39 (Dinda's Sneaker's -2)

Dinda was silent for a moment, and she was baffled about what answer she would give to her friends. She couldn't possibly be honest because this has become a secret she must share with Panji's parents.

            "Din, answer please, eh!" excited Diana.

            "Actually, on the anniversary of the banner..." said Dinda. She swallowed her saliva with difficulty. The shards of the worst memories of her life came back again. She was leaving a very tight feeling in her chest, making her feel like the most disgusting girl in the world. "That night, I fought with Panji, and we broke up. That's why I left and forgot to tell you,"

            "Then why did your mother look for you to us?" Sella investigated again, who felt that Dinda's answer did not satisfy her.