The next day after school Rias peerage and me were waiting for the members of the church that will come to negotiate something with Rias (cause the Gremory owns the territory, Sitri only owns the school and a couple of businesses in Japan)
We they entered i had to look twice, Xenobia is way sexier that i thought…
I felt their holy swords and i could feel Xenobia has spacial magic (probably where she keeps durandal)
Anyway the difference in Kiba could be felt… When they entered he started releasing killing intent that i could obviously feel were directed towards swords…
But im Op and from the way the exorcists froze they probably think it's directed at them
I hit him hard in the head
"They are guest so stop with the killing intent" i said
That calmed them a little but obviously they didn't let their guards down cause we still are devils
So they sat in the sofa in front of us…
Irina was the first to talk
"Excalibur was stolen from the church recently"
I snort
She looked at me and narrowed her eyes "what so funny?"
I looked at everyone looking at me "is really nobody gonna question how do the church lost the most powerful weapon that has ever existed?" I ask pretending to be confused at their looks
"Im sorry for my pawn he's new…" then she explained to me that excalibur "broke" in the war and i snorted again
Then i looked at their faces "Wait… your not joking? How could the most powerful weapon ever creat be just "broke"? What do you think excalibur is?"
Xenobia showed her sword excalibur destruction and i said "can i look at it?"
She looked amused and said "sure burn yourself"
I rolled my eyes, and willed my body to transform from devil to fallen angel…
I can feel everyone looking at me with surprise now… "what… i said your evil pieces gave me devil energy not that it made me a devil… i can be whatever the hell i want, and i already ate a fallen angel… if i had enough blood of an angel i could become one… hell if i had enough blood of God i could become his brother"
I think that surprised them but they probably didn't believe me because they were more surprised when i just grabbed excalibur like a normal sword then i look at it and analyze it
Suddenly i started laughing hard… everyone was looking me like i was mad
"Yep, you're right this is a part of excalibur but this wasn't an accident, Someone, God probably purposely made 7 blades out of it and then give them the 7 external abilities while sealing the original enchantments"
"Why would God do that" asked Irina
"You don't get it? Does nobody know the Tale of Arthur?"
I looked at them then felt disappointed when they all said no…
"Excalibur isn't not just another sword is basically the best of the best enchanted by Fairies… the sword will always win what his user desires… if you have the original excalibur you're unbeatable literally it doesn't matter if fate decided you needed to lose you would win"
Kiba which probably was the only one that cared about it to know the legendary sword asked "If it's true then how did he lose to mordred?"
"That's the easy part, Arthur didn't want to kill mordred, he wanted to stop the war so Excalibur killed both leaders and stop that war without more moves"
Everyone was surprised
"Remember that fairies are tricky they will make deals and make fun of you if you let them trick you why would you think the sword is not the same?"
Irina was surprised but still asked "what that has to do with God?"
"Well this is theory but i think he was scared"
Obviously the exorcist were getting mad
"Before you get mad think about it… What would happen if someone the sword considered worthy by the sword chose that God was bad and decided he wanted to kill God? He would succeed so he probably stole it made 7 weaker swords out of it's parts and gave them to the church"
"The sword could kill God?" The exorcist were horrified
"If someone with the original sword desired hard enough yes, even if it cost them their life, as i said before its the most powerful weapon ever created" i said
I gave it back to Xenobia
"So I guess someone stole some parts of the new swords?"
"Yes… they escaped to japan the culprits of this is the Grigori, the main culprit is Kokabiel"
"So you're here for help?" I ask
"No, our request… No we order you to not intrude in the battle of the church against the fallen"
Rias got quite pissed "are you trying to restrain us?"
"The higher-ups don't trust devils and fallen-angels. We were ordered as If the holy-swords are taken away from God's side then the devils would also be happy right? The fallen-angels would also profit from it. For those reasons it won't be weird for them to form an alliance. That's why we are giving you a warning. If you form an alliance with the fallen-angel Kokabiel then we will eliminate you all. Even if you're the little sister of the Maou, by our boss"
I snorted again "This is why i hate religion, it always attracts zealots, who the hell do you think you are to try and threaten me?" I said exposing my Draconic energy… enough for them to fear me
Xenobia didn't care though and even stood up "Im the one the church sent to recuperate Excalibur and if you get in my way I'll kill you"
"Please the church sent you just cause they had to be seeing do something, they know that Kokabiel is the culprit and they sent two 16 years old teenagers to stop the fallen angel that led an army against the devils and the angels… You're mere disposable pieces, Hehe i bet they said something like 'you're the best exorcist of this generation you're the ones that have more chances to succeed' and like everyone else that believes in the church you bought it with your brainwashed minds"