Should i continue?

To bo honest ive been nerfing my character a lot… lets start by what Mc already has…

-Mastery of all magic in Harry Potter Universe

-The Dna of all magic creatures of HP verse (so he has their talents, abilities, affinities, etc…)

-Technology of 100 years in the future

-Origin Energy

-Inmortal Soul (which means that if he really wants could uprade everything else to inmortal level talents)

That alone should be enough to beat at least all High class and weak ultimate class enemies of DxD

Then we have Heavenly Dragon (Ddraig) powers

Demonic energy (that he could purify and become a perfect version of Lucifer)

Fallen angel Dna (which gives him his powers talents affinities, etc…)

And dont get me started with everything that could be learning in the library

Then we start with fanfics and other op technologies and cultivation physiques bs

Like i said in the first chapter im not perfect my memories suck but from im remembering (right now)

Fanfics breaks a lot of things

-Tail of a Tail (Harry potter) has a version of the liquid luck potion that i loved the concept but is super op, basically Luck is real in that universe and the potion increases it and makes you more malleable to changes of personality to totally help you

Harry got in the middle of Hagrid's spell and got the pig tail so Hagrid got scared and take him to a healer that fixes a lot of issues (and seals) and gave him a liquid luck potion

Then the travel to diagon becomes crazy because the "plot" is that harry isnt in control but his luck is, which acts like and instict that tells him what to do, how to act, what to buy it was ridiculous what happens you can read it but i think it was bashing dumbledor for if your not into that

-Alexander Dantes & The Riddle Coins (HP)

This fanfics are two parts of an OC that in the first night at hogwarts gets beat up by purebloods, and break his wand, when he goes to report them nobody believes him because thanks to his accidental magic he repaired it but still doesnt work, so he has to make do and starts doing all magic wandless and it not bullshit like (i train three days and sudenly i can do all spells wandless) he's quite genius but that time were he could not no anything already put the other teachers in the mood (he's a good for nothing) so even if he did everything perfect they thinks he's copying hermione, im not going to spoil more but at the second fanfic he creates and utopia, a method more standardized for wandless magic, his own race out of investigating werewolves other magical creatures and the philosopher stone, which he calls lycans and are technically ageless

-Harry Potter and the Hidden Kingdom (HP)

This unfinished fanfic is so good and i would loved to know everything that was in his Potter ancestors vault (which includes the runes created by the perevell to create the deathly hallows)

Basically Harry uses his craftmanship to become independent, he plants his own food, he works in the neighborhood and he has a little space for himself were he has his own Little kingdom

-Harry and the Four Heirs (HP)

Everything that Merlin teached Harry is Op

-The Mischief Heir Series (HPxMarvel)

His spells and theories on magic are super op

That Harry is what i would think the perfect Hogwarts student, he represents all four houses characteristics (cunning, brave, hard working, clever) thanks to loki his new guardian

-A Place Apart (HP)

This Version of Harry potter has an Op ritual that ask magic for secrets of the universe (granting him a very good long term inteligence boost) that was op

He literally had a lot of good ideas and became a king

And that was just fanfics of one franchise.

i have a lot more that have technology or magic or techniques that are OP that My mc could travel and learn

-Saiyan technology is op, but what im most interested is the machines that they put their babies in were they can give him all the nutrients and fix whatever the child has and put him at his best potential (basically a super soldier serum but for all infants of the saiyans)

-Krypton technology is also op because the have capsules that can help children all the basic till university classes in a couple of days (we don't have scientist? Well clone somebody an put him in a capsule for a couple of days and we have a new scientist!)

-There was this movie that i forgot the title were there was this company that was making drops that gave you lucid dreams and that supposedly were about psychological recovery, but the ceo wanting to militarize so he could use it as a prison (like literally a couple of drops and you have lucid dream of being in prison for you whole sentence and only a day outside) and i remember thinking this is such a wasted technology, forget prison or sick people that are in a coma… education! You could have a dream and wake up knowing every single languague in the world because you traveled the whole world in ind dream, or being the best at maths because enstein himself teached you

-Limitless (both movie and series)

What can i say NZT-48 is op, and if Mc could investigate its effects and create a mental technique that gives the same effects 24/7 as a passive, nobody can beat him

Heaven eyes or other physique bs cultivation

So imagine this you have cultivated billions and trillions of years to comprehend death or chaos or void laws when suddenly some 21 year old kid saw a technique you created and got to the same level of comprehension as you because he has a "Heavenly physique" that lets him see the mysteries of heaven and earth … WTF is this bs

And then theres bloodlines…. just no. pls no

I could think to reference some animes or comics but i will beter take Draco and Eva from Guild wars as an example… their total powers of their bloodlines when combined amounts to

Draco (Lucifer Bloodline)

-All Dragons (including those mystical from legends)

-All Serpents (Including those from legends like Jomungandr)

-Fallen Angel




-Total control of an Afterlife for sinners

Eva (Amateratsu Bloodline)

-All Angels

-All of Void Monsters (including the elder ones like Chutulu)

-Celestial Maiden

-Goddess of the Sun

-Goddess of Purity


-Total Control of an Afterlife for good people

and then they will have a kid that will be "perfect" fusion of those two bloodlines…

Wtf the Mc could literally go to their verse, ask them (or take) blood from them and become two deities instantly because (they only have troubles because they lack energy to use their bloodline powers) but mc is already a god with Origin energy of his own universe

And we will not talk about System, or Game systems or gacha or chat systems…

I had plans in the future just out of spite to give everyone in his universe have a system just cause…

Then we have another type of op power but only is well used the AI chip from warlock novel or even just Abbysal Lord of Magi World

This type of power are op because of computacional analyzing power so you're op no matter the world

Well i guess i have made my case… theres literally nothing that could stop mc if he wants… kokabiel is basically a snack if mc wants…

So… should i continue writing this fanfic?

But basically i'll have to nerf Mc in some way to make it interesting, because Mc and his harem alone could beat the whole dxd if they want