Simply The Way Things Were

Brennan glamoured himself and released his magic bubble once he got closer to the surface. He was off to the side of the boat now and yelled at the top of his lungs.


Someone on deck swiveled around in disbelief before getting several other people's help to throw out a life preserver and drag him to the safety of the boat. He had to be careful than no one touched his wings as they helped him up.

"What on earth are you doing out here?!" one of them asked.

"I'm a marine biologist," Brennan said tiredly. "I was swept out to sea during the storm a few days ago. My research team is probably really worried about me. Can I call them?"

"You've been out here for days?! Wow! Of course you can but we don't have any service out here aside from an emergency radio. I'll have to contact the coast guard and they can get a hold of them for you. Where are you coming from?"
