Episode one........ How it all started.


I was just your normal everyday kid. Happy always with no idea of what is on the outside.

Damian!! Where are you ? Come out ,mummy wants to give you a huge hug.

No mom! You just want me to go out of hiding so you can win. Remember ,I am the hero above all.

I know ,I know...alright. You can just pretend I didn't ask.

Lacy walks slowly past the wooden box and notices the dark hair of Damian.She laughs  quietly and quickly grabs hold of Damian.

Gotcha!!..hahah you really did much well this time. Come on ,I cooked some food for you.

Aww mom,you caught me .

But at least you were in hiding for a good amount of time.So you are a winner okay.Smile for mum would you....

Okay mom. I love you so much.

I also love you very much Damian.Now come and eat some food okay.

Lacy takes hold of the hand of the eight year old Damian and brings him towards the far end of the cottage. She places the meal down infront of Damian who is sitting on the ground earnestly waiting to fill his mouth with as much food he could grab.

I know it is not that much Damian,but mummy promises she would get you a better place to sleep and also a good meal okay.

Okay mummy....

Damien gobbles up the bowl of oats being presented to him as fast as he could and stretches himself on the wooden floor of the cottage to sleep.

Lacy opens the door of the cottage and moves out to the banks of the beach.She then sits on the sand and hums quietly as the waves of the see continues to brush her feet as she stares at the stars.

Hmm,I hope you are alright Lawry. I am trying as hard as I can to prevent anything bad from happening to our son. The gods have already destroyed our planet and reigned terrors on us. After escaping from all these  clutches of evil against us,I still feel the absence of happiness.  You sacrificed yourself to save me and our child. I know I promised you I would not reign any destruction in order for our son to have a peaceful life from these conflicts of gods. Hmm.

As Lacy continues to stare at the stars whilst she hums a strange music,a loud thunder booms with lightning striking at once right behind her.

Upon everything that has happened, I never expected a goddess of destruction to be so pathetic!


Lacy turns sharply and sees the barbarian god,"Thor" right behind her with mjonir in his right hand.Thor strikes the hammer down on her but notices it was just sand.

You never cease to amaze me. After all other gods trying to kill us, you also want to do the same.How could you? Thor.....we have been partners ever since and you still follow all the other gods to strike destruction on me?

It had always been like that. There is a decree from the highest gods to destroy that heir of yours and you also. I am afraid to say this but we have no other choice.

Thor turns and sees Lacy levitating in the air just infront of the cottage.He holds mjonir firmly causing lightning to start revolving around the hammer and his body with his eyes all white now.

I am sorry to say this but I am not the only one here.

A portal opens as numerous beings flow out of it with all the gods surrounding Lucy and the cottage. A being in a shiny armour with blonde hair levitates towards Lucy and smiles.

I am sorry to say this but this had always been the plan of the gods. It is time for you to face your fate. Afterall you are as cunning as ever!

Lucy watches the being who is just right infront of her and chuckles.

The god of sin,"lucifer".You really worked yourself up to plan this whole thing. Trying to kill I and my son and even killing my only love. You really did it. Hahaha....You touched a rare nerve!!

Time suddenly slows as all the gods are seen to be bringing all their attacks on Lucy with her in the middle. A strange force suddenly surrounds Lucy with her eyes turning red and her body generating an intense heat around her. Nerves of fire begin revolving around her body as she bends her head. She then let's out a loud yell and releases the force causing a huge explosion of energy which blows away luckier and all the other gods. Her body is seen to be be clothed in a scaly fire armour with her hair moving upwards as the fire in her hair increases.

Raaargh, you wanted the goddess of destruction didn't you? Well here you have it. Uurgh it is time to reign pain.

A force shield of fire suddenly surround the cottage as Lucy turns to it and smiles.From the scene ,the view moves closer into the cottage as Damian is seen staring in a hole at the side of the cottage watching his mum on the verge of death.Tears start running down his cheeks as his mother watches back at him and nods.

Well I gave it my all anyway. Raargh....!!

All the gods move back at ucy and begin their strikes. With Thor sending out strikes of thunder, beelzebub also slashing through with his spikes and lucifer hitting and blasting balls of energy at Lucy,it causes much destruction on the planet causing mountains to melt and the core of the planet burning up.The scene moves closer as Lucy grabs the head of hermes and strikes it on her knee which throws him away into another continent.Everything becomes so intense that there are only colourful strikes of power being seen everywhere with mountains and valleys melting and the sea dried up as a result of the numerous explosions. Lucy draws up her sword of destruction and swipes it from upwards down to the ground which cuts the skies open. It causes all the gods to suddenly panic as blood is seen oozing out from the parts of every god and goddess.

It is time for me to put my last breath on this.My son,remember to be happy always....Raargh.

A blackout is suddenly seen as sounds of pain and gushes of blood are only heard. As the view becomes clearer ,All the gods are seen floating in space ,dead. The planet is seen in pieces floating in space as the cottage is still seen on a piece of land in the force field.Lucy flies towards it and penetrates the force shield,trying to take a have a grasp of her son with her eyes as blood is seen oozing out from the cuts on her body and face and a single horn left penetrating out of her head.



All the cuts on the gods heal up with them coming back to their senses and flying towards Lucy again.She tries to release another power surge but is pierced with a sword deep through her heart by the god of time.

I am sorry I was late. I already had placed a mark on all the gods because I knew you would definitely kill them. This was just to wear you out. I am really sorry but your life comes to an end now.


Mom!! Nooooo!!!!

Damian runs out of the cottage and approaches his mom who had fallen on the ground. Lucy swipes her blood filled hand on the forehead of Damian which causes a strange mark to be drawn on his forehead. Damian continues crying as the head of his mum is on his lap.

Finally, I have also fulfilled my part....I love you so much my son. Raknerv!!



Damian suddenly  vanishes as the blade of lucifer misses him an strikes the ground.

Lucy then lies on the ground facing the skies as he sees the gods surrounded by her.She then gives out a sigh.

I finally did it.....I can finally be with u my love.....

We know !! Raargh....


A piercing sound is heard as the blade pierces the chest of Lucy with her spitting out blood.

A hand is then suddenly seen coming out from the dusty grounds.The young boy manages to crawl out of it with him gasping enough to gain fresh air.He then turns to his left as he lies on the ground and sees the sword of destruction in his hand.

Mum ....

The End Of Episode one...

A villains hope...
