You're Doing Fine

Zale was too embarrassed to ask Aila what she liked directly so he approached his sister first. She was the one who wanted him to pay more attention to his wife so she would probably be willing to help him out. 

She seemed pleased and clapped her hands together. "Oh good! I'm glad you've finally come to your senses. Don't worry about a thing—Inspector Talori is on the case!" 

He didn't know what that last part meant. It must be some surface thing. There had been a lot of things like that since she came back. She had deeply immersed herself in the culture up there, as he had expected she would when he first sent her away. 

The next day, she reported back that Aila liked kelp weaving and pearl accessories. Alright. He could work with that. 

Zale contacted the most revered pearl accessory craftsman in the kingdom about commissioning pieces for his wife. She would need better jewelry for future events anyway so at least the gifts would be useful.