57. Class, training jutsu, and my Masterpiece in the Making

The first thing that i did after sending them to the academy was going to the academy too (when they were at their third class)

And basically i am the stealth, infiltration, and information gathering teacher, first thing i did, transforming myself in to a random child, i sneak into the classroom i sit in one of the chairs from behind and then i drop all stealth techniques, and see which ones noticed, well my three students did, the next one was Kiba, probably because of his nose, then Shino, and the last one is Shikamaru, but that one is because he noticed Kiba turning his head to look at me, while everyone is chatting i stand up, and say loudly "wow, i really must teach you awareness" when everyone looks at me i slowly start walking towards the front of the room while slowly changing my body towards my adult form

Most kids are awed, but some of the clan kids are already cringing at failing to notice me

"Well, let's start with that then" i grab a piece of chalk "Lesson 1 Awareness of your surroundings, out there, in here, everywhere you must be in CONSTANT VIGILANCE" i yell the final bit while throwing the chalk to various kids that weren't paying attention to me already (a well time shadow clone shuriken jutsu chalk version, and a little bit out force, not enough to kill but enough to leave a mark, and for pain) not even a 4 of the 8 students dodge it, so it hit them

I smirk "Oh this will be fun, My name is Issei, with me you will learn the art of stealth, infiltration and information gathering, as you probably realize I'm a jounin, i don't have a chunin vest like your other teachers, why? Because im not like other jounin, if i will take a genin team then i want to know them first, when this class graduate i will have a the choice on whom is going to be on my team,

But that doesn't need that i will grab the best of you, because honestly i don't care about your grades, i care about your potential, you could be the last of the class but if i see the potential inside you i will choose you and then discipline you into the best shinobi you could be, i don't care if you are from a clan or a civilian."

"Now that i have everyone's attention let's start with introductions. I want everyone to have an introduction, starting with your name then hobbies, and finally your dream.

I start, my Name is Issei, i have two clan names because im the last of both of them, i have 3 Kekkei Genkai, this i only say because of your curiosity and because knowledge of them doesn't affect the outcome of my battles but nothing as powerful as the other clans sadly, one boost my Taijutsu and gives me clawed finger if i wish so (showing my hand with claws), another let's me know everything about the a person just from eating blood of said person, which is very useful for both being a doctor and a teacher, because i know your body limits letting me train you to the best of your abilities and finally the third one and the most useful one for me total body transformation, this means i can be anyone, everywhere, and with just a bit of acting nobody knows they were infiltrated,for example" i transform into Shikamaru (who is sleeping even after being hit by chalk) and then i start acting like him "Troublesome class, i just want to watch clouds"

Then we start the introductions, bla bla bla

The clone yells "Im Naruto Uzumaki i like Ramen and Im going to be Hokage, Believe it"

Everyone started laughing but me, and like 8 of the 40 kids (which im happy to say 3 are the ones i taught)

"Then i Hope you train and study a lot, because we can't have a Hokage that isn't powerful or smarter than everyone else" i said with a very serious face "Now i hope that next time someone laughs at someone's dream i will kick you out the class i dont care if their dream is becoming Hokage, a God or the next Rikudo Sennin. Next person "

Everyone had already shut up after my advice and the next person was…

"Uzumaki Menma i like puzzles, solving them and my dream is to discover the truth of the universe, all of its rules and how to bend them" said rather quietly almost the total opposite of Naruto loud voice

I nodded and said "Next"

Bla bla bla

Anyways i started with the basics of stealth, information gathering and everything i want to teach and slightly i touched upon Chakra

"Ok so does everyone knows why are we Shinobi or Ninja but most of our fights aren't stealthy? Like why would a ninja fight throwing giant fireballs or creating giant walls of dirt?"

"The truth is we do it unconsciously, most clans probably don't even notice this but they still do it, the tenketsu can grow, a lot, but that growing is limited like a muscle, it starts from your 5 year old birthday and stops at 16 or 17 years old if you never trained the tenketsu stop growing and that limits your body, your mind and your chakra pool, for example let's say Idk Naruto here, never on his life uses a jutsu till he's 18, then that means that he won't be able to use jutsu higher that genin, because no matter how much chakra he has, his tenketsu are limited how much they channel, basically people started to realize that the people that fight with huge fireballs started growing stronger, so they started copying them, but i will give you this jutsu, specially created by me for tenketsu growing specially, it actually very simple and has a lot of benefits, the theory is heavy but basically you should use it every night before going to sleep, this technique puts you in a trance that helps you think more clearly, so you can use it for that to but its main things is growing tenketsus (and chakra hidden points, that will make you stronger and more intelligent)

(Basically this technique creates a shield out of chakra not dissimilar to Gara Sand shield or the kaiten with your own chakra that's being released by all your tenketsu, using them to maximum efficiency, without damaging them, but no only does this but everything else is realeased, basically trapping you with only your chakra and nature chakra, that is also being purified, because basically thats what it's doing, it purification of the body and the soul with this ying and yang jutsu training technique, you know like in those cultivation novel that expelled impurities, we are cleaning our chakras, and the nature chakra, obviously there are side effects because your body are getting literally blasted with chakra and nature chakra, is getting infused with them, making training easier, and giving it higher limits, if they really do use it for every night for the next 10 years, everyone will gain the potential of madara, just out of it, obviously they still need the experience and training but potential is a lot of what lacked in the original series, that was basically Uchiha Wank and Uzumaki is an underdog mc (at least for part 1) other side effects of the technique is that gives confidence, not arrogance, but confidence, because you are literally trapped in a ball of chakra meditating in only your chakra (and unless you learn senjutsu and feel nature chakra) you start to learn about it, how does it feel, it's properties, and it's chakra, it will communicate with you a little, you are basically learning about yourself because you are going in and spiritual journey, so it will slowly but surely eliminate things like shyness, and other effects like it, like imagine that inner sakura doesn't exist because thats how sakura really acts this technique is very chakra intensive, and constantly drains it but in long term is more beneficial)

I started to read about chakra theory, then medicine, biology etc… because i wanted and started to develop a jutsu, in fact not just any jutsu but THE JUTSU and i created this technique as a nice gift to them… just a side effect of my investigation, it's just the basic version, and at most gives them potential of madara (before having hashirama cells) i have a version that can give you Otsuktsuki, but that's nothing compared to what i will accomplish with my goal jutsu