8. Harry’s scan and a surprise

(Jack Pov)

'Bloody Hell'

I'm not Human? But my parents are Human, right? If I'm not human then what am i? Ok, ok calm down maybe wizards are technically not human i bet Harry has the same results I'll wait a few days and casually ask if he wants to be scanned, maybe something like the library could fix his eyes so he doesn't need glasses then i will laugh about it when he get the same not human

I exited the library and went to sleep

(1 week later)

Harry's finally visiting again and i just have to ask about it casually, so the day when like normal, we played a lot, we compared results and then i pretend to suddenly come up with a great idea "Hey, do you think the library could fix your eyes? Maybe you won't need glasses anymore!" He looks at me with a smile and says "you know you just read my mind, I've been thinking about it recently"

So i stood up "well let's go"

I open the door and ask the library "Can you please scan Harry?"

And after a few minutes (did my scan take that long?) a book appears, i opened:

[Harry Potter



Wizard(B): was born with magic

Fate's Chosen one(SS):Something has happened that made his soul being chosen, this mean that almost everything he believes in hard enough will happen, could be due to Luck, Skill or other.

A Mother's Protection(S):His Mother sacrificed herself for her Baby giving him a protection will prevent him being killed by his enemies that will last till the baby has 17 years old or the Magic ends (Being recharged by a ward made of her mother blood relatives)

Lesser Magic affinity (B): There's a little affinity with magic, this wants to evolve to (Normal Magical Affinity(A)) but there's not enough Magic to do so.

Undominable Will(S): Nothing will control you if you try hard enough

Curse:Soul leech: There's someones soul inside him -50% magic, seals all blood related abilities/talents, the leech is absorbing the magic necessary to cure his eyes

time necessary to make permanent damage to his eyes and destroys blood passed talents (4 years 8 months)

How to cure:

1: Purification ritual to get rid of the sentience of the soul so it can be devoured safely by Harry soul (thus gaining his memories and abilities)

Books necessary: 1542, 1833, 1945

2: Kill it with a temporary seal to all magic in Harry body and it will die on his own

Books necessary: 324 and 521

3: Exorcise the soul out of the body

Books necessary:864

Seal:A Parents Salvation: Put on children that have to many moments of Accidental Magic (seals 25% of magic and gets dissolved at their eleventh birthday)

Your Soul is being affected by a Training Curse {click here to se details}

Blood traits/talents

Potter's Luck(A): You either have very bad luck o very good one the middle is for losers

Potter potion skill(B)(Sealed): After lots of generations of potions masters the magic in the blood tend to give talents in potions sporadically

Potter's Rune Affinity(A)(Sealed): if there's one thing Potter's did good was Runes

Black's Metamorph talent (C) (Sealed): Black's abilities to change form is extraordinary, too bad that you aren't from the main family (you can change your hair to whatever you want if you concentrate enough)

Perevell's Parseltongue(A)(Re-activated by the soul leech): Perevells decendants have one or other Parseltongues (Speak with snakes)

Physical situation

Slight malnutrition: Sorry your not eating enough, you better eat more or you will be shorter than your supposed to be

(Can get rid of by eating good and faster with 3 nutrition potions in a 1 per day basis)

Bones not healed correctly: 12 Bones have not healed correctly (You can either go to your healer or broke them again and use the bone melding charm)

Eyes not working properly: The magic that's trying to fix your eyes is being absorbed by a soul leech (can't be cured till you get rid of the leech)]

Wow, hmmm well he's human but i don't know how to break it to him, you know what he car read it himself, so i bravely give him the book to him, and see as his face changes from hoping to fix his eyes to horrified at the thought of having a soul leaching of his magic

"Mate, please tell me this is a prank" is the first thing he says when he stops reading

"Sorry but i don't think so…"i respond honestly "so what do you want to do with it?"

"Let's kill the bastard" he says

"Ok but don't rush this, we need to know all the details of the seal first, we don't want to leave you without your magic…"

And that was what we did for the next 5 months, we learned all we could about ho to seal only the leach of its magic and the connection to Harry magic

Till i felt that it was time, so in the night of 31 of October 1987 we performed the seal, and for the next 2 to 3 weeks, while the leech was suffocating, Harry was getting better and better, after only 5 days he didn't need his glasses anymore (he said to the other it was laser surgery),at the end of the week he didn't have that messy hair that looked like a mop it was still black but it was more shiny, and finally after 18 days the leech died and the seal broke and with it, that scar started to heal itself and in a couple of weeks and it will be like he never had it at the same time he was getting taller too ,i had to ask the library how to do the nutrition potion and he brewed them himself(i also noticed that he started to get treated better by the adults, even his family was a little less harsh, was that the leech's doing?)

MEANWHILE in Albania

a deer suddenly screamed and died while the wraith that was possessing it suddenly felt weakened and had to search for a smaller animal and gather strength again…