75 (SYH -1)

"Yes, I miss you, please..." Niken replied. When all the students looked at her with strange looks, she hastily changed her answer. "Miss you guys, right, long time no see."

      Nadya seemed to snort, and then she pulled Dinda's hand to walk ahead of Niken, who was there.

      "Hurry, ah! In the afternoon, Nathan's house will be," she said to the other children.

      Nathan knew that Dinda was going with Nadya and was about to leave, but Niken grabbed his hand.

      "May I join?" She asked again, which managed to make Sasa and Selly nudge each other.

      "Whatever," Nathan replied, slapping Niken's hand then half running after Dinda. Meanwhile, Niken was walking leisurely, following Nathan's fast pace.

      "Hey, I just remembered!" shouted Benny, which managed to make Regar, who had been admiring Niken's beauty, shocked.

      "What the hell, you!" angry Regar.

      "I remember who that girl was!" shouted Benny excitedly.