Jar Merchant: Opening Nami Out of the Eighth Level Chapter 112

Chapter 188:

  As the Moby Dick took action, these captains also began to command and dispatch on other ships. Soon, only Marco and White Beard were left on the Moby Dick's deck.

  "Father, why don't we attack Propulsion City directly? Isn't Ace locked in Propulsion City?"

  Marco hesitated for a long time before he asked White Beard.

  In fact, he didn't really want to ask this question. He just knew that the White Beard Pirates and the Navy had no chance of winning. The Navy could stop the White Beard Pirates with only one-third of the high-level combat power.

  It's just that Baibeard is his father, and this is Baibeard's will, even if he knows that there is a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, he is willing to accompany Baibeard to jump down.

  "Marco, you have grown up, and you finally start thinking about problems as a captain."

  Looking at Marko who was hesitant to speak before him, White Beard began to laugh out loud.

  How could he not understand what Marco meant.

  Although these children are very obedient, what Baibeard has always wanted is a son who can think independently 26, and now, Marco's growth makes him very pleased.

  "First of all, the navy will definitely be prepared for us to attack Propulsion City. I am afraid that when we arrive at Propulsion City, the navy will transfer Ace. The Warring States Period will not let us rescue Ace so easily, otherwise he will declare war on us. Isn't it a joke?"

  "Also, Marco, I didn't say to go directly to Marin Vando?"

  Whitebeard asked Marco.

  "Aren't we going to save Ace?"

  Marco was startled, he didn't understand what his father said.

  Ace is going to be executed at Malin Vatican, where will he go if he does not go to Malin Vatican?

  "Marin Vatican is definitely going, but before going to Marin Vatican, we have to go to the Chambord Islands first!"

  Whitebeard said to Marco.

  "Chambord Islands? Levi!"

  Marco reacted fiercely, and only Li Wei in the Chambord Islands could help this battle.

  "Yes, now that the Navy has opened so many cans, it's our turn for the Whitebeard Pirates to open the cans!"

  White beard showed a happy smile, and now Marco's breadth of thinking is more and more like a captain.

  At the beginning, Baibeard focused on Li Wei. The navy is too strong. Although Baibeard is not afraid of the navy, his goal this time is to rescue Ace. This time he is not alone. He must not only help himself Responsible, he is also responsible for the sons who follow him.

  Ace is his son, and Marco and the others are his sons. Baibeard treats all his sons equally. He didn't put all his sons on Malin Vandor in order to save a son.

  "No wonder you have to bring all your money with you, it turns out..."

  Marco suddenly realized that he originally thought that the white beard was going to buy supplies and supplies on the road, but it turned out to be to open the can.

  "It's good for you to know this alone, don't tell anyone else!"

  Warring States instructed Marco.

  Although he was certain that his sons would not be rape, but in order to leak the news, the less people knew about this kind of thing, the better.

  "I know, daddy!"

  Marco looked at White Beard with admiration. Before, Marco had always been proud of White Beard's unparalleled strength. Now he found that his father was not weaker than the Navy Marshal Sengoku in wisdom and strategy.

  In this battle, the White Beard Pirates will not necessarily lose.

  "Before we officially set off in the new world, let me get rid of these annoying flies!"

  Baibeard violently pulled out the hanging bottles on his arm.

  "Father, your body..."

  Marco watched this scene, and he couldn't help worrying. As the ship doctor of the White Beard Pirates, no one knew White Beard's injury better than him. His dad, because of his many years of fighting and the shock of the fruit of the shock, Baibeard's body had already been unable to hold it.

  Some time ago, the white beard was still defeated in Karp's hands, and the white beard's physical injury aggravated a lot.

  "Kura la la la! I have a white beard, not that fragile!"

  White Beard laughed at Marco, and at the same time a suffocating aura radiated from White Beard's body.

  Although the white beard is old now, and although the white beard is now seriously ill, he is still that white beard anyway.

  "Marko, approach those naval ships!"

  Whitebeard ordered Marco.

  After the Navy declared war on the Whitebeard Pirates, 23 navy ships appeared around the Whitebeard Pirates. They were not here to fight, they were investigating the movement of the Whitebeard Pirates.

  If White Beard wants to go to Shampoo quietly, these naval ships must be destroyed!

  More than forty ships of the White Beard Pirate Group began to drive away from these warships. Soon, these navy warships gathered together and fled.

  "Report the Marshal of the Warring States Period, the White Beard Pirate Group is about to leave!"

  On these naval ships, all the navies were sweating on their heads, because they were chasing after them, but the world's strongest man with a white beard.

  "Stay here!"

  White Beard let out a loud roar, then his coat fell from his body, and his scarred body appeared in front of his sons. Although his body was full of scars, his back did not have a scar. !

  "Daddy is going to make a move!"

  Everyone in the White Beard Pirate Group was excited.

  Under the eyes of everyone in the White Beard Pirate Group, White Beard clenched his fists, and then he slammed his fists at the 22 warships in front of him.


  As the white beard's fist struck out, cracks appeared in the air, and cracks spread rapidly in the sea ahead, enveloping the more than twenty warships in an instant.


  As the white beard's fist pressed hard, everything in front of him became fragmented. The twenty-odd warships instantly turned into debris in the sky, and the originally calm sea also stirred up waves of 100 meters.

  When everything calmed down, all the more than twenty warships had disappeared except for the occasional palm-sized pieces of wood drifting over the sea.

  With one blow, White Beard wiped out all naval ships in one blow!

  "Sink more than 20 warships in one blow, you deserve to be an old man!"

  "Haha, this is why Dad is called the strongest man in the world!"

  When White Beard made this move, the entire White Beard Pirate Group was boiling. There was such a monster-like father, the navy, and the Warring States period. .

Chapter 189:

  Marine Headquarters, Malin Vandor.

  At this time, Malin Vatican has become a war fortress. The warships stayed in front of the bay, and large-caliber cannons stood around Malin Vatican with awe-inspiring cold light, and in the square of Malin Vatican, One by one, the elites from the great route and the new world began to busy arranging fortifications.

  The Warring States period watched this scene in front of his office. As long as this war is over, the navy will usher in a new era. In order to ensure the victory of this war, the Warring States period also used all available power, not just artillery and warships. , The Warring States had already issued a mandatory convening order to Qiwuhai, and even he called the world government, and he also transported all the pacifists here.

  "Marshal of the Warring States period, something has happened!"

  While the Warring States period was imagining a new future, his elders were roughly pushed away, and a messenger ran in in a panic.

  "What happened?"

  Warring States frowned and asked.

  He is very familiar with this messenger. He usually doesn't do such rude things. Now that he is so flustered, something must have happened.

  "Marshal of the Warring States Period, the more than 20 warships we sent out to monitor the movement of the White Beard Pirates have all lost contact at the same time!"

  The messenger saluted the Warring States, and then he put a report on the Warring States table.

  "Launch an emergency convening order to convene all generals above the lieutenant general for a meeting in the office!"

  The Warring States commanded the messenger.

  Now that the White Beard Pirates has begun operations, the Navy should also deploy accordingly.

  "Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

  As the messenger retreated, the entire Malin Vandor sounded a sirens.

  "Nine is long and one is short. This is the highest-level convening order of the Navy!"

  When they heard this alert, whether they were exercising, maintaining weapons, or even leading lieutenants, they all put their immediate tasks down in front of Malin Vandor's office.

  Once the highest summoning order is met, the lieutenants must arrive in the meeting room as soon as possible. Those who fail to meet the deadline will be punished as a crime of betraying the navy!

  In order to deal with the white beard, except for the lieutenants who have tasks outside, the other lieutenants are here.

  Therefore, the soldiers of the Navy saw a very shocking scene today. The legendary lieutenants of the Navy who usually do not show up all appeared at this time, which opened their eyes, even the Yellow Ape who has been dragging. Following the lieutenant generals entered the meeting room.

  Soon, the lieutenant admiral and the generals all came to the meeting room. Looking around, they were all famous figures in the navy.

  Now that the Warring States Period was sitting in the middle of the conference table, his expression was very serious, as if something big had happened.

  "Did something happen? "?"

  The lieutenants guessed in their hearts that they are now preparing for a battle with White Beard. Looking at the expressions of the Warring States period, could things have changed?

  "Everyone, I call you here today, I just want to tell you one thing, the White Beard Pirates have set off!"

  Warring States glanced at the surrounding admirals, and he slowly said the matter.

  In the Warring States period, it was like dropping a bomb in the navy, and the entire conference room exploded in an instant.

  "What? Does the man who claims to be the strongest man in the world really fight against the navy?"

  "Although I had anticipated this news a long time ago, when it happened, I couldn't help but feel excited."

  "The strongest white beard pirates in the sea, if they were to be destroyed, my name should be remembered forever in the history of the navy, right?"

  The lieutenants reacted differently, but they were all confident of this battle.

  Not to mention anything else, just say that the six generals of the Navy in front of them can crush the white beard.

  "Just now, the 23 warships monitoring White Beard all lost contact, which shows that White Beard has acted."

  The peaceful voice of the Warring States reverberated in the conference room, and all the navies sat upright. They knew that the main event was coming, and the Warring States Marshal was about to set up combat missions.

  "Poruzalino, you are the fastest. To prevent Whitebeard from stealing Ace from Propulsion City, you first assist Magellan in defending Propulsion City."

  The Warring States period looked at Huang Yuan, who was holding Erlang's legs and looking down at the book, and he issued the first mission of this battle.

  "Am I going to fight against a monster like Whitebeard? It's terrible!"

  Huang Yuan pouted and said, although he said that he was afraid, but there was no trace of fear in his expression.

  Warring States glanced at this dramatist, he did not continue to talk to Huang Yuan, he asked Lieutenant General Crane: "So what's the situation with Qiwuhai?"

  "Because of his strong opposition to this battle, Jinping Strait has been imprisoned to the sixth floor of Advance City. As for the other Qiwuhai, everyone except Hancock has responded to the call of the navy."

  After Lieutenant General Crane asked questions in the Warring States Period, she immediately reported to the Warring States Period. As the chief staff officer of the Navy, Lieutenant General Crane also did all the auxiliary work well.

  "¨ Hancock? What does that wayward woman do?"

  After hearing Hancock's name, the brows of the Warring States Period frowned. The woman named Hancock often relied on her own beauty and lawlessness. This time she didn't know what little temper she was playing.

  The Warring States did not notice Hancock's abnormality, he just thought that Hancock did not want to participate in this war and deliberately made things difficult for the navy.

  "What conditions does she have?"

  Warring States asked Lieutenant General Crane.

  It is precisely because of Hancock's difficulties that the Warring States period sent a navy elite lieutenant general Weasel to perform this mission. Now Weasel and Lieutenant General Crane report, which shows that he has no choice.

  "Hankuk said that she wanted (Li Haozhao) to push the city to see what the man who caused the war looked like."

  Lieutenant General Crane said to the Warring States period that she had also heard of such a strange request for the first time.

  Now Malin Vandor is about to fight. If the Warring States can no longer handle this matter, Hancock will not be able to participate in this battle.

  "Let Weasel go with her, there is a yellow ape, she can't turn the sky."

  Sengoku said to Lieutenant General Crane.

  "Everyone, we have lost the trace of the white beard now, and now we can only passively challenge, but we can only win this battle, not lose!"

  The Warring States spoke loudly to the navy present.

  "Sure victory!"