A Reputation For Being Crazy

"And trash is bad?" Talori clarified.

Brennan's expression darkened. He had been so friendly until that moment. He must really not like trash.

"Trash is terrible! It's everywhere. Polluting rivers and streams…killing wildlife. You really don't know anything being tucked away in your kingdom, do you? Countless ocean ecosystems are dying. Sea creatures are being killed by plastic every day. And it's all the humans' fault!

"They're terrible, greedy creatures. The only good thing they ever did was come up with amusing ways to keep themselves busy. But at what cost? I miss the way the world used to be. Before they wrecked it. So many fae have suffered at their hands but no one more than the fairies because we are so closely tied to nature."

Talori could feel his pain as he spoke. His hands balled into fists and they were shaking.

She didn't understand everything he was saying but she could tell it meant a lot to him. One part struck her in particular.

"You care about the ocean?"

Brennan nodded vehemently. "I love the ocean! I'm a marine biologist; it's my job to study it and try to keep it safe from harm as much as possible. You're so lucky you get to live in it. It's the most beautiful place in the world."

Talori's heart warmed at his words. Her home was beautiful. It was nice that a surface-dweller thought so too.

"I wish I could show you more of it. I usually only manage to leave the palace at night when it is harder to see all of the colors. I am afraid you will have to hide here until then and I can take you home."

Brennan sighed. "Do I really have to go so soon? There's so much I want to know about your culture and what it's like living under the sea. Now that I'm here, I admit I hoped I could stay for a while since I'm able to breathe. I won't be a bother!"

Talori bit her lip. There was so much she wanted to know about his culture too but there was the problem of Zale to contend with. Would she really be able to hide a fairy in her quarters indefinitely?

"I do not believe you would be a bother. I…I am not supposed to leave this place. If my brother discovers you here, he will know I have been sneaking out," she confessed.

"Your brother?"

"Zale worries too much. I do not know that I will be able to hide you for long."

"I'll do whatever you say! Just please don't make me leave yet. I'll never get another chance like this to truly experience the ocean," Brennan pleaded.

Talori couldn't say no when he looked at her like that since she was already wavering. They were both curious souls who wanted to know more about the other's world. She would likely never get another chance like this to talk to someone willing to answer so many of her questions. Everyone always said that princesses were meant to be seen not heard.

She bit her lip. "Alright but you have to be very careful. When I tell you to hide, you must hide."

Brennan nodded eagerly. "Thank you! I won't let you down, I promise. Ask me anything. I might not like humans much but I've lived in their world for a long time so I know all sorts of things you might be curious about."

Talori couldn't deny that she was looking forward to that. He was probably very knowledgeable. Tonight she would have to take him to her cave and find out what all of her treasures were called. She had never known since she didn't have anyone to ask.

"I have a cave full of items from the surface. I hoped you could tell me what they are."

"Sure thing!" Brennan agreed easily. "But in the meantime, can you tell me more about how things work around here? What do you eat? How does your society work? Harmony would flip if she knew I was down here so I have to gather all the information I can."

"Flip?" Talori asked, cocking her head curiously.

"Ah, it's slang. Means she'll be super excited. Sorry, I've picked up on a lot of slang with how much I've been around."

"You will have to teach me this slang. I am afraid I only know what I have been taught of your language rather than hearing it from a native speaker. I do not get up to the surface often."

"Absolutely! I'll teach you anything you want to know. Favor for a favor," Brennan said before beginning to tell her every slang term he could possibly think of and what it meant, frequently stopping to answer further questions on her part.

Neither of them got any sleep because of how long they stayed up talking. He answered her questions very patiently but also had many of his own. They were still at it when someone knocked on Talori's door to bring her breakfast as usual.

She hissed at him to hide and pointed at a wardrobe that he slowly swam over to before she could open the door and greet the servant in Mermish. "Good morning, Marlowe."

"Good morning, Princess! I have your food here. But I must ask…was there someone else here?"

"No," Talori lied.

She had a reputation for being crazy. No one would think it too odd if she talked to herself except for Zale. She hoped that Marlowe didn't mention it to him. She wasn't quite as close to him as his mermen were but her loyalty had been bought because Zale saved her younger brother once. It was why she had been chosen to work here.

"I could have sworn I heard something…I must be tired. Forgive my impertinence."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. Do you know when my brother will be coming to see me today?"

"Prince Zale has some business to attend to but plans to come by in a few hours once it has concluded. In the meantime, he asked me to give this to you."

Marlowe held out a treasure that had clearly been found after the storm and Talori hugged it to her chest. Overprotective as he may be, Zale was a good brother who cared about his sister's interests.

"If you see him, be sure to thank him for me."

"I will. Enjoy your meal, Princess. I shall return for the dishes later."