He Really Didn't Want Her To Go

Talori acted like she was doing it solely because Brennan asked but he could tell she was having fun with it based on how she was talking to herself about how to maximize on space. Her whole countenance seemed lighter.

He was glad that humiliating himself was working to cheer her up. He had no doubt that she would end up sending the picture to Harmony, if not everyone she knew up here.

When she finished, she took pictures from several angles to get the full affect and grinned at him. "You look beautiful."

She held up the phone for him to see and he grimaced. Beautiful? He looked ridiculous! But that had kind of been the whole point of this. To look ridiculous and get her mind off of her brother. It seemed to have worked.

"I look like an idiot."

"You do not!" Brennan raised an eyebrow and Talori amended her statement with a laugh. "Okay, maybe a little."

"At least you're honest."