Chapter#16: New Life part. 2

[Jacob Seo's P.O.V.]


"UGH! My head hurts!" I moaned as I felt my head was being torn in the middle and I was very dizzy.

"You're awake! Someone was calling on your phone earlier. By the way, you were great last night. I'm so satisfied baby." My eyes widened at who spoke.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I was startled when a woman suddenly appeared under my blanket.

"Did you forget right away? I'm Elyse. We hooked up last night at XX Bar," she said and traced a heart on my shoulder using her index finger.

I shook my head and pulled her slightly away from me. I know we don't have anything under this blanket because I can feel her big bosoms. Omyghad.

"W-What do you mean about the hook up at the bar? Do you know how old I am? I'm only 16! Sixteen! And what bar are you talking about? Is there a bar that lets a sixteen-year-old teenager enter? I-I'm not even into bar hopping!" I said incredulously.

I can feel my tears forming in my eyes because I don't know why I'm here plus there's a woman sitting next to mine—in a room I'm not familiar with plus we're not even wearing anything!

I roam my eyes around the place.

"Are you sure we did all this mess?" I asked the woman nervously, she hugged me again—I had no choice but to shut my eyes—tightly as possible! Why the fuck should my body feel her nipple!

Damn this bullshit! Why does she need to hug me, she already knows we're both naked! I don't even know who this woman is!

"Of course! We are the ones who did all that mess. We kissed endlessly over there at the door—then you—you carried me over there—then we do doggy position over there—we do that there—then inside the restroom we took a bath together while having french kiss and you're so fucking good at it! Want to have 1 more round before we leave?" she said seductively while explaining the whole thing that happened last night. We did it all night and she's not even tired? Gosh! She was to grab my birdie now but I proceeded to stop her and I immediately covered it with both hands.

I stood up while still covering my things and took my boxers and pants with me. I was about to get out of the bed when she suddenly whipped and squeezed my ass!

"You're really cute and that butt! I can't stop myself from squeezing them," she said, obviously still likes to repeat what we did last night. But hell no! That will never happen again.

"MOMMY!" I screamed softly while inside the CR. I already scrub myself several times but my body still smells strange. It smells like that girl! Gosh!

I shudder every time I remember the looks and appearance of that woman. She has a lot of hickeys on the collarbone and I've even seen a few on the shoulder! Did I do that? Why? Why can't I remember? I don't remember anything of what had happened! As far as I know right now, my head hurts freaking bad!

I hurriedly took a shower and get dressed.

Few seconds of getting out of the shower the young lady spoke, "Maybe you forgot what happened because you were so drunk last night and I'm so tired of what you did—" I quickly opened the candy I saw on the table and threw it inside her mouth—in that way she wouldn't continue with the horrible things she was going to say.

I slowly sat on her side but I still obverse a space between us—at least 1 meter.

"Okay, so last night w-we f-fu-ck? R-right? C-can you t-tell me w-what happen e-exactly? B-but don't tell w-what happened w-while we were e-exactly d-doing it..." I said nervously but I want to appear as calm as possible...

"That's it, we have been partying at XX bar. After couples of dances we hooked up and I agreed to have sex with you since you're so handsome. You instantly made me your girlfriend. So it's our first day today. And honestly—I want more of it baby!" she said and was ready to stand up to remove the blanket but I stopped her.

"W-wait! I really said that?" shocked, I said.

She nodded while smiling broadly.

I was about to cry while looking at her.

"Okay fine... I-if you're telling the truth, I order y-you to kiss me," I said, unable to paint the face I was making.

She looked at me and smiled. She slowly brought her face closer and I could feel her breath on my lips but ....

"What the fuck! Ew! Minhyun!" She exclaimed really bad because I suddenly felt sick and puked right in her face.

"D-damn! I-I'm really sorry," I said in horror while wiping my mouth. I felt guilty with what I did, so I wiped her face with my palm. It looks like it got worse—my puked spread more—all over her face and got into her nose and mouth!

"Yuck! I hate you! Let's break up! You're so gross!" she shouted at me disgustingly and went inside the comfort room.

I shut my eyes tightly because she vulgarly stood up exposing her own body—exposing her big boobs and her shaved pussy! Damn this girl! She really doesn't care who sees her body!

"S-sorry. I'm leaving," I said and took my things. I put my shirt on and took my coat.


I went home still stunned and I didn't know what I was doing.

"It's already morning again! Where have you been Jacob?"

I was surprised at my sister's sudden talking—I consciously shut my eyes closed for a few seconds— I'm afraid that she might not also be wearing any garments to cover her body! Just like that young lady in the hotel room.

"Noona? Do I always go home at this hour? Noona, what's happening to me recently? It feels that I'm always restless, even if I'm always asleep," I asked her, tearfully.

I'm just scooping and returning the cereals in the bowl of milk I'm eating.

"I don't even get why you are being like that. You don't seem sad and affected that Mommy is gone..." she said, "But if you do those rebellious acts, please don't do it that way Jacob... You're going to ruin your life..." my sister said and touched both my cheeks.

I just nodded at her and touched her hands then smiled.

"Noona, earlier I wake up inside a room of a big hotel—then a woman in the same room said we had sex—B-but I don't remember it," I said. My sister almost choked in her milk chocolate when she heard what I said. She has her milk chocolate and cereal.

"What the heck, Jacob! You shouldn't share those things with anyone. I also don't care about your sexlife, or whether you remember or not," she said, avoiding my gaze and drinking her milk chocolate in a panicky manner.

I just pouted and stood up.

"You don't want it already?" she asked and took my cereal.

"Can I have it, you will no longer finish it right?" she said once again and started eating it. I just nodded even though I knew she could no longer see. I went straight to the garden and stared at nowhere.

How come I can have sex with a woman? I once tried watching porn of a woman and a man but I have never experienced any hardness... So how? In what way did something happen to us?

"Dude! Long Time No See?! Your maid let me in since she already knows that I'm your friend," I turned to see who the person just arrived...

I frowned and asked him, "Who are you? Are you my sister's boyfriend?" I wondered and stared at him intently.

He put his arm around my shoulder suddenly and messed up my hair.

He laughed at me. "You dummy! Even if I have a crush on your sister, I don't want to be a fool and step over the bro code," he said while still hugging me.

I don't know why I'm not breathing but... He's so close... I can smell his perfume... What brand of shampoo do he use?

"Minhyun, are you okay?" he asked in surprise because maybe I was stunned by him.

What did he just say? "What did you call me?" I ask, trying to make it clear.

"My Hon?" I asked again.

"No! I said Min.Hyun," he uttered again.

"Ah Minhyun," I said but I looked at him again, "Minhyun, your name?" I asked.

"Ha? No. You. Minhyun is your name," he said as he patted me on the forehead.

My eyes widened. "Wait! You must have entered the wrong house because there is no Minhyun here. I'm Jacob," I clarified.

He scratched his head so hard. "AH, right! Maybe you're not drunk right now," he said while laughing, "when you're drunk you're much different. Your hair is raised like this and then you don't have an eyeglass and then one of your clothes is unbuttoned to capture every girl's heart! And hell dude you're a player," he said as he seemed to adjust my appearance he usually see.

I just stared at him. He doesn't seem to know or doesn't seem to know me at all. Maybe he was just pretending that he knows me. Maybe he's a thief.

"Dude, would you mind if I check something?" I asked him as I gently placed my left hand on the back of his neck, without him noticing it.

On the second he nodded, I immediately grab the chance to kiss him deeply. I want to make sure if the thing that the woman said earlier is true and if this man really knows me.

He struggled with my kiss but I deepened the kiss, I don't know if I'm going to laugh or he just kept up with the movement of my lips.

I broke away from the kiss and stared at him.

"So, maybe you already know what I am at this moment?" I asked him.

He covered his lips because maybe he didn't think that was what I was going to check.

"I'm a gay. So tell me if you know me, Ahjussi. Was I a manly young guy when we met?" I asked him seriously.

He was just staring at me with almost tears—no, rather—he was looking behind me.

"Why is there something behind me—noona..." I was surprised to see my sister behind me—with her gaping mouth.

"When did it start?" my sister asked as she looked back and forth between me and the man in front of me.

"I can explain, noona..." I said and pointed at the man but he suddenly ran out...

"How long have you been two cheating behind my back?" my sister asked.

"Huh?" I asked back.

"Steven is my boyfriend, Jacob! It's already been 2 months! It started when you introduced him here as your friend," my sister said with tears in her eyes.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" I said and hugged my sister tightly.

I know she's not aware that I was gay and I also didn't know that the man was her boyfriend.

My sister tried to escape my embrace but I hugged her even tighter. "Noona... I'm sorry, I'm not aware of it and I don't remember it even more... I also just want to make sure if those new people around me were telling the truth—but they're lying..." I said. I was also on the verge of crying.

"Noona, I'm gay and mommy knew that before she died... I hope you can understand that even I was confused about what's happening. I always woke up inside a hotel with a woman next to me, I don't know. I also don't know if it's because of alcohol or I just don't remember it..." I told her as I'm still hugging her tightly in the garden.

"You two, get inside—it's raining," we both looked to the one who spoke with our widened eyes. It was daddy, he's wearing an expressionless face... This is bad.

"I think you need to explain further... especially to Dad..." my sister said and let go of my hug...

Mommy... I'm more confused especially now that you're gone... it's been 5 months since you left us but I still can't forget how you looked seconds before the incident... The happiness and worry was vividly mixed in those eyes of yours that time. I didn't even get a chance to save you. Am I a bad child, Mommy?—if that's the only expression I always see whenever I think of you? Kindly tell me, Mom... Am I a bad child?

"Are you coming or not?" my sister said and peaked again at the glass door of the garden.

"Yes, I'm coming," I said while wiping my tears away...
