16. The changes, the book and the prank

The next day was a little surprise, for everyone, the cracks in the walls have disappeared, the paint in the walls looked new, and when everyone came to breakfast

Dumbledore standed up, "it appears than yesterday night, had a sudden magical discharge that caused to activate all of the original wards, we still don't know all the changes but for now they look to be positive"

Then he continue "We wish for you to try to not wander around for now, stay safe, Now let's eat"

Then the food appeared, and one thing was curious because instead of food Snape had a contract in front of him which should be impossible cause he can't get out of his room or use the moving stairs without signing it,

Snape looked furious and throw it far away…

McGonagall asked "you haven't signed the contract yet?"

Snape: "No, and I'm not planning to"

Suddenly another paper appears that was literally firing him…

Snape: "Fine give me that stupid contract"

When the contract appeared, it does with a blood quill he signed it and then they disappeared, then food appeared

That day nobody saw Professor Binns (who received a fired notice) nor Quirrel (Dead)

So Dumbledore had to search for two replacements at least temporary ones

but that doesn't matter, i was walking to the library to finish my homework when i saw Tonks alone and weirdly enough reading a book and putting attention on it

Jack:"Wotcher tonksie, what are you still doing here, why are you not on your home?"

She jumped in surprise at the beginning, but then she looked at me and calmed down

Tonks: "Wotcher, it's nothing, i just had a stupid fight with my mom cause she doesn't want me to become an Auror and i decided to stay and now i have to say it was worth it"

Jack:"Why? what did you find" looking at the book she's reading 'Controlling the uncontrollable talents'

Tonks:"Oh you know hot it is, i had a nasty fall near the library entrance when suddenly, something was attracting me to it, i followed my feeling and got this book right here, and guess what, it has Balancing solving techniques for Metamorphmagus, i can finally stop being clumsy"

Jack:"Oh really? That's cool for you,

i never really had balance issue"

Tonks:" Duh, cause you aren't a metamorphmagus!"

Jack:"Really then how do you explain this?"

And when she looked up from the book again she realized she was talking with another Nymphadora

She widens her eyes and then ask "What?!"

I couldn't hold it together, i laughed, so hard my stomach hurts, and transformed into myself when i finally looked up, she was pouting

Tonks"Ok, since when you can do that?"

Jack still was chuckling when he answered "since ever, i look like this because i want to, but i could look however i want and it would still be me"

Tonks: "Hey, you wanna play a prank to the school?"

And we started planning, in Dinner time, we went to the kitchen, and ask a nice house elve for clothes for Fred and George Weasley" the I transformed into Fred and she into George

The we arrived at the Table and started talking with Alicia (who was the only other person from the Quidditch team)

and waited till the fun begin

Suddenly the doors open and the real twins get into the hall talking with Harry and when they saw us they got confused and Tonks asked me "Gred have we recently got ourselves cloned again?"

"No Forge i don't think so" i said, and that confused everyone more

Faster that i expected Snape hit the four of us with a spell and said loudly enough for Dumbledore (and almost all the hall) to hear "it isn't Polyjuice"

After a while Tonks and i couldn't hold it together, anymore we started laughing

Dumbledore was the first to come back to senses and said "Nymphadora and Friend please transform back to yourselves"

And that calmed all the teachers and the more smart students

"I'm not Nymphadora,Im Tonks" she says transforming back

Then I transformed back and Dumbledore suddenly had his twinkling eyes on me with a look in his face that totally said 'i know something you don't'

Harry was surprised, actually everybody was surprised to have another shapeshifter in the school

Dumbledore asked me "since when did you developed this talent? Mr. Jones?"

I acted like caught up with my hand in the jar of cookies "The library presented me a book were i could identify and help me control my talent in shape-shifting although it's not the same as Tonks because i never had balance issues"

Then when everyone calmed down the dinner started and Harry started asking me all sorts of questions.

When dinner was done Dumbledore stepped up again and said "Now that all of you are well fed and watered it's time for some announcements, I have to say that painfully Professor Binns passed to the other side, so i have to present you with a temporary history teacher replacement, a dear friend of mine:

Nicholas Flamel" and then the doors to the Great Hall opened and an old couple entered, with applause's then Dumbledore continued "Professor Quirrell had a family matter to attend so he can't continue teaching anymore, but for his replacement, i will introduce you to my other friend, Perenelle Flamel" and that brought up more applauses… "The Flamel couple will obviously stay as guest till the end of the year so please treat them with the respect they deserve as Professors and All their great discoveries they will do about the Wards they will examine"

The old couple sit down and watched till the end of the feast then they left, and honestly they looked bitter of continuing living like that

Thankfully I'm ageless cause i never want to be forced to looking like that…