41. To the familiar forest

Well since that day, there's been a lot of surprises, Grayfia came to my house a week after the Rating Game and became my head maid (she now trains the fallen angels)

When i gave a quick peek at her mind Apparently she was very turn on when i "forced" her watch how i took Rias for my own while ignoring her and then more turned on when i was brutally beating riser…

Yeap you guessed right, she's a totally M, she wants to be a "maid" being submissive and i got to say she's a great "head" maid ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also Rias started living in my house with my wives, Asia and my maids

I have took her to a couple of dates because she's been getting shy and more conservative of just being "another" conquest of mine, so i had to eliminate that from the route, Im not as stupid as og Issei

Well tonight is a full moon so that means that Asia and me are getting Familiars

Your probably thinking (Your going for the cliche and try to make Tiamat your familiar, right) and my answer is: Yes, totally

But you have to understand something even in canon technically Tiamat is a familiar, there just wasn't everyone that passed her requirements and at least i have to try.

So obviously after i win Sona in chess (she wanted a familiar for her new pawn) Everyone in Rias's Peerage(except for Kiba), Luna (she wanted to see magical creatures) and me appeared in this weird depressive forest that looks like it's cursed

We find fake Ash ketchup and began looking for familiars… it wasn't long before a spirit dragon found Asia, and the dragon is quite a cutie

Luna weirdly enough got a good baby unicorn foal as her familiar…

I went searching for Tiamat's cave and when i felt a bit of a powerful Draconic energy i followed it till i found a massive cave, and I'm taking massive as in the entrance is probably the size of the Statue of Liberty… but anyways i entered the cave while leaving everyone at the entrance…

And after walking a while i found a Room… it's ridiculous why would she need all these treasures? Wtf im talking literally half of all gold of earth is here if i calculated right

I got tired and yelled "Tiamat I've come to bargain" and behind me i heard a sound (was she waiting for me to try and steal something?"

And then this voice that is a lot more grave that a female should have said "What do you want?"

"I want to make you my familiar"

"Oh GOD DAMMIT ANOTHER YOUNG MASTER THAT FEELS SUPERIOR TO EVERYONE ELSE" she started getting angry and then calmed herself

"Look the only reason that I'm not killing you is because if i started killing everyone that came to ask me to be their familiars is because the devils as a whole would fir an alliance and try to kick me out of this forest and steal my treasures"

"So just so we are clear my requirements are simple but impossible for devils

1- You have to be powerful enough to survive a full powered punch from me, you can defend against it, try to dodge it i don't care, just survive

2- You have to give me a treasure i don't have in my collection

3- You have to give me at least 1 kid per 1000 years

Easy right?, if you fail to complete one of them after we signed the contract i can kill you"

Ok i think i now understand why nobody has her, she completely demented…

Only super devils would survive her punch, her collection is literally a gate of Babylon and the devils have difficulties to have babies

Her three requirements are impossible for devils… but not for me

So i said "sure let's sign it"

She sighed and looked at me with pity "Look between you and me there two types of people that come here the cowards and the fools, the cowards escape as soon as they hear the requirements, the fools sign even when they know that it's impossible and try to have sex before dying but there's something about you that makes me want to warn you, you can't try to fulfill the third requirement first, you start with the punch then the treasure and then finally i will give you my virginity that I'm saving for my master"

(Is my harem protagonist power helping me?) that would have been a good advice… if i wasn't so OP

"Sure let's sign"

She looked a little pissed that i ignored her advice but pulled a contract (in the form of a magic circle)

I touch it and it went into my hand and suddenly faster that i could think something everything disappeared, i was obliterated and mere specks of my body remained…

I used my powers as Phoenix and regenerated from a smear in the floor of the cave to my normal body

"Oh so you really survived thats more than anyone else before, and a devil with real Phoenix flames that's gotta be a punch in the gut to the church"

"You have 1 month to find a treasure that isn't in my collection"

And like that i went out the cave with Tiamat and her treasure (in a bag of holding from Hp)

I went and reunited with everyone else…

And suddenly Tiamat said "and get yourself another familiar because I'm not going to be used to deliver pamphlets or as surveillance, im a combat only familiar"

Ok, then i guess i will get another one… and after that i released into the air a lot of natural energy, my chi and a bit of my source combined with it, so i attracted a familiar that its attracted to my personality

After waiting for like 5 minutes movement was detected and it appeared… a beautiful fox, golden hair and a mischievous face

Ok maybe im a bit prankster but my perfect familiar isn't supposed to be a fox… maybe a lion or a snake or an eagle hell I'll even take a badger

Luna says "she's beautiful"

And i can see that everyone else agrees

Well if it helps me with the ladies (and if could se my face right now i would be surprised by how similar my smile was to the fox's)

The Fake Ash says "oh this one is very rare, this is spirit fox, it's rumored that they are the ancestors of the normal of today fox yokai… when fully grown they will have 9 tails and for each tail is and element that they control, there's only been sighted a couple of times in thousands of years"

So i look at him and say "so… you want to be my familiar, i guess i could let you, but you will be grateful to be with this pranking master and spreader of chaos"

And i got responded with a waterball that was launched at my face and i heard the fox laughing…

But didn't last long because a waterball that i had prepared from before i talked landed on the fox…

And then i laughed at her, and she laughed at me, and i heard Rias whisper "oh god there's two of them"

till we calmed ourselves and i made a familiar contract… the fox slowly was walking towards me and touched it… and got electrocuted so i laughed again

And that's how i got two familiars in one night