4. The Message

(Author note, this message was written by God but he had to pretend that he was an OC to explain it)

January 1 1982

Wizengamot chamber

While the member of the wizengamots were fighting for one change the laws or another suddenly an owl with a Howler entered the chamber, the minority, the first one that realized, were surprised because howlers were almost impossible to enter because of the wards, when the owl stop in front of Dumbledore the member of dark families almost smirked hoping for an humiliation of the Chief Warlock in front of all the Wizengamot

But when Dumbledore opened it, all were surprised not because of loud noises or yelling as expected of a howler but because

of a calm voice that started the Message:

"Hello my fellow wizards and witches of the Wizengamot, it a pleasure to inform you of a situation that has been planned by me, on the night of 31 of December 1978 i activated a ritual ward that fell on all England so from the first of January 1979 till 31 December 1984 every single wizard and witch born in England will be cursed"

At this point the Wizengamot member were shouting, some parents even crying

"But don't worry it will be the best oportunity ever granted to them, this curse will let them break their limits, limits that you sadly are to stupid to even recognize, The details of the curse and the sacrifices needed for the ritual are in the other letter that should be arriving… Now"

And in that moment another Owl entered with a normal letter that Dumbledore summoned and opened to see a complicated ritual and what it would do only to sigh and duplicate it for everyone else, the stupid ones only read the simple parts like the benefits and the advice that said "Try to give your children the best education both magical and muggle because this is an opportunity that will not come again" while some of the dark family scoffed the clever ones of the neutral and light families had a glint in the eye that could barely be hidden

The howler continued

"The most intelligent ones already realize that this is unstoppable, the two years were used to charge the ritual the sufficient magic to finish it, im sorry of the sacrifices that were needed this world will miss 3 thousand of magical beings but this will better our society this 5 generations of wizards and witches will be the new Merlins or Founders of Hogwarts,

This ward only affects babies because you won't notice because by the age of 3 they already have caught up with the peers, of 3 year old but from then on they will only get better, keep the ritual safe cause when the first of them break the curse he will be able to create one similar or even better without the need for sacrifices, i would have love to do it but im not intelligent enough, that was my best in the proyect that took me my whole 246 years alive to make, this is all for now,

Signed by Kira, The God of the New World"

Dumbledore was asked by many of the members if there was something he can do to stop it, but all he could do is sigh and say "what he said is true, but you still can have a child outside of Britain, and it won't have the curse" he was worried because even if what the letter is true Harry's generation will be most problematic generation in a long time.

2 January

The Daily Prophet

Is this the Rising of another Dark Lord? by (Really strange witch name)

In yesterday Wizengamot Meeting there was 2 letters that could be the salvation or destruction of Wizarding Britain like we know it

(Photo of the details of the curse without the ritual)

Is what this Dark lord Kira saying true? Or is he going to kick us in the back in the most unexpected moment?

We can only hope this will be resolved soon…

Dumbledore comments:"this is probably the work of a genius like never seen or heard before, if what the letter says is true then all we can do is hope for the best"

(Photo of Dumbledore with twinkling eyes)