38. Chapters 38

When i finally woke up it Rias was still in my bed… she has mixed feelings, i can't let her regret it

"So who was that voyeur that visited last night?" I asked and that broke her concentration

"That was Grayfia Lucifuge the Queen of my Brother and by her own choice, a maid"

"What do you think it will happen? She probably already told your family about what she saw if she's a good Maid" I said

"I don't know and to be honest, I don't care" then she turned and kiss me

"So… want to go on a date?" She asked

I chuckled a little bit "I guess we could go on a date"

Then we eat breakfast, Asia looked a little depressed that Rias was sleeping in my room but obviously she was not going to give up

We had breakfast, we got to school, classes couching the kendo club, and finally on the afternoon we got to the occult club room were we Grayfia was waiting for us… and she looked surprised, she probably didn't noticed yesterday with all the emotions but right now she can only stare in shock at Rias Peerage… because every single one of us is at least of the high ends of Middle Class devils and Rias even though was born a High Class she finally has control enough to use her whole powers

She was about to say something but suddenly

a teleportation circle appeared it had the image of a Phoenix but, of a more majestic kind than the version in Harry Potter

Flames came out of the circle… hmm tasty, but these aren't Phoenix flames these are normal, they had a lot of Vitality but other than that they are normal, they don't even have the purification effect in them

Basically this flames will give great regeneration as long as the user has enough magic and can make great medical potions but that's it

Suddenly a man came out of it

"Fuu, it's been a while since I came to the human's world."

He looks around the room and smirks and looks at Rias

"My lovely Rias, i came to see you"

then he went along the plot and tried to grab Rias arm but before he could touch her

I cut his hand…

"Sorry, who are you? what are you doing here? And try to touch my Girlfriend again and i kill you"

He looks at me, obviously angry and ask me "And who the heck are you?"

I smirked "Im Jack Jones, Red Dragon Emperor but you can call me your Highness"

He looked a little surprised but his hand had already healed so he ignored me

He tried to force Rias with all that bullshit about Pureblooded Devils and then when Rias refused Grayfia said that all could be solved with a rating Game, Riser started showing off his peerage which were probably waiting to make and appearance…

the sick thing is at least half of them didn't want to be there the most obvious one was the Queen… when he started molesting her i could see that she wanted to kill Raiser , the others were Nel, Meru, Mihae, Mira, Burent Karlamine and Siris the only reason they haven't left him is that they probably are smart enough to understand what happens to stray devils when they are not close to their king

To be honest it was disappointing, all of them were High Low Class devils or Early Middle Class except for Raiser and Ravel and that's because they were born High class already

Raiser tried to pull a fast one on us by "giving us time" but he obviously wanted time to investigate us and our powers to make a strategy so i said to Rias loudly "These are the ones you were worried about? These weaklings won't stand a chance even if we gave them a month"

Obviously Grayfia was thinking the same thing because she was giving signals to Rias that she should try to make the rating Game immediately

Rias thankfully got it and Said to Raiser "There's no need to wait so much, Tomorrow we can start the Rating Game"

and that how they left… the only one that looked worried about it was Ravel that was looking at his brother like he was stupid

Grayfia also left after looking at me considering something i didn't catch on

Today, that i watched them i can say we can beat them with ease i spared them with training (at least physically) but i gave them the (S) Rank soul/mental training technique and said to them "today you will train your mind, use this technique to train all you can before the Rating Game"

and thats what they did… they sat around eating my cookies, tea and practicing the mental technique till was nighttime and began doing contracts…