You Have My Word

Zale momentarily set aside his confusion and shock at finding such a creature here in Talori's room because this solved his problem perfectly. If she knew a surface-dweller, all he had to do was send her away with them.

"Wake up!" he shouted in English as he shook the creature's shoulder.

"Talori? Are you back already?" the creature mumbled sleepily, rubbing its eyes before jumping backward in alarm. "Zale! I mean…um…ah, I really can't explain this."

Zale crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the creature. "What are you? How did you get down here?"

"I'm a water fairy. I got swept off my boat in a storm and Talori saved me. Please don't get mad at her for sneaking out! I was the one who wanted to stay here after I woke up; this was my idea not hers."