Within a hut a few ways off from the one the blacksmith was in, Ragnar and the war-veteran-looking older man sat face-to-face, both with serious and gloomy expressions on their faces. The atmosphere was quite uncomfortable, and the silence only emphasized that.
Around this time, Cyanide and the others were speaking to Velvet about the mission of saving her little brother. Compared to the mood over there, which should theoretically be a lot heavier, this was on a whole other level.
At last, the war veteran decided to break the silence.
"… You asked to speak with me privately, so here I am. Spit it out. If there is one type of person I hate the most in this world, it's men who dilly-dally and beat around the bush—especially when they've already made up their mind to do something."
At this, Ragnar gave a snicker.
"Hmph. Yeah, you're right… so how about you stop avoiding my gaze, and tell me who you really are?"