60 (Meeting -4)

"This is my business, and you don't have to interfere," Nathan spoke again. Rendra immediately grabbed Nathan's uniform by the collar, causing everyone there to scream. But Nathan, with his cold gaze, seemed so calm and did not return Rendra's anger. In this case, Nathan hated being the center of attention the most, so everyone overreacted to him. He just wanted to solve his problems. Is it hard? Do they still want to stubbornly enter into his private realm, as if he has no rights over himself?

            "You realize that, don't you? You are a red pillar! For our school, you are the king here! If another school can make you humiliated like this, it's the same as being humiliated by our school! So, I have to make calculations for them to resurrect restore our school's pride. That's my job as a black pillar, you understand!"

            Nathan immediately pushed Rendra's hand away, which had been gripping the collar of his shirt, but he didn't say anything.