34. Some contracts, meeting Asia and Killing stray devils

Well i already ate Dohnaseek so i already know the day the "nun" is going to arrive so i spent 2 weeks training them and still beating Sona in chess, she's getting frustrated about that

There's not much changes school, Magic learning, training Rias peerage and finally contracts to be honest the hard part is getting them to a potential client and i can easily do that with clones, Im not like Issei that needed a bicycle to get to the client, i learn devil teleportation easily and as soon as someone summoned me i appeared there…

I have met a lot of types of clients some want simple things like money, other wants more complicated things like a girlfriend (where they tell me their crush and i help them seduce them) and then there's the type that would be considered impossible (for normal devils) like a lovely person named Mil-tan who wanted to become a magical girl, obviously he could teach him magic but that will probably end up getting worse for her thanks to all the supernatural

so i gave him a choice "i can't give you magical power but i can give you a gender change, so at least you'll be a girl and you fit the costume better"

She accepted it so i created a skill to change gender of other people and use it on him (who now is a she) and then put a modified Fidelus so that everyone else except me and her think she was born female, now she's a constant client and sometimes she calls me to watch anime with her

Then we have another two types of clients the Dark ones and the fangirl ones

The dark ones are easy to explain they want something illegal Killing,Kidnapping etc… sometimes i do those if they have a real motive (like "i want you to kill my rapist")

Then the fangirl ones they want things like selfies, a butler for the night, dates, the only thing that i don't do are sexual related wishes

And this ones are recently added but i also got hired as a Lawyer, there was this client that accidentally trying to kill himself summoned me so i helped him and suddenly i was helping him against a false raping charges i gathered all the evidence and he got away free

Now as for payment, it depends on the contract but those that are complicated i just ask for their blood, 1 litter is enough and i can copy all their talents, if it's simple like a selfie just money maybe something simple like dinner or a cup of tea depends a lot on my mood

You're probably wondering why do you doing contracts? Well

First- it's doble benefits because my devil energy gets purer and purer with each contract while at the same time seeing my clients happy gives me satisfaction for Get Creative

Second -Im bored

Finally after two weeks, I'm in a park, near my house first i felt it an amazing soul, it was so pure i thought is was an Archangel, then i saw her that blonde hair, her nun costume…

And then she tripped…

I got closer to her and give her a hand "uhm are you okay"

"Awww, why do i keep tripping" she says with a young voice slightly

"Are you traveling?"

"No, i was changed to this town's church, do you happen to know were it is located, i been having trouble because i can't speak japanesse"

"English? Italian?" I asked speaking in those languages to see what she's best at

"Oh italian is better thank you" she started speaking in italian

"So you're lost, don't worry i will give you a tour of this town so you know were everything is"

And we had a lovely day, to be honest im mad with Issei, he didn't do anything special, he just treated Asia like a normal common human being and she fell in love with him, he didn't deserve her

She literally saved a kid with the sacred gear just because she could, she's too noble, the church were idiots to let her go

At the end of that Sunday i left her in the church and tell her that we should meet up again when she has time

"Like friends?" She asked shyly

I laughed and said "Asia we are friends"

And that was my first meeting with her

But tonight was different, tonight I'm taking Rias's peerage to real combat we're going to hunt stray devils

I watched from the side lines and at the end of the battle i point their mistakes and how to improve themselves, we hunted at least 2 stray devils per night till the town didn't have anymore

Stray devils are sad because tbh half of them didn't even want to be a devil, or are just tortured by their master… like i said before the connection between Rias and Me is keeping the demonic energy from trying to mutate me and made me crazy, but here are people who their master just went 'no, i don't need you anymore' and dumped him just waiting till he dies to recuperate their evil pieces

Obviously this is more tiresome than only training so i had to use my magical cooking to make snacks and desserts that give energy so they can regenerate stamina, magic and ki faster (this made their bodies healthier and improve their training results as well), while at the same time they are delicious to eat, Koneko sometimes just seats in my lap if i gave her cookies

Then after a month of training finally something interesting happened, i was summoned by one of my regular clients and an exorcist trying to kill him "Hey, hey, that's my client i can't let you just kill him like that"

"Oh a devil has appeared, you are lucky that I'm here Asia-chan i like cutting devil-like people" he said looking at a corner of the room where asia was gagged (probably for trying to sabe my client)

So this is Freed… what a weakling…

I literally just summoned my sword and started battling here, till he's down, and then i kill him. It wasn't pretty but i didn't torture him just one slash and he died

I released Asia from the ropes and the first thing she asked me "You are a devil?"


"You killed him…"

"Yes, he was trying to kill my client"

"Are you gonna kill me?"

"Will you kill my client?"

"No… God would not want to kill good people"

"Then No"

Then i let Asia go, i helped the client fix the house with magic and eat the corpse off freed… hmn he was useless, no important talent, apart from a little talent in swordsmanship and marksmanship