46. Meeting Azazel and end of DxD

After the battle i lifted the magic shield, were we meet Vali (who was fighting and getting owned by Ddraig) and Azazel

He asked me to give him Kokabiel so we did…

The Angel was fun, he's a pervert but also an excellent scientist so we spent a lot of time talking about our proyects and a lot more about sex

I got tired of not having angels in my harem so i went ate god's system, modified it, to my pleasure and got it back in order and now i can have sex with more beauties… and angels get to be with who they love an bullshit like that boring stuff

Anyway God was a Dick… like a massive one, did you know? Apparently the system also kinda messed everything that wasn't an angel and humans, everything else got lower fertility and more aggressive personalities so the can wipe themselves out in civil wars…

A lot of time has passed the truth is that everything in this universe is worthless i have trained Rias peerage so they stay strong enough, they can defeat everyone they meet only Ophis, Great red and Trihexa aren't their opponents, so i let things continue, i train them i joke, i became their psychiatrist for their traumas

Koneko finally accepted herself and started using senjutsu

Akeno her fallen angel powers

Dio *Gasper* is the best cause i helped him to control time… he's easily the best assassin ever because his targets don't even know how they died

Together they are unstoppable…

Sadly they started to get arrogant so i used my magic to create something similar to the waterfall of truth

And that was my test, they had to face themselves at their worst

Rias faced a lazy version of herself

Kiba a version that got himself obsessed with revenge

Koneko a dark senjutsu version

Gasper a version that got himself trapped in time to be alone forever

Akeno, that part if her that inside wants to kill her father

And things got easy, i occasionally helped but i wasn't needed so i went to my universe

Used a lot Origin energy to make a Yggdrasil tree and used it as a base, a foundation to make multiple realms (these realms don't meet each other for now) and went back to DxD

And then i ate it… it was instantaneous, and they didn't even notice, but their universe has changed now it's full of origin energy and ultimate level beings can actively nourish themselves with it

It won't be long at best 200-300 years till a magician discovered the border to of their realm and try to by pass it, and then another 200 for them to open a gate HP realm

So i will create a test, this test will literally test their character and other things before they can go, no matter how many times they try to go back an forth they always have to take the ever changing test

Anyways after 5 years in DxD and an impressive quantity of new beauties in my harem i go to my next destination
