6. The best library ever!

June 1987

(Jack Pov)

I'm on my way to meet Harry in the Park we're I'm gonna boast about finally reaching willpower to level 11 he's gonna be so pissed I'll bet i can get him to say bloody hell…

As I'm walking i suddenly saw library, normally i just ignore it and continue walking but today i feel like library is important and that i should 'open' a door, you'll say duh that's what doors are for right? But it's not this door library…

Suddenly a door appears in front of me, but i can't see it, i just kinda like sense it? as I'm about to open a door that im pretty sure i didn't imagine, i hear Harry in the Distance say "Mate, come on you won't believe it"

Oh no! He could not possibly leveled up again i tried so hard but he keeps getting better

I followed him to or secret spot inside some bushes in the park and we both sat down

"Ok you know the rules

No peeking, this time i won't let you peek before you show me yours, we both write down our levels and at three we exchange them" says Harry

I was about to tell him to stuff it but I'm sure that he hasn't leveled up 3 weeks is way too of a short time to leveled up again

So i quickly write in my notebook

Weak Willpower 11-16

Weak Magic 14-16

Less smart 12-16

Less Wisdom 10-16

Fate limits 13-16

Slow thinking 15-16

And wait for him to finish 'should i try to peek at him?'

Nah, not worth he almost stop talking to me for 2 weeks last time

When he finished he started counting "1"

I say "2"

And we both said at the same time "3"

We exchanged notebooks and…

Weak Willpower 15-16

Weak Magic 12-16

Less smart 10-16

Less Wisdom 10-16

Fate limits 16-16

Slow thinking 13-16

No way, how did he always get better at fate limits! Level 16? Who cares who won…

"Mate tell me your not joking Level 16!? How is the test did you tried it?" Is the first thing that comes out of my mouth

"Of course i tried it, im not dumb" He dramatically pauses "Mate you know how is there a difference in difficulty when you reach level 10? This is way worse, like literally imagine for my 15 test it was like solving a puzzle and the 16 suddenly wanted me to write a way to make the economy for a town stable but i guess the final challenge is always the hardest"

"Wow, really? well it is Fate limits i don't even know how you passed so many, i always get bizzare challenges, it's the only one that doesn't have the same test, it's always changing" i say

So… yeah obviously he won he got to a challenge 16 a little pain for Willpower isn't that good

"So wanna play in my home? I'll give you pizza, we bought it yesterday but Dad felt bad so he didn't eat so we still have half" I say to him

"Sure" he responds, and as we start walking to my house Dudley and his Gang suddenly appears so he has to run before they see him, if only he could use magic to defend himself, when he got to level ten and said that he could feel magic in the air i was shocked cause i always have felt it, just one level more and he can begin his magical training and casting magic, like opening doors or casting a spark to start the fire, or making your skin a little stronger so you don't feel pain at receiving a punch (that will probably be more useful for him)

When Dudley finds me he tried (and failed) to look threatening but i can see in his eyes that he still scared of the time i beat him up (i don't do it anymore because it ends up worse for Harry) "Where's the freak?" He yells

I lift both of my fists and say "Right here, this is freak" lifting my right fist as a say it "and this is monster" i lift my left fist "want to meet them?" 'Ok that sounded cooler in my head, if he laughs im really going to punch him'

But didn't matter he already looked scared, and he says to his gang "let's go he's not worth the trouble"

When they go (to the opposite direction Harry escaped thankfully) j continue walking to my house when Harry sneaks from his house will probably take him 2 or 3 hours so first, i say to my Mom that Harry will come later and to open the door for him then i go to my room

And when the adrenaline calms down i started thinking again about that invisible door in the library, when suddenly it appears again in the middle of my room… and this time I'm gonna open it…

And i do and in the other side of the room is possibly the Largest Library i ever seen in my entire life, but it's empty, there's a shiny red button in the middle of the rows and i get closer to it and there a little plaque that says (Press to start analyzing)

'Whats going to analyze… my brain? Magic? The universe? The Galaxy? Idk but all my instincts are saying that i should press that button so i do, my instincts are never wrong, they put me with my best friend. So i do, and suddenly the the plaque changes (Time to finish 2 years 3 months an 24 days) but it doesn't matter because there's already books appearing in some of the rows, some in English some in other languages and say "great and who is gonna teach me those language? I need a teacher!"

"Well you have one" a voice behind me says

I Jumped "Who are you, where did you come from?"

And the really old man says "Im not real, this Library is Really advanced even how it created me i don't understand but what i do understand is that you asked for a teacher in languages so it created me, i have the knowledge of all languages that exist now and all that existed in the past when you go i will stop existing and then when you need another teacher the library will give it to you as well as any material you need"

Wow so advanced this will be the vest place to learn how to beat the curse i have to tell Harry, "Thanks old man i don't need you anymore" and suddenly the old man disappeared, like it was never there…

Ok… how to come back… "Home?" That seemed to work because the door appeared in front of me, i went to check the time, and the time hasn't move, i think i was in the for like 5 minutes and barely 1 minute passed, wow, if this library allows me to study there 5 more time inside than outside that's super cool, not because of books but because i could play with Harry a lot of more time we play for 5 hours and it only passes 1 in the real world!