2. Wishes

"Are there any limitations?"

"Yes in a scale from your novels you can only have S type abilities cause above you need and inmortal soul/body"

"Ok, but can you do me a favor?" I said then thought 'I don't remember anything about the stories i have read, i need a perfect mind that remembers everything of my life to choose the best wishes'

"Sure" and he tapped my Head? do souls have heads? Then suddenly i can remember everything, from the first thought i had in my head when i was born to the day of my death and i had to take a few minutes to organize my thoughts…

"Ok, i know my wishes now…"

"Are you sure? I can give you 5 minutes if you want?"

I suddenly had new ideas and i had to be stupid for almost wishing a system, i will respect this god and accept his advice, "yes i better take those 5 minutes" and i started thinking every single wish carefully for like 5 minutes then 1 hour then i don't know how long has been, god said he'll be back when I'm ready and i think i finally am, so god appeared again



Wish 1: I want to create my own Race, to my desires without limits so before reincarnating put me in the void with a system like interface to create my race

Wish 2: I want have a starter pack as S level talents for the verses i travel (thus if i go to other verse i get more talents from that verse)

Wish 3: I want my own dimension thats a fusion between the Gate of Babylon/Library of Heaven's path and the Room of Requirements fusion that automatically copies all the treasures, money and Knowledge of the verse I'm in, the Room part of the dimension has to be powerful enough to create temporary teachers for me if it's to powerful downgrade it till is S Rank

Wish 4: I want the the abilities granted to Noir Stardia By Olivia servant in the first episode of. the Hidden dungeon only i can enter (Basically a Skill creation ability that uses your Satisfaction as points, so if you have Lewd moments with girls you like you have an unlimited skill creation ability)

Wish 5: Create a curse the when im born me and my peers are hit with a the training seal/curse that was designed to make us have De-Might (being of weak will) De-Magic (have less magic and connection to magic) Fate limiter (having less cognitive thinking thus not being good at anything) De-Smart (not smart), De-Wisdom(not wise) Slow thinking (slows thinking capabilities) but at the same time is training our souls to be at the limit of all that, this curse starts weak but it goes stronger so that means that the more we try to fight the curse the more it will benefit us, obviously this curse will have an instinct to try to seal us to 10% of our capabilities to all times but also gives us a way to feel how to fight it by instinct, so it will need a system-like status were we can read how are we doing and what need to be trained more, this curse will stop getting stronger itself at 18 years old allowing us to breaking it and freeing our new real capabilities (the training techniques still work but it's better when we are under the curse, like an 100x exp bonus)

Divide the levels in 16 tiers till we reach the limit the curse (for example you need the curse to be level 16 in all aspects of the curse to get the best benefits, but if you are 17 and your de-smart is only 10, when you get 18 years old, you wont get the curse 11 of de-smart you break it)

And… God twinkling his eyes like certain character that i don't like…

"Well that was some of the best thought out wishes i have heard, i will not get bored looking at you, now i will send you to the reincarnation wheel"

"This will be fun" God says before he transforms in Thanos with the infinity stones…

He looks at me in the eye and says "Reality is often disappointing" and snaps his fingers

Suddenly there's a gigantic wheel that has almost everything that i have read, heard or seen, Warhammer, Wow, Lord of the rings, BNHA, Star wars, Boku no piko?, Porn movie titles, Marvel, LoL, csgo, god of war, and when starts to stop spinning, Danmachi, Bleach, Fate, and stops in… Harry Potter.

Well i could do worse

"Lucky… the last one got in a Normal world but with no females only Male an Futanari so he could not even change verse" God said, scaring me then he continues "By the way you will forget your last life till your 20 or you reach the limit your soul with the help of the curse, don't complain being a baby and then not having capacity to make friends because age difference will only make it harder for you in the long term you won't change is the same soul so memories or not is easier to be reborn without them… Well get your wishes" then he clapped and sent a Rainbow!? to my soul and then everything gone.