
This morning, Dinda had returned to her normal self. She was cheerful and passionate about her upcoming day at school. Meanwhile, Nadya observed Dinda closely. Yesterday, right after she brought Dinda to their room, she did not say anything. Not a single question asked. She just let that girl calm down by herself. Sometimes later, she calmed down and then fell asleep.

Dinda looked at Nadya who was busy putting on her uniform and packing up her books. Deep inside Dinda's heart, she felt a little uneasy because Nadya had seen the other side of her. The bad and ugly side of her. Even until that moment, she did not greet her roommate. She was confused, she also felt a little worried that Nadya would ask many questions that she did not want to answer. She was concerned that talking about a traumatic past would do nothing but hurted her feelings.

"Anyway, Nadya, I wanted to say thank you for what you did to me yesterday." Dinda said that in a cautious tone while staring at her naked feet.

Nadya only glanced at Dinda for a moment and took a seat beside her. Nadya stared at her and sighed.

"Nah, don't mention it. It was nothing, really…" Nadya said. "If I may be so bold, I suggest that you make an appointment with a psychiatrist." Suddenly, Dinda's expression changed. "No, I'm not saying that you are a nutjob or anything. Who knows, maybe they can help you with anything you are suffering from."

"Nah, don't need to. That's unnecessary." Dinda's answer made Nadya smile bitterly. Actually, Dinda herself has considered a visit to a psychiatrist. But she knew that a treatment or even just a visit would cost her a lot, something she didn't have in hand at the moment. "Oh I remembered something. Nadya, do you know a goods delivery service around here?" Dinda was asking while she was ready to leave the apartment.

Nadya followed Dinda closely and they walked together toward the apartment gate.

"Well, there's one but it was located outside this block." Nadya answered. Right outside the apartment gate, she pointed her finger eastbound. "You see, there's a road right outside this block and it's located just across that road. Pretty close, maybe it would only take you five minutes on foot. You want me to take you there?" She offered.

Dinda patted Nadya's back and smiled cheerfully. "Nah, I'll go there myself. Should you arrived at school before me, see if Selly has arrived or not."

"Alright, take care. That area is dangerous."

"What danger?" Dinda was confused.

"Fighting between students often occurred there because there were not many people around."

"Oh, alright…"

Dinda walked to the edge of the block, she could see clearly that there were several cafes and stores. No wonder why this place was called an elite part of the city because everything that people needed could be reached fairly easily. They even have a supermarket. While on the other side of her block there was an elite residential area. It was a huge residential area that expanded all the way to the back of her school building according to one of her student's mothers. Still based on the mother's information, at the end of that area, there was a huge building, almost like a castle. It was located exactly behind the school. Its owner was a highly successful businessman that owned all sorts of business in many areas including that residential area itself.

Dinda really lost in her thought, how did they make such a huge amount of money? It really motivated her to study well so she could be a rich person like they were and thus, no one will stomped on her dignity

"Where'd you think you're going, fuckers!?"


Dinda abruptly halted her pace as she saw a bunch of boys in high school uniform chasing each other in the middle of the street.

Armed with several makeshift blades and iron rods, a group of high school boys who wore the same uniform as her were chasing boys form another high school.

Dinda was standing amidst the fray. She was frozen in place because she was so frightened and confused.

"Ignore it." She whispered to herself.

She grasped her bag strap tightly as she tried her best to ignore the upheaval that transpired before her. Dinda did her best to pretend that the world was doing just fine. She only looked to her right and left to make sure that the street was safe enough to be crossed.

"Hey, Airlangga High School girl!" Someone shouted and it made her frightened so bad.

She accelerated her pace as the delivery service post was right in front of her. But suddenly a boy pulled her hand roughly.

Dinda looked at that boy, he was a high school boy with a black eyes in a light brown uniform. He was grinning viciously as if he got a human shield to fight back Airlangga High School boys who already got the upper hand.

"C'mere, bitch!" That boy yelled.

Dinda remained silent. She gulped in fear. Cold sweat drenched her entire body.

Would she kick the bucket today? Would she be ravaged and fall victim to their venereal lust only to be disposed of in the most gruesome manner possible like the one she heard from the TV news?

Dinda gulped again as her other arm was pulled by another figure until her entire body was clutched into his grasp. His scent was so alluringly fragrant despite being profusely sweating, his chest was tough, his muscles were hefty.

Dinda raised her face, her eyes were staring at the boy who caught her. Moments later, she tried her best to shoved him away and put a distance between them.

"She's my girl, if you laid your dirty hands on her I'll snap your head off right here, right now!" That boy shouted.

He was pulling Dinda away from the carnage to safety, but she was trying to get off him as hard as she could. She refused to be saved then hugged herself.

"The fuck do you want!?" Rendra shouted.

"Definitely not you! I don't want you!" Dinda shouted back, hysterically.

Rendra simply could not wrap his head around this female human. Especially as she made a senseless fuss in front of him. That was why Rendra didn't really like girls, with all the problems they brought with them.

"Listen here, you little shit. You shouted so hard that you don't want me, yet you trembled like crazy here. The hell do you want, you wench!?" Rendra was furious. "You are coming with me!" He shouted while gesturing to her to approach him, while his other arm rested on his waist.

"Hell naw!" Dinda shouted back and it infuriated him even more.

"You. Here. Now!" Rendra shouted even louder.

"I don't want to and it's final!" Dinda shouted to the top of her lungs.

Rendra had enough. He approached her and picked her up like a bag. He didn't care how much she struggled to release herself. He shoved her into his car, got in, locked the doors, and drove away. Dinda was really exasperated.