side could see the scene ahead.

  It was the sand crocodile who used his rustle fruit to make his hands and feet. Now the sight of both sides is blocked, and the sand crocodile can always provoke secretly.

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