22 Luna lovegood

Well everything become normal you know for school, classes, study, games, i gathering a harem by flirting with every female that im attracted too…

Also thanks to the skills i have now my mannerisms started to slowly change, i have literally acting like a king, an emperor and a leader and it really noticeable because that and the harem protagonist combined gives the others a feeling like i should be respected and heard i think i saw some of the most weak minded people catching themselves almost doing a short bow but he could have only picked up something from the floor, probably he was only picking up something

But even then there were really changes like suddenly if i speak people listen to me first and then other people later, i can make the better decisions, and as the first to break the curse im the most intelligent so people really pay much attention to my advice, people started looking for me for advice and it feels awesome, troublesome but awesome

Is this what Dumbledore almost was? What Riddle was looking to be? What Lucius Malfoy almost becomes from the shadow of the Minister?

And ok maybe im hyping myself up a little but think about it, a second year (although looking like a 15-16 year old) and have the entire castle (except the teachers) asking for my opinion, and it was good opinion too, people were happy with what i recommend to them because im a Leader, a Teacher and a King so i can make them better themselves so easily

To be honest i didn't even realize till i meet someone that i wanted to meet even in my last life Luna Lovegood, which apparently was so curious as a child that she broke the curse at 9 and then she alone saved her own mother from the experiment by solving the spell crafting with her (she told me this later)

"Hello your Majesty"

"Your Majesty?"

"You have the entire castle asking for what to do, i think that for now you're the king of the castle"

And i thought about it, and she's totally right, i didn't even notice, the last day he literally made Draco Malfoy and Justin Finch-Fletchley become friends because they both have parents that want them to become business men, and he payed me attention, I made Draco Malfoy befriend a Muggleborn and it worked, do you realize how crazy that is?

I was speechless, then i slowly realized something crazy, i havd made Hogwarts even better for everyone, there's people now in a music club, there's a crafting club too and the blacksmithing…

I need my order of the round table, im not perfect and we all make mistakes so i will gather the best of each field a have them as my council

This is still happening while Luna is in front of me "If im the king I want you in my cousil"

"It would be my honor your highness" and then she bowed, without looking sarcastic

And then i felt it clearly as a day Satisfaction

So that went and become the proyect for this year, my own council, my round table, the people with i bounce ideas from

Obviously Harry is in it, and i will put him in charge of education

Luna is my wild card she's the one that sees what normal people ignore

Daphne is a Business Genius, so i will put her into Marketing and Trade

Hermione in the charge of Laws, the writing rule, the boring job that she loves the most but who else?

I could put Neville and have him for Herbology and Nutrition departments… but I'm not sure…

Padma is a Librarian one hundred percent so i will put her to the gathering and collecting of knowledge, maybe in charge of my Department of Mysteries too as a Researcher

Parvati is probably the best for international relations, that or something to do with fashion

Lavender she's my information broker, she's a gossip of the highest order and if can pair her up with Pansy they would create a great information gathering team

Now Millicent is going to be my potion specialist… (her mom's sells potions)

Susan Bones is going to be either a Judge or my Army commander

Hannah Abbot is probably taking care of the fauna of my empire

Sue Li is my black ops/Ninja operations

Tracey Davis is the Press representative

Penelope Clearwater is crafting/blacksmith one

And if Tonks was here she would be the Police Chief

(So how do i call this group? I could probably just call it the Round table or the Illuminati or something but you can give ideas for the name, and if you want a character in there just name it and what will it bring to the table)

I think sometimes Dumbledore looking like he was scared of me but to be honest i don't care, I'm not Tom Riddle and Never will be it's only a matter of time till he dies or becomes obsolete and I'm gonna replace him the children are the first to notice it and in a couple of years the adults will too…

But first i have to improve my subjects, so i enter the Gate and build the best recipes for the school to eat, how to make the meat more nutritious and help with magical regeneration the vegetables more magical and at the same time helping focus more and with studies, i made a lot of recipes, for all tastes, eating this diary will help to increase magical levels and regeneration more energetic, the people will be more healthy, more clever, more focused, something that improves life

And it's just thanks to cooking techniques, and good recipes, i went to the kitchen with the help of the Weasley twins

And for the first time a saw them, House elves

I asked if they needed help getting new recipes because there were new ones that just came out and apparently they already knew i was coming to give them thanks to "Hoggywarts" so the castle might be sentient, this could be interesting

So i give them the techniques and the recipes and then put copies of them in the library (for the cooking club)

And life continues classes, flirting giving advice etc…