18 Another self scan, Explaining and Transforming Harry

I woke up one day and thought about getting another self scan to see what I'm doing right

So i ask the library through my mind link

[Jack Jones

Race:??? (Tips for the name if the Race?)


Wizard(B): was born with magic

Great body(S):Training has 4 times the effect than it should be

Great Mind(S): Thinking and planning is easier for you

Great Affinity to Magic(S):You have a great affinity with magic, you feel it in the air, spells coming for you and if a spell will fail before it does

Library of Myriad's path(S):You own the best library known to man

Get Creative(S): Freely create new skills at the cost of LP. Cost differs based on the desired skill. (Current points 10564) {What did you expected, i beat whole Harry Potter Canon in one night, if that didn't overwhelm me with satisfaction, what would do it}

Owner of the library(B): you own the Library of Myriad's path, so you can use its abilities and have a weak mental connection to it, it's barely enough to transfer a book from the library to your mind once every 6 months, can evolve to Master of the Library (A)

Potions prodigy (S)

Offensive Magic (A)

Creative mind (S)

Language comprehension(S)

Spell feeling (A)

Perevells parseltongue(A)

Link's Square bomb (B)

Wards prodigy(S)

Patience Talent(A)

A lucky survivor (SSS): This is the ability copied from a chosen champion of fate, this ability means that even when someone is trying to plot against you always get to survive, like if it was your fate

Racial Abilities

Consume(Racial): You can eat and Analyze everything for you to use (You have consumed a large amount of food, from fruits to vegetables to Meat of Cow,Pig,Fish… etc)

Total Body Control(Racial): you can modify your body however you want as long as you have DNA,or Soul of a being scanned

Plus Ultra(Racial):You can upgrade and evolve all abilities without limits

Essence of Blank(Racial):Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it, and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn.

Eidetic library of knowledge(Racial):This ability created by yourself is a fusion between eidetic memory and Great Sage, You have a library for mind, this meas that you will never forget anything but instead of having all your memories at all times, they will come up when you need them, thus making you almost impossible to have traumas, also giving your mind all the capabilities of Great Sage

Spreading(Racial): You can transform another being into the same race as yours, you plant two seeds that will transform the brain and the heart into the foundations for the race change, then it will spread to the soul and finally changing fundamentally the being race, giving it all the other racial abilities

Cheater of Fate(Unique):You can copy the love from Fate that the Champions of Fate has and Create an ability out of them (Current progress: 1 completed)

Ok, so first i go to the bathroom and sneakily enter the Gate so the first thing i do is buy

[Defensive Magic (A)] and use my mind to fuse it with [Offensive Magic(A)]to make [Prodigy in Magical Defense(S)]

Then I copy the essence of the ArchMage and Harem Protagonist which is basically

-Capacity to learn any 'magic' even unique ones upon seeing it once or understanding enough about it. This also includes things like Ki, Chakra, soul power, etc.

-Possess a supernatural reactor that can adapt to any supernatural energy to fuel spells, enchantments, powers, etc. this reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow over time, right now you could use high consumption abilities with wild abandon and still not make much of a dent after a few hours.

-Can teach others systems even if they previously lacked the capacity.

-Manipulate entire systems or combine then with experimentation.

-And are capable of casting any spell as long as you have the energy not requiring any extra element like a focus or materials. The time required to cast if any remains however.

-There is something about you that can attract anyone, even strange alien beings beyond the comprehension of mortals and gods alike. What it is that attracts these individuals will vary from person to person but there will always at least be something that will pique their interest. Their interest can easily blossom into fondness, a desire for friendship, or even genuine love if given some time to interact with you in some way whether it be in person or through hearing about you.

-Are quite a bit tougher, enough that you could survive the rather destructive results of typical harem shenanigans. You will never suffer crippling or lethal wounds from any of those in your harem.

-You will passively draw towards you individuals that have significant power, importance in their world plot wise or some other reason, grand destinies, and this such as that. Toggleable.

-Granted infinite stamina and vitality, you are a quite able lover, able to please a mind boggling amount of people into bliss.

-Any individuals that become part of your harem will be more willing to put aside differences and grievances to work towards your happiness and their own if circumstances permit. The feelings and loyalty they have for you will remain eternally strong unless you do something terrible to change that.

-Fate, Destiny, and coincidence will bend, twist, warp, and maneuver to keep those in your harem yours. That doesn't mean they are bound to you forever if they honestly want to move on, just that things like individuals with mind control abilities, infernal lust powers, or a dirty monster tries to claim them these attempts at taking them will fail quite spectacularly. You can sense any who try to claim what is yours and who they are.

And then i finally returned, got a shower and the went to Harry and whispered him "Call Hermione and Daphne and get to the unused classroom in the second floor after classes"

And then the day followed as normal, or well as the new normal is for a harem protagonist, i literally had 3 falls where i felt boobs or ass and they didn't even get mad… and i noticed that some of the girls in the study club were looking at me more and more during the day, also i realized it wasn't like allure cause they didn't suddenly wanted to have sex in the first meeting or something, it's just like im suddenly more noticeable

So when it was the only for of us after classes i had to reveal it finally to them how did i eat the troll in halloween

I start "Ok i investigated a lot and i think i have the answer to what happened in halloween"

Hermione looks curious, Daphne calculatimg and Harry looks calm

"I think im not human"

Harry: "No! Really? I could never would have guessed it" says sarcastically

Although the other two didn't say anything i can guess by their faces that they have similar thoughts

"Ok from what i have found out i can totally control my body to look like i want to"

"Is that where you got that body changing ability like Tonks?" Asks Hermione

"Yes, but I'm not limited like Tonks, if i have ate it i can become into it, so all things like cow, fish and things that i normally eat i can become into them, and also means that i can do this"

Then i transformed into a look alike of the troll from Halloween

Harry is awed, Hermione looks like she wants to open me to experiment and Daphne looks jealous

Harry: "That's so cool"

Hermione: "How does that work?"

Then i become me again "and that not it, Harry hit me with a spell"


The spell hit me and i don't even react

"Spell resistant skin, and Troll like strength" i say as i lift and entire teacher's desk

"What? And you don't even have to tranform!?"

"Yeah, i basically can analyze everything i eat an gather talents and ADN from everything i eat and use it normally, so if eat enough dragon not only i can become a dragon i can also breath fire"

"That's so awesome"

Then we spent chatting about it for a while till we each go to our dormitories, but before Harry goes to his bed i dragged him to the showers and tell him "Harry, you're like a brother to me, would you like to become one in every sense of the word?"

Harry looks like he's gonna cry "do you mean it"


"Then if course yes"

Then i instinctively knew what i had to do, i cut a little into his veins in the arm


"Don't worry this will be fast"

My fingers started gathering a lot of energy, i don't know if it's my life force or magic or what but i started to feel weak, so when i felt that i was ready my fingers become one and a little slime like tentacle small enough to enter his veins, it entered fast , dropped the seeds and the closed the wound as it was leaving (while absorbing a lot of Harry blood that i can use to have all his personal and Bloodline abilities)

"That's all, by tomorrow morning you will be like me"

And we went to sleep

That night a lot happened to Harry while he was sleep, and i mean it, my race is op, and he has a very powerful bloodline, of wizards of at least till roman civilizations, and that means a lot of bloodlines that were rare to activate were getting analyzed by his new race and being activated one by one he went from lucky clever protagonist to OP protagonist in one night (obviously with his blood i also got them)